Monday, October 21, 2013

I’ve been over here

I have spent my extra time blogging over here.
It’s much more exciting anyway!
(just updated today!)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

she sounds great

We got the phone call this morning.
Sister Rowley called me and we conferenced in dad.
The three of us spoke for 25 minutes.

It was great to HEAR her voice.
To LISTEN to her joys and frustrations.
To reassure her.
To TELL her we love her and that we are so very proud of her!

Friday, October 11, 2013

This post comes with a warning

If you can't stand the sight of blood
Stop now, and go no further.


For quite some time now, I have been enduring chromic tendonitis in my elbow.
A cortisone shot helped for a while, but the pain came back.
The options were down to two: surgery or a less evasive procedure
known as a platelet rich plasma (PRP) injection.
I opted for the latter.

I was warned of the pain and prepared myself effectively.
It was actually not as bad as I prepared for… I clenched my teeth, but shed no tears.
I little dizziness after I sat up required a moment of rest before leaving the doctors office.

It was fascinating to learn about this procedure…. the power of the body,
the healing nature of blood.
It started with the drawing of 1 ounce of blood.

then the blood is then placed into a centrifuge where separation occurs.
After the separation,  the plasma and red blood cells are discarded and
the white blood cells, platelets and a hint of red blood cells are extracted and prepared for the injection.

The most tender part of the tendon is located and the injection is made.
Scar tissue is created and healing is forced.
The doctor then reminded me that I  have several days of extreme pain….
described as a bruised broken arm.

Naturally, I took time off work, made myself a sling,
and put my husband to work… fixing dinner, putting toothpaste on my toothbrush, putting in my earrings,
getting me ice cream (a natural pain reliever).

I am lucky on so many levels…
talented doctors, creative medical procedures, and a loving, caring husband!

Kinda reminds me of this...

Saturday, October 5, 2013


It’s has not even been TWO weeks
and we have received TWO wonderful emails from our missionary.

The second one came in today. I was awake when it was sent
and my phone promptly alerted me.
I quickly read it and responded with a quick question…
”Did you get the package?”

That question resulted in several back-and-forth emails.
Faux texting with my missionary was wonderful.
I have been missing those types of interactions that took place everyday.
It was a tender mercy, being able to “chat” with her.

By the way, her letters are posted on her mission blog here…

Email #1

Email #2

Already, so much growth has taken place.