Friday, August 26, 2011

Inevitable departure

We are down to days… 12 to be exact.

Each day, there is a gentle reminder that Taylor will be leaving soon.
Today was a not-so-gentle kind of day… she received her roommate list.

So far, this has been the biggest bite of reality we have had to swallow.

This, combined with Kylee’s yearnings to move out,
just might make us empty nesters FAR TOO SOON!!
I am not ready to swallow that.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Test results back in 2-3 weeks.
We are hoping for a positive diagnosis.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This month marks both the passing and the birthday of my late father-in-law. 
His birthday is this week, and this has been an unusually significant birthday. 
I attribute this to my upcoming lesson in Relief Society… Temple Work and Family History.
Up until his untimely death, he was diligent in his search for his ancestors.

As I have been making preparations for this lesson, I have been doing a little research.

I have spent more time than usual on,
the family history site for the Christ of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Because his family is a convert family, I decided to focus on searching for the same ancestors.

I have volunteered for world wide indexing so that I can gain experience
and understanding as I present this topic in the lesson.
(Ironically, indexing became the tool that has given me a lead on some of his missing family members.)

I must confess, this “research” has been more of a distraction than help.
I have located more family names that need temple work.
I have found some leads on a few “dead ends” on the family tree.
I have re-dedicated myself to attending the temple more often.
I have indexed over 500 names.
I have realized that you cannot take for granted that someone else has already done the work.
I have completely ignored the lesson book.

Here I am, days away from teaching, 
While I have not outlined a script for a lesson, my usual method of teaching (because it gives me security),
I have gained something much more valuable… loads of personal experiences to share with the sisters.
And, if I get a response to an email I sent to a stranger, possibly a miracle or two.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Just for fun...

An Australian travel website sent three men on a six-week journey around the world. This stop-motion video, titled "Move," chronicles their voyage in 60 seconds.

<a href='' target='_new' title='Stop-motion video circles the globe in 60 seconds' >Video: Stop-motion video circles the globe in 60 seconds</a>

Thursday, August 11, 2011


“Life is perfect for none of us.
Rather than being judgmental and critical of each other,
may we have the pure love of Christ
for our fellow travelers
in this journey through life.”

~Thomas S. Monson~

Friday, August 5, 2011

Listening & Seeing

As a mother, I want nothing more than good health and happiness for my daughters.
Over the years, we have been very blessed.
Our needs have been met, we have been able to pay our debts.
We have been able to satisfy many of our wants.

My children have not asked for much.
Another great blessing.

This year has been a little different.
We are still blessed with the ability to meet our needs and obligations,
but certain “want’s” have had to be set aside.

Not because we HAD to, but  because we have turned to our senses.
We been more diligent in LISTENING and SEEING.
Listening to our living prophets as they strongly encourage us
to get out of debt, build up our food storage, and return to “the basics” of the gospel.
Seeing that we have additional expenses on the horizon:
current tuition, future weddings, potential missions.

It has been difficult to disappoint my children.
I have been disappointed too!
But I do know this…

As we keep our ears and eyes open,
pay attention to counsel & promptings,
and faithfully comply & obey,
our blessings will be multiplied