Thursday, December 26, 2013

Pics of the Week

Meeting Elder Christofferson

meeting elder christofferson

Running into familiar faces (height twins):

12.16.13 [3] short with sis. olsen

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pics of the Week

First of all…. my youngest is home in ONE WEEK!!!
Secondly…. here are the pics of the week from my eldest in DC.
SNOW! actually made the missionary happy…snow
dc temple
Treats and notes from the home ward… made her day!12-09-2013 email

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

pics of the week

Meal calendar… FULL
Missionary tummies… FULL!missionary meals

Thanksgiving leftovers…
Happy missionary!
thanksgiving leftovers

New companion…
sis mendenhall

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


More and more, my birthday becomes less significant, just another day.
Each year brings me closer to the moments most dreaded in the aging process.
Responsibilities of adulthood, wifehood, and motherhood, have realigned my priorities and desires.

On Monday, I received a quick email from my missionary, wishing me an early Happy Birthday on her P-Day.
Later, my annual physical with  my doctor. She gifted me with meds for high blood pressure.
(See what I mean by dreaded aging!)

Off-key birthday tunes from the office, treats and a card signed by all.
(Working on my birthday because I am a responsible adult.)
Phone calls from my youngest daughter, husband, mother and brother made my day!
(Family is what matters most!)
Dinner out (more common now that it is just two of us), and snow shoveling (twice).
A quick change into sweats and relaxing on the couch in a warm, cozy home at 7:30.

Pretty much, a perfect couple of days!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

pics of the week

First of all… Happy Thanksgiving! There is so much to be thankful for. While we will miss having Kylee at the table tonight, we would not want her to be anywhere else. We are thankful for her willingness to sacrifice wonderful family traditions (temporarily) in order to hasten the Lord’s work. I am certain that she will be well fed and taken care of by others and perhaps, bring home a new tradition or two.

The District
the district

The District Sisters
district sisters

DC Temple

temple (2) edit

Friday, November 22, 2013

pics of the week

Thursday was the day I picked to showcase the PICS OF THE WEEK.
As I was getting ready to post, I noticed something….
Sister Rowley updated the blog herself!!

So, instead of stealing her thunder,
I posted these a day late.

YSA’s are great!
Missionary photo bombs are great too!daniel takes care of missionaries and ashley

I am starting to see a pattern…icecream best friend

Cute as ever! I’m glad that the mission is not taking the Kylee out of Sister Rowley!sporting sunglasses

Friday, November 15, 2013


(Also posted on Sister Rowley’s blog…)

The letter we received today was full of discouragement and struggles. Not anything that is uncommon for any missionary, but definitely something Kylee wasn’t prepared for.  (What missionary is fully prepared for anything that comes their way?)

On Nov 7, she expressed

“I’m really struggling today (and every day is seems). I should probably talk with President Cooke, but I feel dumb, and then I feel like I’m complaining and not doing my part… Is there such a thing as too many Priesthood blessings?.. If I ask for another one, does it mean I’m not trying hard enough myself? A scripture that came into my head this morning… remember that the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.  I was feeling worthless and then that thought popped into my head numerous times. I know other missionaries are struggling too, but they do such a good job at hiding it, forgetting themselves, and serving the Lord! I know I need to be patient with myself but I can’t see that I’ve made any progress at all.”

She has since seen President Cooke and reports that “everything got better”. I know that the visit made a tremendous impact on her. She has no doubt that she is where she needs to be. She is realizing that certain things that seem bad (cancellations etc.), often happen for a reason.

Please keep Sister Rowley in your thoughts and prayers.

PS Letters of encouragement can be sent here:

Sister Kylee Rowley
Washington DC North Mission
11700 Falls Rd
Potomac, MD 20854-2823

Monday, October 21, 2013

I’ve been over here

I have spent my extra time blogging over here.
It’s much more exciting anyway!
(just updated today!)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

she sounds great

We got the phone call this morning.
Sister Rowley called me and we conferenced in dad.
The three of us spoke for 25 minutes.

It was great to HEAR her voice.
To LISTEN to her joys and frustrations.
To reassure her.
To TELL her we love her and that we are so very proud of her!

Friday, October 11, 2013

This post comes with a warning

If you can't stand the sight of blood
Stop now, and go no further.


For quite some time now, I have been enduring chromic tendonitis in my elbow.
A cortisone shot helped for a while, but the pain came back.
The options were down to two: surgery or a less evasive procedure
known as a platelet rich plasma (PRP) injection.
I opted for the latter.

I was warned of the pain and prepared myself effectively.
It was actually not as bad as I prepared for… I clenched my teeth, but shed no tears.
I little dizziness after I sat up required a moment of rest before leaving the doctors office.

It was fascinating to learn about this procedure…. the power of the body,
the healing nature of blood.
It started with the drawing of 1 ounce of blood.

then the blood is then placed into a centrifuge where separation occurs.
After the separation,  the plasma and red blood cells are discarded and
the white blood cells, platelets and a hint of red blood cells are extracted and prepared for the injection.

The most tender part of the tendon is located and the injection is made.
Scar tissue is created and healing is forced.
The doctor then reminded me that I  have several days of extreme pain….
described as a bruised broken arm.

Naturally, I took time off work, made myself a sling,
and put my husband to work… fixing dinner, putting toothpaste on my toothbrush, putting in my earrings,
getting me ice cream (a natural pain reliever).

I am lucky on so many levels…
talented doctors, creative medical procedures, and a loving, caring husband!

Kinda reminds me of this...

Saturday, October 5, 2013


It’s has not even been TWO weeks
and we have received TWO wonderful emails from our missionary.

The second one came in today. I was awake when it was sent
and my phone promptly alerted me.
I quickly read it and responded with a quick question…
”Did you get the package?”

That question resulted in several back-and-forth emails.
Faux texting with my missionary was wonderful.
I have been missing those types of interactions that took place everyday.
It was a tender mercy, being able to “chat” with her.

By the way, her letters are posted on her mission blog here…

Email #1

Email #2

Already, so much growth has taken place.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I am a contributor to Kylee’s missionary blog.
We are hopeful that the time will come that SHE will be able to update it herself….
Until then, here is what happened yesterday:

Sunday, September 22, 2013

2’s and 3’s

Three times in two weeks =  the number of times I have listened to my missionary speak in church.
Two of those three times was just this morning.
My two daughters have been home together this weekend as we
prepare to take Kylee to the MTC in three days.
In just two days, she will be set apart as a missionary through Priesthood Authority.
Soon, it will be just the two of us…Evan and I.
Well, three, if you count the dog!
My heart is full of gratitude for my two daughters.
Together, with my loving husband, I have the three best friends I will ever need.
Before we know it, the four of us will be in three different states
but in less than two years we will all be reunited.
I think the two of us can handle that!
Well, three, if you count the dog!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Emptying the nest

First, Taylor leaves for another semester at BYU-Idaho.
Then Kylee leaves for the MTC.
By the end of the month, Evan and I will be (temporarily) empty nesters.

I am not sure what that means for us.
I do know that it is bitter sweet.

I knew I loved Evan before we were married.
I loved him even more on our wedding day.
Each day after, even more.
We loved our time together, and we spent it well.

Then children came.
I loved him even more.

We raised our daughters together.
We were lucky with them.
They never gave us much trouble.
They were as patient with us as we were with them.

All four of us, built our strong family together.
We love spending time with each other.
We love being at home together.
We love laughing and playing together.

Now, one by one, our daughters are leaving us.
Evan and I get to practice being just the two of us again.
That is, until they come home.
And, we will always welcome that!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Best Plans

The original plan was to coordinate an event.
A hall reserving,
food catering
invitation sending
kind of event.
It was decided upon years in advance.

Through the course of these years
my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
His memory diminished quickly.
First it was events, then friends
and now, occasionally, family.

While an occasional “good” day occurred,
it was evident that such an event would
be a great source of frustration for him
as well as my mother.

An evening of reminding my father of who
he was visiting with and constantly explaining
to guests the current status of his condition
was not an evening anyone would look forward to.

So, the plans changed.
Instead of a grand party,
we celebrated my parents golden anniversary in,
what turned out to be, the perfect way.
A small intimate dinner for 8.

We booked reservations at The Roof,
a restaurant stilling on the top floor of
the Joseph Smith Memorial Building with
a perfect view the the Salt Lake Temple,
the place they were married 50 years ago.

The cherry on top…
a little unknown fact, later revealed
they had their wedding breakfast in that
very same building when it was the Hotel Utah.


(Thanks again to Kylee for documenting the event so well!)

Friday, August 2, 2013

The PERFECT Marriage

Some may say it doesn’t exist.
I say it does.
Not because it IS perfect,
But because it still exists…
with all of its trials and joys,
disagreements and compromises.
terry and julie rossiter
When they first met each other
it was right.
They were married months later.
The tough times were tough.
The good times were great.
They worked.
They endured.
They raised a daughter and a son that
are faithful and love the Lord,.
Two children that are raising their own righteous families.
They taught their children
the value of work,
to serve,
to forgive,
to learn from their mistakes,
to repent.
They took in so many that needed a place to stay.
They treated them like family.
They worked side by side, day and night
running their own business,
raising and playing with their children,
serving a full time mission.
The love and enjoy
their children,
their grandchildren,
each other.
Medications made her weak and tired.
He took over the labors of keeping the house clean.
Alzheimer's took his mind and memories.
She explains and reminds him of countless events and people.
And here they are
50 years later…
still overcoming trials,
still compromising,
still serving,
still loving
each other.
Happy Anniversary
Mom and Dad!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tender Mercies

I am so full of joy.

Taylor was home when Kylee’s mission call came.
The mail arrived when expected.
These are only TWO of a million tender mercies
we have experienced this last week.

This is another one...

Friday, July 5, 2013

How we spent this 4th

One brother and his family are out of town.
Another is camping.
A sister living out of state
and a daughter out of state too.
That leaves a family of three left to play by themselves
until a few friends found their way to our house
and joined us in celebrating “Rowley style”!

Afterward, we met up with the parentals for a
Mexican feast at Las Glorias
Then Kylee ran off with friends to watch the sky
and Evan and I enjoyed the sounds of the shows from
the comfort of our home.

Monday, June 10, 2013

A little trip, a little clip

The tradition continues. We pull the boat out after a long, cold winter.
We clean it thoroughly. (By WE I mean Evan and Kylee.)
We drag the boat to a nearby lake and let it run for a few hours.
We (meaning I) get to play with my video toys.

(password 2013)

Friday, May 10, 2013

A mother's right...

As a mother, I always reserve the right to BRAG.

I am a very lucky mother. I have two talented, beautiful daughters.

My youngest continues to pursue a college education. She is very independent and surviving her
4th semester in Idaho. She manages her budget, studies hard and plays even harder. She has a talent for making friends and is dedicated to each and everyone of them.

My oldest just graduated from the University of Utah. She is making some big decision as to what to do now, but in the meantime, she is following one of her dreams... to be a photographer. Last weekend she embarked on her first, real paying, photo shoot. Follow THIS LINK to see her amazing results.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

What Chester ate today…

A nearly full pan of brownies
leftover from last night,
dusted with glass shards
from the baking dish they were in.

Followed by cotton balls
dipped in cream
because Google told me
it will help “remove”
the glass.

By the way…
he seemed to enjoy the cotton.
Ate it up like candy!


Friday, April 12, 2013

What my ears heard, opened my eyes

Even though I am the mother of adult daughters,
and they don’t “need” me as much as they used to,
they are still a very important part of my life.
In fact, they are two of my best friends.

I never want to loose that.

as I was sitting on the couch,
winding down for the day
finishing up some work I brought home from the office,
Taylor said: “mom, you are always working.”
She continued: ”working your job, working to take care of us”

She was merely being observant.
I was immediately full of gratitude.

First and foremost, because I get to take care of my family.
I love being around them
I love spending time with them.
I love being at home, with them.
I love taking care of them.
It is my favorite job.

Second, I am blessed to work for individuals
who support “family”
They are a close family, and in a sense,
they are a part of my family.
They enable me to encourage others at work to
place their family over their job.
I get tell the employees “yes, it is OK”
to come in late for work to support their children and grandchildren
at school and other events.

I left the office, empty handed.
I am not going to work this weekend,
unless it is for my family!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Looking for the extraordinary in today was easy.

23 years ago today, I became a mother for the first time.
My life has not been the same, and richly blessed ever since.

We celebrated in our usual style…
Traditional roses from dad,
and dinner out with the family.
This year we kept it simple and
enjoyed the evening with just the four of us.

We topped it off with dad running off to the BYU basketball game
and the girls running off for shopping spree.
Everyone wins.

Happy Birthday dear Kylee.
I love you more than words can express.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I need to smell the roses.

As you can tell by the number of recent (or lack thereof) posts,
I have not been a very active blogger.

I attribute this to my mundane life!
I have seen nothing worth blogging about.
Each day I get up early, go to work, come home,
think about (and sometimes fix) dinner,
clean up and go to bed, wake up and start over.

I have recently come to realize that there is SO MUCH more
to my daily routines that I have failed to take notice of.
I have failed to smell the beautiful roses.

I have a job that I love. I work for and with people who appreciate
me. I admire and respect those I work with.

I have an awesome husband who gives me something to
laugh about each and every day. I love laughing with him.
I love making him laugh.

I have two daughters that teach me something each and every day.
They are strong and faithful women. They endure emotional and
physical pain. They trust in the Lord. They rely on the Priesthood.

I have family nearby. We enjoy each others company as often as
possible. Dinners, family events, the Theater, hikes, sporting events.

I have family members further away. We are able to take advantage
of modern technology and send a quick hello with a phone text,
chat over the internet, see each other via Skype.

Winter was white and beautiful. Spring is blooming and fragrant
and the warmth of summer will soon follow. The four seasons of Utah
are glorious.

There are so many other wonderful things around me that I
must take the time each day and simply notice. I know this
is the only way to take the mundane out of my life.

And it is as simple as smelling the roses.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


From the time my daughter could speak, they were required to make decisions. At first, they were given multiple choices of our choosing. As they grew older, they were also encouraged to include their own choices with a strong reminder to consider the consequences of any decision they made.

As parents, we would find ourselves repeating to ourselves the words of advise we had previously received:
When dealing with your children and their decisions, ask yourself two questions. 1] Is it life threatening? 2] Is it salvation threatening?  If the answer is NO to any of these questions, it is generally best to let it go. Pick your battles wisely and allow your child to learn and grow from their own choices.
Often, they were sent to their room to suffer the consequence of a bad choice. A week long grounding was in order! Almost always, time spent alone with their thoughts provided the perfect opportuity to humble themselves, repent for their wrong doing, restitute and apologize, receive  forgiveness and be welcomed back into the outskirts of their bedroom to enjoy the blessings of family life. I cannot remember a time when a week long grounding lasted more than a few hours

We would talk to our daughters about many of the BIG (and usually disappointing) decisions that we have made for ourselves or for the family. Canceling trips, postponing purchases, walking out of movies, returning too much change etc. Explaining to them the process (promptings, prayers) by which our decisions were made.

Through this process and by our example, our daughters were blessed with the ability to make decisions with only a moments notice. They have said "no" to peers, have walked away from parties, and even severed friendships. They have continued to make good decisions in every aspect of their lives. College majors have been changed, opportunities to serve have been accepted and most recently, a desire to serve a full time mission has been announced.

Standing back and witnessing our children make their own decisions has been sometimes painful and sorrowful, but mostly joyful and rewarding. And because they have been wise and obedient, it has been a great blessing.

Friday, January 11, 2013


This year started off without much hoopla,
yet it was one of the most memorable New Years Eve
we have had in a long time.

1] the whole family was together
2] we were home from the festivities before 10PM
3] we spent the evening playing with 4 nieces and a nephew

Here is a taste of one of the most exciting moments of the night…