Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas begins the day after Thanksgiving

Traditionally we avoid black Friday and spend the day starting on Christmas decorations. Evan is the pack mule and Taylor and I spend time together on the trees and villages. Kylee is secluded in her room writing a paper for school. We will finish up the rest of the house tomorrow.

We have some house guests this evening: Clavin and Barkley are spending the night and Connie is napping on the couch after dropping in for leftovers. She arrived home safely from her trip to Afton for the holiday. It's nice to have her back.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I started cooking at 7am on Wednesday. (I like to prepare as much as I can in advance and enjoy less stress.)

36 hours later, the last entrée was placed on the table and the guests dug in after the blessing on the food. ONE hour later we were done. We had a much smaller crowd that usual: 16 this year. Us, dad and mom, Eric and Tamra and kids, Sandy and the missionaries: Elder Jennerjohn and Elder Evans.

The ambush:

The feasting:

After the meal, the missionaries left for their next meal appointment (second of three) and the Rossiter's took off to St George for Rachel's soccer tournament. Evan did most of the dishes (thanks honey!). Taylor left to spend the night and grandpa and grandmas while Evan, Kylee and I soaked in the House marathon while waiting for Uncle Darin's (formerly announced) pop-in.

We have enough left overs for at lease three more full meals for 10. I love Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008



  1. Wake up and shower.
  2. Make cranberry sauce.
  3. Bake 4 pumpkin pies - one to give away to a co-worker.
  4. Have Primary Presidency meeting. Plan 2009.
  5. Run errands with Kylee.
  6. Bring home Wendy's for the family.
  7. Send Evan to the grocery store to pick up turkey.
  8. Go to Home Depot - buy blinds.
  9. Go to grocery store - forgot yams.
  10. Have Evan hang blinds.
  11. Cook yams.
  12. Prepare stuffing.
  13. Consult brother re: HDMI issues.
  14. Peel and slice yams - prepare.
  15. Blog. (listen to Evan cuss while hanging blinds)
  16. Wonder if I should fix dinner. Decide NO, I've cooked enough.
  17. Finish cleaning the house.
  18. Rearrange furniture.
  19. Set up tables.
  20. Decide how early to wake up to start turkey.
  21. Empty dishwasher for the third time.
  22. Watch mindless TV and fall asleep

I've had a productive day... See you tomorrow.

Monday, November 24, 2008


You know it's been 21 years when

You get up at 4:45 am to go to the gym

You go straight to work after your workout.

You come home and your spouse is still busy on the phone with clients trying to close a deal

You take your kids out for burgers.

You spend an hour and $100 at the grocery store.

You make treats for school parties the next day.

You empty the dishwasher and fold laundry.

Your spouse is watching his shows in the back room while you blog and watch your shows in the family room.

You wait for your daughter to call for her ride home from the High School musical.

You go to bed before 10 because you are pooped.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Anniversary Phase 2

Kylee is well on her way to the UofU v BYU game. Taylor is being dropped off at a game party and Evan and I are off to an early dinner. I surprised him with concert tickets and had to break the news when he started making plans for the big game last week.

Evan was more than willing to sacrifice the game... 


We spent a great day together and look forward to the next 21!

(Side note: I have not perfected the art of self portraits from the camera yet)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The funny thing about service.

This morning marks the beginning of the weekend prior to my wedding anniversary. On Monday, the 24th, Evan and will have been married for 21 years. Evan and I got up early and headed to American Fork to help Neale and Emily move. We spent the morning together packing boxes, moving furniture, loading trucks and remembering the many times we have moved ourselves. We spent a little more time in Payson helping undo what we had just done. We emptied trucks, arranged furniture and unloaded boxes. More and more new neighbors showed up and they were in good hands as we left to get ready for phase 2 of our anniversary Saturday.

I wish we could have done more to help.

The funny thing about service though- even a little goes a long way. I know that because I have been on the receiving end of service myself. Another funny thing about service is that it is easier to serve than it is to receive service. I know that because I have a hard time asking for and allowing help. I read or heard something a while ago that helped me with that... One of the greatest ways we can serve someone is to allow them to serve us. It has helped me to be able to stand back and allow others to help me when I am in need. I do this because I know how I feel when I am able to help others.

Everyone needs to be able to feel that good.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Punk Rock Tie Dye

Last minute crisis - Kylee wants to go to Neon night at the club and wanted to make sure she glowed. Off to Walmart we went. Nothing on hand that met her expectations... so now plan B. But what is plan B? Not enough time to tie dye... she leaves for Gamma in a couple of hours. So - we took a chance and bought a couple of cans of florescent spray paint and some plain white tee's. A quick google at home and vuala - instructions. Within minutes we had a tie dye shirt that Kylee approved of.

Twilight at midnight

Taylor's (the Twilight Addict) good grades have earned her the privilege of attending the midnight showing of the Twilight movie. That will put her at home after 2am and in bed during her morning classes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Turkey on the brain.

I keep counting the guest list, checking over the menu, imagining the furniture re-arranging and scheduling the cooking times. I love getting ready for the Thanksgiving meal. Thank goodness for mothers and sister's in law and their delicious contributions. Having only one oven makes this meal a challenge otherwise. I will start baking on Wednesday and work until Friday when I finish up with the dishes. (I took those days off work.)

I cant wait!

Monday, November 17, 2008

What I've learned today

1. Sometimes the encouragement you give a friend is something you should take heed to yourself.

The words I dished out recently:

It is amazing how the Lords blessings come. Often they are disguised in the chain of events that alter our lives. We may not see that life changing events are blessings in disguise - but it is up to us see the good in change and allow ourselves to be better because of it.
Even more amazing is how the answers to prayers are not always the answers we expect or desire, but are the answers that make us stronger.

Family night on the range.


Grandpa took Evan, the girls and me to the shooting range.


Taylor is first.


Then Kylee.




and Heather.


Thanks grandpa!


1117 firearms

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

First there was "sticky note" boy. Now...

This is the multi-part text I received from Kylee yesterday:

Part ONE - So I was walking to class just minding my own business and this extremely tall guy started walking right next to me. So I was thinking to myself - what the

Part TWO - freak is this kid doing? Move over and give a girl some room.  Then randomly he was all - so I have to ask how tall are you? So I told him and he was like WOW.

Part THREE - So we were just talking and whatnot casual convo then he put his are around me and said he was testing it out just in case we worked out. Then I was all

Part FOUR - well I gotta go this way and he said well are we going to hang out? So I said well, do you want my number? Anyway, he got mine, I got his. His name is Ryan

Part FIVE - from Cali. Super tall and good looking

My reply was Oh, boy - now there is "tall walking by" boy. I also advised her to pay attention to her prompting's because we do not want a "creepy I'm gonna get you" boy. She agreed.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The family goal

In an effort to promote family fitness - we have set a goal to run a 5K together by spring. Taylor and I will struggle the most since it is very difficult for either one of us to run to the mailbox. I have found a training program that will get us running 30 minutes by 12 weeks. I am currently ending week three and Taylor is just getting started. Today was hard,  but I am pushing myself. The next week or so will be killers too...

I will update our progress.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What I've learned today

1. The "you people" phone calls will never go away. (Another not-so-satisfied customer.)

2. A working gal can look forward to Friday's. Our insurance company offered up 8 tickets to us to see Quantum of Solace on Friday afternoon. Larry insisted that the office staff take the tickets and the afternoon off. I even get to take Kylee and Taylor.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sundays and Ring Spinning

Evan spent part of his evening playing with Ainsley, Eli & Gavin... the laughter of children is great.

Eli's response at the end..."I want to be on your team now!"

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Final primary activity


Just as last year we ended this year with a service project for the missionaries from our ward and a slideshow of the years activities. We rent a popcorn machine to go along with the movie theme. The kids seem to enjoy it and we, as a presidency, love the ease of it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008