Monday, May 26, 2014


My fathers parents were gone from this earth by the time I was born.
I never knew them in the flesh.
Rossiter graves_1847

My fathers adopted sister left this earth when I was 16.
She was my “grandmother” figure from that side of the family.
Strongest memory: Always eating spaghetti dinner at her house.
We still enjoy her incredible spaghetti sauce recipe today.
Rossiter graves_1845

My mothers father passed away when I was pregnant with my youngest daughter.
We buried him on a snowy March day.
Strongest memory: his sign of affection was a slug in the arm. He loved me very much.

Evans father passed away early at the age of 58, succumbing to his battle with cancer.
There has not been a time over the 18 years he has been gone that he has not been missed.
Strongest memory: His playful nature and absolute, undying love for my daughters.

My grandmother was determined to make it to see Y2K come.
She missed it by 2 years.
Strongest memory: spending my birthday at her bedside with my family, cousins, aunt and uncle.
She passed away the next day.

With the exception of my paternal grandparents, I have had a personal relationship with each of these individuals.
There are so many ancestors that I have not met.
But I have come to know them as I have dabbled in family history.
What a rich and rewarding activity this has been.
Moreover, I have deepened our ties by taking names to the temple.

In June, the single adult ward where Evan & I serve,
participated in our Single Adult Millennial Day (at the temple).
We were encouraged to take family names to the temple and spend the day.
I placed several card in the box set aside for the stake.
At the end of the day… 81 ordinances were performed for our family alone,
81 !!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

coming home…

One by one, my daughters will be coming home
and before we know it…
our empty nester home will be full again
This is something I am THRILLED about!

Tay will be the first to return.
She will receive her Associates Degree
from BYU-Idaho in July.
She has started the application process
and plans on attending the U in the fall.
Yes, that is right, Evan has raised another UTE.

Before we know it, our Missionary will be home.
Hump day is just around the corner.

We will have to take advantage of every moment.
Who knows when the next will be empty once again.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

becoming the best

It has been said by most that their mom is the best ever.
Those words are no exception to my daughters.
I accept their statements in great humility
not because I am the best, but because I have been influenced by the best.

My mother is the first influence I ever had.
She is the most selfless woman I know.
Always looking outward.

My two daughters… so very different from each other
but equally as important to me.
They have taught me more than I ever would have learned on my own.

Denise became my fist sister when I married her brother.
She was the first Aunt to my daughters
and is full of energy and love.

Tamra, married my brother
and was the first to make me an Aunt.
She has a passion for learning and is one of the smartest people I know.

Emily, my third sister by marriage.
She has taken on the role of motherhood and has not looked back.
She is courageous and nurturing.

Many friends and neighbors… the mothers and the childless.
All of them honoring womanhood with their actions,
caring for their families and for each other.

I have no doubt that all of these women will also claim
that their greatness comes from influences as well.
But, isn’t that something we as women do so very well…
helping others become their best.