Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What 3000+ pieces of paper looks like:

This is what was waiting for me when I arrived at work this morning.

The good news: I seem to have job security. What a great blessing! Especially during these trying economic times.

As a family, we find ourselves asking questions about spending that we have typically not asked in the past. We are trying to phase out the wants a little more and reassessing our needs. We find ourselves cooking more and eating out less. (Which adds to my work load!)

Glancing over the March Ensign - the counsel we are given sounds similiar. Becoming self reliant: Spiritually and Physically. My favorite excerpt is a quote by Marion G Romney.
Without self-reliance one cannot exercise those innate desires to serve. How can we give if there is nothing there? Food for the hungry cannot come from empty shelves. Money to assist the needy cannot come from an empty purse. Support and understanding cannot come from the emotionally starved. Teaching cannot come from the unlearned. And most of all, spiritual guidance cannot come from the spiritually weak.
My greatest hope during these trying times is that my children learn even more how to serve. I hope they learn of the strength that comes through sacrifice. I hope they learn to rely on our Savior more than they ever have before.

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Saturday, March 28, 2009


My latest copy cat project took me to my yard and the streets in search for unusual letters of the alphabet. Putting them together I came up with something like this...

a slightly different version of this is now hanging on my wall at home.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

The month is almost over??!!!!

I looked at my calendar today. I mean, really looked at it and realized that this month is almost over. That must be why I have felt overwhelmed at work. The end of the month always seems to bring panic at the office. I have to clear my desk of all of the procrastinations and pile payroll on top of that. So panic I did. I arrived at work earlier than usual, stayed later and brought work home.

It paid off. I am breathing easier and still have three work days left. I am just crossing my fingers that it doesn't dump on my desk again before April. Unfortunately... paperwork at the office is like laundry at home. You get rid of one pile and there is another one screaming for attention. But one can always hope. Right?

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

U got gas

Due to the gas leak near the University yesterday... classes were canceled and Kylee was able to enjoy a Tuesday evening at home.

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Monday, March 23, 2009


Every time we go bowling we are reminded of how much fun we have when we go. Tonight was no exception.

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Birthday Dinner

Neale and Emily with kids in tow came up to help us celebrate Consuelo's birthday...
Salad, Grilled Chicken, and of course - cake.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009


Birthday Glitter Graphics


Birthday Myspace Graphics


Kylee just it home safe and sound. We missed her and are very glad to have her back. She is even more happy to be home. I am glad this is where my children like to be!

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There are five weeks in March.

This Saturday morning started off like most other Saturday's. Up by 7 am, tidy up the kitchen (just a bit though, we are attached to our clutter), a quick shower, and grocery shopping for the weekend feasts.

The only thing different on THIS Saturday morning was my assignment to cover our Ward's Baptisms for March. I quickly changed into my dress and raced out the door with Evan's support. (Keep in mind that Evan is WELL aware of the Stake Calendar.)

Imagine my surprise when I arrived at the Stake Center, only to find an empty parking lot. I asked myself "Where is everyone?"... at that moment I realized that there are FIVE weeks in March and I have one more week to go. I returned home promptly and told Evan that I arrived early and will go back later... IN ONE WEEK. His reply: "Oh yeah, I knew that."

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

19 on the 19th in 09 at 9:09

(photos taken & sent via cell. phone. The quality is not great, but worth sharing. I will post additional photos when a real camera returns home!)

Thank you Maverick Helicopter!

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Growing Up / Letting Go

Kylee is 19 this week, a couple of months away from finishing her freshman year at the U and currently, enjoying her first official Spring Break.

She and three of her friends left today to spend time at a borrowed condo in St George. and topping the stay off with a shopping trip to Vegas.

This is a first for all of us... Kylee (our first adult daughter) on her own with friends, and Evan & I encouraging the trip. (We are ok with letting go... but only for this very short trip for now.)

I find myself hoping and praying that I did a good job raising both of my daughters. I know they make good choices... I can tell by the friends they have. I love these friends dearly and trust them with my most prized possessions. I just hope that, no matter where they are or how grown up they get, they will always need their mom.

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Monday, March 16, 2009



Birthday week?

For some magical reason... birthdays in our household may last for up to a week. I'm sure you know the scenario: friend party, family party, school recognition, etc...

Tonight we kicked off Kylee's week with dinner at her favorite restaurant (La Puente) with a few choice friends and a gathering with even more choice friends for cake at home.

More events are schedule for the rest of this week. (Thanks to Spring Break.) I am certain this week will more than make up for her missing sweet 16 party.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Gluttony Sunday

For whatever reason... Sunday has become my "experimental" day in the kitchen. That is to say... a day to try a new recipe... at least when I am not cooking for 13. I like to stick with the good 'ol standby's for a crowd.

Today was flank steak with a Wet Lime Chili Rub; a spicier version of my usual flank steak dinner. I received high ranks from the family and will add it to my permanent file.

I also tried a new biscuit recipe for strawberry shortcake. Great reviews from most, and a no from one. Not sure how to rate this one for the file yet.

Overall a very successful meal - everyone walked away full+. Now I must embark on the hunt for next weeks adventure. No worries - if unsuccessful... always ready for the tried and true.

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sisters and Strawberries

Did I mention I love strawberries? They are especially fun to share! So I packed up my thermometer, printed out my recipe for freezer jam, and headed to Utah County to spend a few hours with Emily. My recipe is quite complicated (not) so I had to be sure I was there to supervise a first timer (sounds like a great excuse anyway). I missed Madisyn (I hear she is a GREAT help in the kitchen) but... I did get to play with Savanna.

We started of with "Guess Who" at the kitchen table while Emily slaved away at the stove. We topped the day off playing "Hide the kitties" in the backyard. The highlight of this game was when I was listening very carefully to my HOT and COLD clues. At one moment I went from HOT to COLD without moving a muscle. Needless to say, it was a very complicated game and one of the best Saturdays I have had in a long time.

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Friday, March 13, 2009


I love this time of year. Spring is just around the corner and the strawberries are arriving at Costco. We love Strawberry jam!! I spent the afternoon whipping up a double batch of freezer jam.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Not too long ago I did a favor for a friend. A VERY SMALL favor in my mind. I was pomised something in return. My response "Not necessary."

Today was pay back. It's value far surpasses my efforts.

A story behind this picture was also shared with me. You can read some details of the story here.. Ask me if you want to hear a little more.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My three sisters...

I was only blessed with a brother while growing up. (I was not aware of that blessing until we grew up.)

I have since been blessed with THREE sisters.

My first sister, Denise was born when I married her brother over 21 years ago. I am constantly impressed with her gigantic capacity to love and her large, forgiving heart. She loves her family and is always concerned for their well-being. She is generous beyond measure. I love chatting with her via the internet and I am very glad that we discovered a medium to communicate more often.

My second sister was born when she married my brother. Tamra is a great teacher of many. She teaches her children and she teaches me. She is the most patient person I know. She gives 100% to all of her endeavors. She is my food storage yoda and the best "baker of the rolls". Her involvement in the lives and activities of her children inspires me.

My third sister was born when she married my brother-in-law. Emily is one of the most courageous people I know. She has never given up on a dream to marry in the temple in spite of the obstacles that life has thrown. She has 4 beautiful children that are ALL HERS in every possible way. She is a great example of unconditional love and a great example of motherhood.

I am the luckiest woman in the world to have these great sisters that I love so dearly!

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

In Loving Memory (a photo essay)

Uncle Richard was laid to rest today.

Veteran members of the military were there. They were pallbearers alongside Eric and Evan.

Uncle Ron dedicated the grave with a beautiful prayer and was followed by a gun salute.

After Taps was played, a member of the family (Uncle Ron) was presented with the flag.

and then presented with 3 of the casings from the salute. One represented Taps, one represented the flag, and one represented the gun salute.

A family unit has been reunited...

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Monday, March 9, 2009

What can happen in an hour...

It doesn't seem like much, but when you consider that 24 hours ago we enjoyed the BBQ grill, mentally it is a blizzard!
Coming home from work - several intersections had lights out... creating havoc, impatience and an extra long commute. I wonder what it is about snow that causes people to forget how to manage a 4 way stop.

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Friday, March 6, 2009

Concert Announcement

JHS Choir spring concert starring Taylor... Tuesday March 10th.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The incredible power of discernment

Today at work my boss announced that he was leaving. He mentioned that someone was stopping by to make a complaint on one of the employees. I asked him if we had a complaint form to fill out. He did not know. A quick search around the office produced nothing so he suggested we get a name and a number or make an appointment for another time. Then he left.

I was immediately impressed to create a complaint form. I quickly googled and found a template. In a few minutes, I located and manipulated a form that would meet our needs.

What seemed like seconds later, this individual arrived at our office. He spent the next 20 minutes filling out the form. After he left, curiosity got the better of us and we glanced over the details. Interestingly enough - the scenario that led up to his complaint started with a situation where he was requested to "come back" and take care of a matter later. One thing led to another, an exchange of words took place, and this individual was eventually arrested (after a series of alleged events). A judge had him booked for contempt. He felt that the exchange as well as the arrest was unjustified. I assured him that my boss would look into the matter and then be in contact with him.

I can't help but wonder what might have happened if we had to ask him to "come back" and address his concerns later.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Loosing a loved one

could be overwhelming to those without the knowledge and understanding of the great Plan of Salvation.

With the loss of Uncle Richard yesterday, and the loss of my friends mother-in-law today...I couldn't help but reflect upon this great Plan of Happiness. I came across this quote and thought it summed it up perfectly.
"Through tears and trials, through fears and sorrows, through the heartache and loneliness of losing loved ones, there is assurance that life is everlasting. Our Lord and Savior is the living witness that such is so.
(Thomas S. Monson, "I Know That My Redeemer Lives!" Ensign, May 2007, 25)

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