Friday, December 31, 2010

Word of the day


reaction: a new IV

result: a more comfortable daughter

Good Bye 2010

With a few exceptions,
it has been a fairly uneventful year.

We saw Lion King in Vegas.
Brian Regan at Abravanel Hall.
Kylee changed her major.
A couple of trips to Lake Powell.
Kylee had her best semester at the U.
Taylor kept busy with 2 choirs.
Taylor was accepted to BYU Idaho.

As for bringing in the New Year…

Kylee is out tonight with friends.
Evan is home alone, keeping Chester company.
I am spending the night with Taylor at a suite at PCMC.
(Her surgery went VERY well!)

I am looking forward a New Year
and all the events it brings.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Elliott’s Prayer

Evan and I are still here in the waiting room…
we just received our first update.
Taylor is stable and doing well.
They just finished removing the hardware from her previous fusion.
They will recycle (re-use) the hooks.
We are keeping the rest for show and tell.

Just a few moments ago,
Evan and I witnessed a most unusual event.
A prayer like no other.
It was given by Elliott.
(Pictured below)


Elliotts Prayer_1707

He even barked a resounding “AMEN” at the conclusion.

Laughter is once again proven, to be the best medicine!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thank You!!

I just want to thank everyone who has fasted
and/or offered prayers on Taylor’s behalf this past week.

She is calm and at peace.
She is prepared, mentally and spiritually.

Please continue to pray for her, as she is hopeful for a rapid recovery.
We will keep you posted.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Breaking the fast

As a matter of convenience, we met at my mothers house after church.
Several loud grumbly tummies included.
We broke our fast with a prayer and then gave Taylor a Priesthood blessing
preparatory to her surgery later this week.

It was beautiful.

The leftovers from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
were set out and we devoured them in a matter of minutes.
Followed by the remains of dessert.

It was delicious.

An hour or so, gathered around the cleared table, talking and laughing.
(One of my favorite pastimes.)

I am so blessed.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Highlights

Slept in until 7 AM.
(I am usually too excited to sleep past 4).

Disappointed and worried because the pull-aparts did not raise overnight.
(Started the speed-raise method.)

Showered while waiting for the family to wake up.
(Something I have time to do every year.)

Woke the rest of the family up after 8:30.
(Danced to Christmas music while I waited...)

Put the Christmas Casserole in the oven.
(It bakes while we open gifts.)

Had family prayer near the Christmas Tree.
(Gave thanks for the gift of our Savior.)

Opened gifts.
(Relished in the surprises I was able to pull off.)

Played Ping-Pong.
(Laughed with the family… one of my favorite parts of the day!!!)

Prepared Potato Casserole.
(My Christmas buffet contribution.)

Made a vinyl “No Soliciting” sign for the front door.
(I got what I wanted for Christmas.)

Went to mom and dads.
(Helped set up for the buffet.)

Family gift exchange.
(Including the traditional gag gifts.)

Yummy food & great company!
(I LOVE having so much family around!!!)

Family Prayer with EVERYONE to start the Family Fast.
(The other favorite part of the day!)

Winding down and relaxing at home.
(Another PERFECT Christmas!)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Family Fast

This Sunday, we are having a family fast on Taylor’s behalf.
She will undergo a second spinal fusion on the 30th of December.
We are grateful for skilled and caring doctors.
We are most grateful for the power of the priesthood
and the strength of faith and prayers.

We felt great peace the first time she had surgery,
and we know we will be comforted again.
Taylor is so strong and full of courage.

We are inviting you to join us in this fast if you would like.
We love each member of our family and all of our dear friends.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Some of my favorite traditions of this season are...

1. Starting with Thanksgiving...
I host.

2. A new, and hopefully long lived tradition...
The Christmas Orange Benefit Concert.
(Benefiting the Utah Food Bank)

3. Puzzles in the living room...
holiday themed, of course.

4. Soup bar and caroling
with friends in the Stake Presidency.

5. Christmas lights
the Temple Square variety.

6. A new batch of hot chocolate mix...

7. Cheeseballs...
again, homemade.

8. A Christmas Carol...
at Hale Center Theater.

9. Christmas Eve Candelite Dinner...
thanks Tamra!!
(with a Year-end slideshow presentation...
featuring the events of each family's year.)

10. Christmas Day luncheon at moms...
where EVERYONE is invited.

Merry Christmas.
(I hope I can pull it all together by the end of the week... I am so unprepared this year.)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Swimming in soup

Taylor is finally done with choir.
Until next year, that is.

To celebrate,
she hosted a party.

A soup bar for 28.

We moved furniture.
We borrowed chairs.
We made 3 kinds of soup.
(Triple batches of each.)

Less than half showed up.
So, we are swimming in soup.

Thank goodness for family
close enough to join us for Sunday dinner.
No doubt, soup is on the menu.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Every year I get older
and so do my appliances.

First it was the microwave oven.

Twice it was the dishwasher
(the first time, it was the day before Thanksgiving. )

This summer, it was the hot water heater.
Autumn... the garage door opener.

Today, it is the furnace...
(the day before a predicted storm.)

I hope I hold up better.
I do not want to be replaced, repaired, or rebuilt.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Temple Square - A Three Day Tour

Bright and early Tuesday morning,
Taylor and her HS Choir
sang for him...

then, on Wednesday they sang here


then here
(I was lucky enough to join them as a chaperone.)


Tonight, they sang here
(Date night with Evan!)


It has been a fantastic week.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thanksgiving in December…

Sometimes, the stress of life can be overwhelming.

The responsibilities of the day,
mingled with unexpected obstacles,
every once in a while, will bring me to the edge
and I snap.

I am irrational.
I over react.
I lack patience.
I am emotional.

I am blessed to have a family
who loves me in spite of my weaknesses,
and support me though my challenges.

I am grateful for the Christmas season.
For the opportunities to give to others.
For the birth of my Savior.
For His perfect example.
For His ultimate sacrifice.

I am thankful that He is aware.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


December brings with it the season of giving.
I like to think giving as more than what is placed under the tree.
It is the time we can share,
the kindnesses we can extend,
the thanks that we express,
the smiles we place on our face,
the helping hand that we offer.

As the end of the year falls us upon us,
I find myself reflecting on the resolutions of this year.
My decision to do a good deed daily was by far the easiest resolution I have made.
In fact, it may be the only one I have kept.

What this resolution has done for me
surpasses anything that I have done for others.
I have been reassured that there IS good in this world.
There are many opportunities EACH and every day for us to do good.
Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest difference.
It puts a smile on my face when I witness the good deeds performed by others.
The BEST good deeds are the quiet, unannounced good deeds.

A hymn from the LDS Hymnbook sums it up perfectly:

“Have I done any good in the world today?
Have I helped anyone in need?
Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?
If not, I have failed indeed.”

“There are chances for work all around just now,
Opportunities right in our way.
Do not let them pass by, saying, “Sometime I’ll try,”
But go and do something today.”

(Hymn #223)

I have come to the conclusion that
I do not need a resolution,  it is quite natural and effortless.
It is almost shameless to say, it is rewarding.

I want to be selfish and feel this good every day.
Join me.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Lights

Tonight, we took some time to enjoy the Christmas Lights.
This time, with a little twist...
Festive lights,
Christmas music,
Reptiles & Wild Cats
DSC_0069_1666-1 DSC_0063_1660-1 DSC_0074_1671-1
Hot Chocolate & McDonalds french fries.
A pretty great evening with family and friends.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


"If I am to meet with a disappointment,
the sooner I know it,
the more of life I shall have to wear it off."

Unfortunately, disappointments are a part of life.
We all face them at one time or another.

The greater challenge?
Allowing these let-downs to help us
be stronger and wiser,
to develop our character,
to become better people.

As a family,
we have recently made some difficult
(yielding disappointment) decisions.
My greatest hope is
that when we look back we will know,
without a doubt,
that they were the right decisions.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thankful for Gifts

The topic of my Relief Society lesson last week could not have come at a better time.
I needed to be prepared for what is to come.
(A tender mercy from a loving Heavenly Father.)

The topic: Gifts of the Spirit
And again, to some it is given to have faith to be healed;
And to others it is given to have faith to heal.
And again, to some is given the working of miracles;
D&C 46: 19-21

As a mother, I have relied on these gifts (and so many others) as my daughters have struggled with medical uncertainties.
My youngest has also endured (will endure) surgeries and faces a lifetime of pain and discomfort.

I am thankful for the gifts and talents of skilled Doctors.
For their love and concern for others as they do all that they can to help and heal.
I am thankful for Doctors that know their limits and are humble enough to send people to skilled individuals who can help.

I am thankful for the strength and courage of my daughters.
I am thankful for the promise that we will gain strength through our trials.
I am thankful that our Savior has endured ALL and knows our pains and trials intimately.
He knows US intimately.
I am thankful that we can rely on Him to get through the difficult moments in life.

I am thankful that
Happiness comes as a result of our obedience and our courage in always doing the will of God,
even in the most difficult circumstances
Benjamín De Hoyos
I am thankful that I have obedient and faithful daughters that are full of happiness and bring me such great joy.

Thursday, November 25, 2010




a grand total: 36 hours of cooking and baking
all of the furniture in the house stayed in place
a smaller than usual group around a single table
two new recipes (green beans and sweet potatoes) met Evan's approval
awesome family and friends
so much to be thankful for!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday....
no costumes, no suitcases, no gifts,
no basket grass and half-eaten marshmallow eggs,
no flags to fly, no pageants to prepare.
Just friends and family
bowed together before Heavenly Father.

Katherine Wirthlin Cannon

I share this sentiment!!
I am looking forward to a great week.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Motherhood, Tug-Of-War & Thanksgiving

As a mother of two beautiful daughters,
I sometimes find myself as a rope
in a game of emotional tug of war.

Today, for example
one daughter is dealing with the obstacles of  growing into adulthood,
while the other is the recipient of  discouraging news from her doctor.

I am standing here,
being pulled to one side
sad and feeling the pain of one
while being pulled to the other side
worried and concerned for the other.

Thank goodness for the mercies of Heaven.
For the Priesthood.
For a husband, worthy to bless his children.
For the gift of healing.
For the gift of faith.

Truly, it is a season of Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


‎The greater part of our happiness
or misery depends on our
and not on our circumstances.

Martha Washington

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Routines and Traditions

It seems, recently, that life’s routine has hit, and hit hard.
Wake up early, go to the gym, go to work, go home, fix dinner, moonlight, sleep.

Things look up, however.
Thanksgiving is next week.
I host, as usual.
It is something I really enjoy doing.
Turkey has been ordered, cleaning chores are next.
Ok, so I don't enjoy the cleaning.

I do, however, enjoy a house full of guests... enjoying a meal that took days to prepare.
(and minutes to devour!)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Girls Night

Steak dinner for 3… $
Event tickets for 5… $
another fantastic SYTYCD tour outing with my girls… priceless


(sharing my chair with the hips belonging to the lady next to me - not what I expected)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


‎"As we express our gratitude,
we must never forget
that the highest appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them."

~John F. Kennedy

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What is it?

All baptisms into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are special.
I am always amazed by the faith of the little children as they reach the age of accountability
and make their first great decision and enter the waters of baptism.
Behold I say unto you that this thing shall ye teach—repentance and baptism
unto those who are accountable and capable of committing sin;
yea, teach parents that they must repent and be baptized, and humble themselves as their little children,
and they shall all be saved with their little children.

~Moroni 8:10

But what is it, about convert baptisms? I cannot put my finger on it,
but I do know that they are extraordinarily special.

I joined the Laurels in our Ward last night, as they witnessed the baptism of one of their peers.
The room was filled with members and non-members.
Family, freinds and leaders were there.
There was chaos and commotion.
It was beautiful.

Congratulations to Alex and her life changing decision.
The right path is not always the easy path.
But it is worth it!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


This year, we carved pumpkins.
Emphasis on WE.
I enjoyed the WE...
and was impressed with the results.
It is pretty obvious which one Evan carved...

This years costumes...

Something classical:
Costume items found at Antique Stores & Thrift Shops


Something orange:
TuTu tied by yours truly.


Something recycled:
Something I made years ago, and (miraculously) fit into today.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lazy Blogging (or Blog Content Theft)

Today, my post is HERE.
Thanks Ky for taking care of that necessary business.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A book, A dress and A song (or two)

Not too long ago, a neighbor stopped by to show Evan something.
He (our neighbor) was working on a research project and recently checked out a book from the library at BYU.
As he was reading through the book, he noticed something unusual.
That is what he came to show Evan.
It turns out, this book was a Christmas gift to Evan, from his father, over 30 years ago.
Somehow, it made it into a box of donated books given to the BYU library after Evan's father passed away 14 years ago.
Evan was intrigued by the book.
Our neighbor had to return it to the library.

With the encouragement of my children, I started an inquiry  .
Long story short... this is what came in the mail today.


Taylor has been busy this year with 2 choirs.
Of the two, this is her favorite dress.
She looks beautiful, and she sounds wonderful!


After a quick photo... off she went to the school for the Fall Choir Concert.
They never disappoint!!  


I even recognized someone I knew but did not expect to see…
(I didn't realize it until later, so the picture is not great!)


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Birthday wishes…

Happy Birthday to the love of my life…
I have spent the day in the kitchen.
What more can a birthday boy ask for?
BYU football
a wide assortment of treats.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Halloween list

make orange Tu-Tu for Tay Tay  
hunt, search & locate costume pieces for Ky  
attempt to put up SOME decorations  
purchase & STAY AWAY from the candy

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Don’t worry, Be happy!

“And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the
blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God.
For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual;
and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven,
that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness.
O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it”

(Mosiah 2:41)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

What a sick dog looks like . . .

sick dog_1582-2

Yesterday, Chester looked like this.
In fact, I think we both did.
I know I felt like this.
I was pretty much a zombie due to the lack of sleep.
We were both up all night.
I watched TV and edited photos while Chester paced.
(among other things that are consequential to toxic poisoning)

By morning, his heart rate was still rapid, and he was still restless.
Close observation was necessary.
Evan stayed home from work in the morning.
I took the afternoon shift.
By late afternoon, he was showing improvement.

We both got a good nights sleep and Chester is doing much better today.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Chester Ate Today

DSC_0136_1579 DSC_0135_1578
UPDATE: As a result, I received less than 2 hours of sleep as Chester paced all night and literally "lost his cookies" every 10-20 minutes.

Damn fundraisers.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Signs of Autumn

1. Fall Colors

fall colors rs meeting_1462-1

2. General Relief Society Meeting

 fall colors rs meeting_1476-1 fall colors rs meeting_1481-1

I can wait until next year when BOTH of my daughters can join me!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


      a significant event or stage in the life, progress,development, or the like of a person, nation, etc.

As a wife, mother & friend, I have witnessed, or been made aware of,  many significant milestones in the lives of others.
The most notable… the milestones related to the Gospel.

A small sample:

  1. My eternal marriage to my best friend.
  2. The baptisms of my daughters, nieces & nephew.
  3. Priesthood ordinations of my husband, brother’s, & nephew.
  4. Attending the Temple with my daughter’s for the first time. (Baptisms)
  5. Missionary farewells for my parents and the friends of my daughters.
  6. My daughter’s Patriarchal Blessings.
    and more recently (currently)…
  7. Being a guest of a friend as they attend the Temple for the first time.

I am honored to be able to be in the Temple today with dear friends as they prepare to send their youngest son on a full time mission.
I am so proud of him and his love and dedication for his Savior.
There is no doubt in my mind that he will be an awesome missionary!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010


I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. ~ Bill Cosby
I have a friend that is struggling with a personal situation.
I hope this helps her get past this discouraging time.

As for me, I need to remember this as well.

Saturday, September 11, 2010



This commercial aired only once (intentionally) 5 months after 9/11 at Superbowl XXXVI.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Summer wind down…

Sadly, winding down was an easy this year. 
I think it was because there really wasn’t much of a summer to speak of.
A long, cold spring is partially to blame.
I know spring was cold because we abandoned a family trip a day early due to the nip in the air.
A busy July.
A quick August.
Summer was over.

I am, however, looking forward to autumn.
Ky is excited about college and her new major.
Tay is a Senior and enjoying a schedule full of Choir.
The air is crisping up.
The leaves will change soon.
I will get to enjoy some fall color tours, self guided of course.

that is a different story.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010


Cora the fish, passed away in her sleep last night.
She left our family as quickly as she arrived.
She outlived her other fishy predecessors by a day or two.
She left behind a full container of goldfish flakes.
Her makeshift fishbowl will be cleaned and prepared to diplay candles again.
In lieu of flowers, please take the extra fishfood off our hands.
She was buried at sea.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This last trip to Lake Powell, Evan wanted to capture some of the scenery to share with his boss in Portland. He wanted to show him what the hype was all about. Of course, nothing compares to the live show, but this is what we shared with him.

The password is "powell"...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dear Cora:

I did not know the door bell ditchers left you on our doorstep.
It was very nice of them to give you a name.
You must be a very strong gold fish to be able to survive the night there!
I hope it was not too cold.
It is the Sabbath, and I cannot buy you fish food.
I hope you like Rice Krispies.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dear Doorbell Ditchers:

I understand your need to pull pranks.
I enjoy a good prank myself.
I knew it was you, it was obvious.
I did not open the door.
I even waited at the door, hoping to catch you if you returned.
(Just like last time.)
You did not come back.

What I do not understand. . .

How did you know that I only had a few hours of sleep last night.
How did you know I was up for 22 hours before then.
How did you know you would wake me up.
How did you know I would not be able to go back to sleep.

As long as I'm up, I am going to enjoy one of THESE.
A major sugar overdose won't hurt me now!

Wallet Mystery

After several phone calls to wrong numbers, we gave up on looking for the owner of the wallet.
It was obvious what course of action to take.
We took it to the bank where the credit cards were issued.
They were grateful and promised to secure it in their vault and contact the owner.
I reminded them that the owner was probably frantic and requested they call right away.
The assured me they would and that they would also take care of any follow-up.

I hope the owner is breathing easier at this moment.

22 hours

4:00 am – alarm… snooze for 30 minutes.
4:30 am – one more short snooze
4:45 am - get up and give Taylor here wake up call
5:00 am - @ the gym with Tay
6:30 am - arrive at work
3:15 pm - arrive home
3:30 pm - grocery shop for tonight's out door movie
4:30 pm - make caramel corn
5:30 pm - change for wedding reception (look forward to seeing old friends)
6:45 pm - hunt for a phone number for the wallet we just found in the parking lot (fail)
7:30 pm - leave for home to set up the movie
7:45 pm - one more try to find owner of wallet (fail)
8:30 pm - warn the neighbors of the upcoming invasion
9:30 pm - start movie
10:00 pm - assist the fire starters
10:30 pm - receive hugs from several strange men (it's ok, Kylee knows them... I still don't)
11:30 pm - break down the movie
12:00 am - start bringing in food remnants
1:00 am - douse the fire
2:00 am - bed time

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What Chester ate today...

1 wooden spoon, laced with Mac-N-Cheese remnants.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happy Birthday

To the man who raised the man I love.

August 18, 1938 – August 12, 1996

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Whew! (part 2)

Second lesson over.

Nausea -  subsiding.
Pit in stomach - diminishing.
The shakes  - dwindling.
Diet Coke – soothing.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Dear Kylee

This is what your dad did for you today.

I recorded it so you would have proof.

I hope you feel better.

Love Mom.

(There is a story... Click HERE if you want to read it.)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I dislike confrontation.

So much so, I threw up at work.
Then I went shopping.
I bought a dress.

I feel much better now.

Monday, August 9, 2010


The year is more than half way over.

I must declare, that this is the only year in my memory that I have been able to stay on top of my New Years resolution of a daily good deed.
I admit, it has not been a daily deed lately.
One thing is for certain, contrary to the "going on a diet" resolution,
this resolution is SO much easier to get back on track with.

I recently came across an interesting article that was posted by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation.
It was not surprising to learn that kindness has significant health benefits.

Some of the key points that I found to be the most interesting are:

  • Helping contributes to the maintenance of good health, and it can diminish the effect of diseases and disorders serious and minor, psychological and physical.
  • Stress-related health problems improve after performing kind acts. Helping reverses feelings of depression, supplies social contact, and decreases feelings of hostility and isolation that can cause stress, overeating, ulcers, etc.
  • A decrease in both the intensity and the awareness of physical pain can occur.
  • An increased sense of self-worth, greater happiness, and optimism, as well as a decrease in feelings of helplessness and depression, is achieved.
  • The practice of caring for strangers translates to immense immune and healing benefits.

You can read this article in its entirety HERE.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What Chester ate today. . .

7 lemon cupcakes with lemon cream cheese frosting.

Fortunately, they were of the mini variety.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Week In Review...

Monday -
Taylor and I headed down to Provo for dinner and a concert.
Mindy Gledhill had a premier concert for her new album being released this month.
I was a great time.
I even had the opportunity to catch up with some family friends.
Thank you Courtney for putting together a great event.
Stephanie, you made Taylor's night with your comment about going to one of her concerts! (When she is famous - you get front row seats.)

Tuesday –
As part of my calling as transition specialist, I get the opportunity to join the Laurels when they hold class activities.
They are learning some basic quilting and I joined them with my sewing machine in hand.
I learned a few things myself.
Thank you Jen for such a great message about womanhood and creating and encouraging these great YW to use their hands and serve.

Wednesday –
A downpour of rain stirred up the desire for soup.
So on this hot and muggy evening, we ate delicious soup for dinner.

Thursday - 
Evan and a few of his High School buddies got together and headed out to the RUSH Concert.
The girls and I went to the Cheesecake Factory and over-ate.
We did, however, share ONE piece of cheesecake, saved $15 and about 10,000 calories.

As I am approaching the weekend, I am getting more and more anxious about my next Relief Society lesson.
I have 10 more days to go.
Needless to say, I will be fine tuning this weekend and praying for peace, comfort and confidence all next week.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The greatest place on earth . . .

At least one of them.

Lake Powell is one of my favorite places.
The magical beauty of this place is rarely justified by photographs…
but I am more than happy to try and capture what I can.



Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Thanks to a Christmas gift from Evan, the girls and I spent an hour at the spa down the street.
We opted for the pedicures and are now wondering why we have not been treating ourselves sooner…


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bragging rights

It is one of the great rewards of motherhood.

Taylors medallion_0851 copyToday, in church, Taylor was recognized and received her Young Womanhood  Medallion.
This is not an easy task. 
She had to complete several experiences and a 10 hour project in each of the 8 values:
Divine Nature
Individual Worth
Choice & Accountability
Good Works
and Virtue

I am so proud of BOTH of my daughters.
I am in awe of their great faith in their Lord Jesus Christ. 
I marvel at their obedience to His commandments.
I am humbled each and every time they teach me and help me become a better person.
I am so incredibly blessed to be the mother of such beautiful daughters of God.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Here we go again . . .

In just over three weeks, I will be teaching again.
I am stressed already.

  1. This has the potential of being a very boring lesson.
  2. In addition to adult Relief Society women, I have a large group of girls from age 12-18.
  3. I need to keep the interest of the young women.
    (I don’t want them to moan on the third Sunday when they join the Relief Society!)
  4. It needs to be sophisticated enough for the adult women.
  5. I keep remembering – I have 30-40 minutes to fill.

The good news is, I have a game plan.
I found an object lesson that I can “tweek” and fit into the lesson.
It will take some preparation, but it has potential.
First item of business . . . lumber shopping at Home Depot.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Am I glad that is over.

For 4 weeks that is.

I presented my first Relief Society lesson today. 
Because I am also the transition specialist,
ALL of the Young Women come when I teach.
It was a full house.

I started my lesson off with a brief introduction:

  • I just graduated from Primary a few months ago.
  • I only have experience teaching children and the youth,
    so I am very intimidated and extremely under qualified.
  • In Primary, I only had 20 minutes to pull a lesson off,
    35-40 minutes frightens me.
  • When I was set apart, Brother Bell gave me a very spiritual and personal blessing
    and I am convinced that is the ONLY reason I am still standing right now.

I then proceeded and succeeded.
Thanks to those with positive feedback.
I appreciate it!
It gives me to confidence to try again.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


‎"We cannot know what faith is if we have never had it, and we cannot obtain it as long as we deny it. Faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other."—President Thomas S. Monson

Monday, July 12, 2010

Family Night . . . Summer Style

Our usual outings fill the boat with family or friends.
Tonight was unique, it was just the five of us.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hiking with the girls

How I forget how much fun hiking can be.
Right here in our own backyard is a wonderful playground.
A great place to get away from the heat,
and better yet,
a beautiful setting for a great workout.

Last night the girls and I hiked up to donut falls.
We talked about how nice it would be if we did this more often. 
I hope we follow through!

(photo above by Kylee)

Donut Falls hike_0739_7_8 TM Donut Falls hike_0723_1_2_TM

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July (part 3)

The long weekend finished off with another day of food and family.



Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!!



“I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.  I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.”
~ Abraham Lincoln


“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
~ BenjaminFranklin


“There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence and energy of her citizens cannot cure.”
~ Dwight D Eisenhower


“I should like to say a few words about America…. No land is without its beauty, no people without their virtues, and I hope that you who come from elsewhere will pardon my saying a few words concerning my own native land, America. I know that she has problems. We have heard so much of them for so long. But surely this is a good land, a choice land, a chosen land. To me it is a miracle, a creation of the Almighty….”
~ Gordon B. Hinckley


‘This nation, founded on principles laid down by men whom God raised up, will never fail…. I have faith in America. You and I must have faith in America if we understand the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
~ Harold B. Lee

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010


I came across this list on-line…

Ten Ugliest Character Flaws

  1. Arrogant, Argumentative
  2. Dishonest
  3. Short-tempered, Combative
  4. Need to Always be Right (Conceited)
  5. Perfectionist, Nit-Picking
  6. Being the Victim, Always Blaming the Other Guy
  7. Selfish, Miserly
  8. Stubborn, Rigid (Inflexible), Narrow-mindedness
  9. Vain, Prideful (Haughty)
  10. Humorless, Inability to Laugh at Yourself

I am pretty sure I fallen into at least 6 of these categories one time or another.
My poor family!

And to my daughters, I am SO sorry.
I pray that I did not pass these on to you.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fear Factor

As I get closer to my first lesson in Relief Society, I get more and more nervous.

I think my my greatest fear is not filling all of the time.
I am not long winded.
I speak faster when I am nervous. 
I don’t do well with “ad-libs”.

In two and a half weeks it will be all over, until next month, that is.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Robin Honey

I want to tell you a story, it is a true story. It made me cry.

It is about a mother of two young daughters. I would say they are about 3 and 5. They were helping their husband/father get ready for a very special Youth Conference that was planned by their Stake. They all drove up into the mountains together, but they were delayed because of an accident on the freeway.

I am not clear on many of the details  but I do know this…

The mother and her daughters were going to stay at the base camp while their husband/father spent time at the activity site with the youth. The delay on the freeway created a situation where the mother and her daughters ended up at the activity site. They decided to walk to base camp from there.

It was approaching the hottest part of the day, but there were many trees in the area so there were patches of shade along the way. As they started walking, they found a little relief in the shade, but quickly learned that it was an uphill climb all the way back. The girls were in flip flops and they did not have any water. This mother was determined that they would make it up to camp, even if it took them all day. She stopped often to let the girls rest in the shade.

It did not take long for a faithful child to suggest to her mother that they stop and pray for help. The mother quickly agreed and they prayed together.

In the meantime, another woman from a different Stake, was magnifying her calling at Girls Camp. This woman was responsible for a specific project and was the first to arrive on site and the last to leave. It is her nature to do so. But something happened. For no specific reason, she decided to leave early. She handed over the lock to a trusted friend and instructed her on what to do when they were done with their activity. As this woman traveled up the dusty road back to camp, she came upon a mother with two small children. Without hesitation, she pulled over and asked if they wanted a ride. They gratefully accepted.

On the drive up the hill, the mother explained their situation and stated that they had just finished having prayer together. The two women talked for the remaining two miles. As the mother and children were dropped off at their camp, they exchanged names, shook hands and said good bye.

We are often reminded that one of the ways that the Lord blesses us is through others, that answers to prayers may also come through others. I know that it is not always easy to recognize that the service extended by others are the blessings or answers that we are searching for. I also know that it is not always easy to recognize the moments when WE are the tools required in order for these blessings to come to pass. How important is it that we follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost and act upon them. Even when it is not our nature to alter our behavior.

This is something I will never forget.

I will also never forget the name of the woman who’s hand I shook.

It was a pleasure meeting you Robin Honey.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Three and a half years ago, when I was called to serve as Primary President, I thought to myself – It doesn’t get any worse than this. I truly thought the Bishopric was crazy! (Just being honest.)

I was wrong on both counts. It was one of the most rewarding callings that I have ever had. I wanted to stay there forever.
I knew that was impossible (and selfish) and  when I was released , I thought to myself – It doesn’t get any worse than this. I truly thought the Bishopric was crazy!

Flash forward to today.

I was sustained as a Relief Society teacher. I am now thinking – It doesn’t get any worse than this. The Bishopric IS crazy!
However, I was also set apart as the Transition Specialist (helping the Young Women transition into Relief Society) as well.
It’s a great big band-aid that helps with the sting of a calling that puts me so FAR out of my comfort zone. I am hopeful that the two callings will go hand in hand, that I will be able to gear my attention and messages to the wonderful YW.

As for the sister’s in Relief Society, my sincere apologies.
Please be patient, understanding, forgiving and FORGETFUL!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Stay tuned . . .

There is a certain relief in change, even though it be from bad to worse!  As I have often found in travelling in a stagecoach, that it is often a comfort to shift one's position, and be bruised in a new place.  ~Washington Irving

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I LOVE Lake Powell

While we returned a day early (due to cold, wet weather), relaxing was not an option. It has been a busy week.

I did, however, manage to sneak in a few minutes here and there each day and threw a quick recap together…

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Beyond spring, summer, winter and fall we experience seasons of life.

I'm not sure what my current season is.

I have been out of Primary for about a month now.
    I am lost at church.
My children are grown, my oldest: working and in college, my baby: a Senior in High School now.
    I am not sure how much longer they will need me.
There has been changes at work.
    I'm thankful for job security. (As secure as it can be/no guarantees)

It has been said that the only constant in life is change. But I know this is not true.
The light of the Savior is a constant.
The Holy Ghost can be our constant companion.
With these steadfast constants, I know that I can endure the constant of change.

Friday, June 4, 2010



A perfect backyard activity!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ultimate good deed -

I posted this article on my facebook wall, but wanted to share it here too! You can read it HERE

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Today, Taylor had ANOTHER semi-annual visit with her Orthopedic Surgeon.
She has been given the green light to start weaning her back off of the brace.

Let me remind you how good this news is…
she has been wearing a brace every night for more than 14 years.
(and I have been putting it on EVERY night for more than 14 years.)

She started wearing her first brace at the age of 3.
See how little it is!

taylors brace_0255

 taylors brace_0254

Thankfully, she was a slow grower. We only had to buy and fit her into 5 more.

Fitting, is quite a process!
It starts with 5-6 layers of body socks. All of the wrinkles MUST be smoothed out.
She is placed on a table that has a board laid out on it. (The board resembles a peg board.)
While looking at her X-ray, two men would push and twist her until she was in the correct position.
A metal peg would be put in the board to secure her in place.
They continued this process until she was pegged up as straight as possible.
Next step, a body cast. She would have to lay perfectly still and endure the increasing warmth of the setting cast.
This became the mold in which her brace was fitted to. She went through this 6 times.
(Don't forget, Kylee had one brace too.)

So… now it is official. NO MORE BRACE!

I am grateful for skilled and caring doctors & surgeons that have been a big part of our life for so long.
I am so grateful for this, and many other, wonderful answers to prayers.