Evan received his banking award, Kylee graduated from High School and started college. Taylor put Jr. High behind her and started High School (my baby!). I dove into HTML code and enhanced my blogging skills.
I have been most touched this year by the Clark-Nielsen family as they have stood together firm in their testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, facing a horrific trial with amazing grace and dignity. I am in awe of their dedication to family. My testimony is stronger this year because of them. I believe firmly in our Saviors plan, I love my family more. I hope that when faced with great trials - I can be as strong and sure.
I am looking forward to a New Year and the opportunity to better myself. To be a better wife and mother. To serve the Lord more diligently. To be a better Visiting Teacher. To magnify my calling as Primary President.
May you find yourself happy with this last year and even happier in 2009!