Monday, September 29, 2008

What I've learned today

1. When Nephi's steel arrow broke and he make himself a new one from wood he did not use the arrow from his previous bow... why was that?

A steel bow uses short arrows because there is less flexibility with the bow, therefore the shorter bows would not work with the more flexible wood bow. Nephi had to make longer arrows for his new bow.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

What I've learned today

1. One of my Hero's is my brother, Eric. We spent today with him and his family as he was sustained and set apart as a the 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric of his ward. He is a wonderful husband, father and uncle. He honors his priesthood and has always been a great leader. He will be awesome.

Its funny how as children we did not get along. We drove our parents crazy with our fighting. It wasn't until I went away to college and he later left on his mission, that our relationship developed. I am so grateful that that HE is the uncle of my daughters and that he has such a great relationship with them. I am thankful that his family is so close by and that we are able to spend Sunday dinners and holiday BBQ's with each other.

My childhood arch-enemy has become one of my dearest friends..

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What I've learned today

1. It took all day... but I did accomplish something this week. Evan and I finished another phase on the painting project. We are almost there! We have committed to complete our project (including hanging the new light fixtures) by thanksgiving. I am hoping to have our traditional "large crowd" at the house. Rumor has it that the Chadwick's may join us as well.

2. Chester loves home... somehow, for an undetermined amount of time, Chester managed to escape the house. As I was cleaning up from the painting event, I opened the door leading to the garage and there he was, sitting at the top of the stairs. I don't know if he cruised the neighborhood or not, but so far, there has not been any phone calls from neighbors inquiring about missing loaves of bread.

Catching Up...

I feel like I have accomplished absolutely nothing during a very busy week. As I sit here thinking about my week (as Evan scrubs the walls in preparation for phase 3 of the painting job), I struggle to find a single achievement. I do however, have a highlight.

We fed the missionaries on Thursday. Evan grilled steaks and I made Banana Cream Pie. They ate well!! The left us with a wonderful message about the atonement citing Alma 7:11-13.   They expressed their gratitude for being called to serve in this area and were pleased with the number of baptisms they have each week. Then they dashed off to their appointments after blessing our home and family with a word of prayer.

(Now, back to my achievement-less week... it's not over yet. I'll get back to you after painting.)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What I've learned today

1. Playing with the girls is fun. Tonight Kylee, Taylor and I went the the "So You Think You Can Dance" tour concert. We started the evening with dinner out and had great seats for the show @ the E-Center. I know that they performed all of my favorites from this last season and I think the girls loved it too.

The following are a couple of my favorites:

Monday, September 22, 2008

What I've learned today

1. I regret it when I don't get out of bed to workout in the morning. I complain that 4:45 comes early and I frequently convince myself that I need another hour, but I don't miss that hour when I muster up the motivation and get up and go to the gym. (How ironic.)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What I've learned today

1. Great miracles happen when you put your trust in 100 children.

Today's primary program was executed perfectly by the kids. Even the last minute changes did not stump them... they did not miss a beat.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

What I've learned today

1. Never put your purse

      in the trunk of the car.

Rivalry @ home

A picture is worth a thousand words,
here's a few thousand:

Lake Powell Wordle

"Don't forget to grab your purse"

I told myself as I set it inside the trunk of the car while I stuffed it full of the groceries I just bought. I reminded myself again and then it was too late.

Now a quick call to Kylee (fortunately I keep my phone in my back pocket).

"I need you to run the spare key to me"


Quick summary, then "Oh wait, that won't work - I'm in your car."

Next call to Taylor (my Rescue Ranger and Hero for the day)

"I need you to grab the extra honda key off of the key rack and start walking down the street to meet me"


No hesitation, no explanation necessary (but I offered it anyway).

I started my trek toward home and met Taylor (with Chester her trusty side-kick at her side), and turned back to the grocery store.

The groceries made it home promptly and unharmed.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Flipping through the photo albums

evan wise man

tay boating              Kylee Easter Dress

                 Rachel's BDay 2001 2

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Football in the family

Evan's nephew, Jacob, just called his uncle to share his football news: His team just slaughtered a local team that has been undefeated for two years. Jacob is a two-way player: as a guard on the offensive line and a tackle on the defensive line. His favorite part of football is hitting people!!!

(I wonder if Evan has any weekend trips to Wyoming planned? Maybe on a bye week.)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tonight's FHE

The first topic came from Kylee. She just received a letter from one of her favorite missionaries - Mike Middleton. He sent her a quick note and because he is so busy, he included a copy of a letter that he sent to his mother. She loved this! The letter for his mom was so full of details and experiences.

Kylee knows a few girls that are writing to several missionaries and their letters seem so shallow and full of fluff. (My words, not hers.) She even knows of one missionary is so distracted - his focus is on setting up dates for when he gets home (in two years). Kylee definitely prefers the mommy version. She loves to be able to have something to respond to and having the opportunity to share her own experiences (institute and the like). She would much rather be a support and not a distraction (WOW - this is my kid!)

Topic #2 - Taylor has an assignment in school - "Do something that takes you out of your comfort zone." We all offered her suggestions. She shot down most of them.

Sing a solo - NO

Just for the family? - NO

Find a SBO (Shaun Cassidy) and hug him - PAUSE... (maybe we have a winner.)

One of her own ideas - Talk to random (unknown) people.

I personally like the SBO idea. At least she will get a hug from a cute boy out of it and get school credit to boot.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What I've learned today

1. My favorite part of Sunday is the roaring havoc of family. The great tradition of Sunday dinner with family is actually one of my favorite parts of the week. I only wish that other family members were closer so that they could be a part of this event. My favorite Sunday meal? Anything that includes Tamra's homemade rolls.

2. My dishwasher runs more on Sunday than on any other day. I love planning and cooking for the masses.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Granny Airbag

Thought this was amusing:

Friday, September 12, 2008

What I've learned today

1. Weekends start early during football season. JHS @ Bingham tonight, UCLA @ BYU tomorrow.

2. It's nice when you forget to bring work home. Unfortunately, I found another project to occupy my weekend. Our ward is responsible for the bulletin board in the primary room next year. Since the theme for 2009 is "My Eternal Family" I have started gathering pictures of all 140 temples to use as a border.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What I've learned today

1. No matter where we go, or what else is going on, Chester is bound to be the life of the party.

Evan and I took him along with us to Healing Field. It did not take long for a swarm of kids to gather around us and roll in the grass with Chester.

Where were you 9/11/01?


I was getting the girls ready for school when I saw the news. Dad and Mom were serving their mission in Edmonton, Canada and I called them immediately - knowing that they would not have heard the news yet. I also called Evan at work. I was talking to him while watching the live broadcast when the Pentagon was hit. I remember having to explaining to the girls that we were going to be OK and sending them off to school. I was stuck to the TV set, along with my co-workers all day long.

Funny how I can't remember what I did yesterday, but recall the details of this day...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Summer coming to an end…

A couple of my favorite sunset pics from this year. I took these at Dana Point – California during Evan's Summit Award Banquet for the bank.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What I’ve learned today

  1. Kylee can endure a 12 hour day. After Kylee was done with classes, she went to labs while she waited for her orientation at Primary Children's Hospital. She will be starting a 6 month stint as a volunteer. She toured the hospital and she decided that she does not want to work in ICU. "It would be too hard." she told me. I don't think I could either. She got home after 7pm and managed to make time tonight to see Brayden one last time before he leaves for the MTC in the morning.

Today on Tuesday

This morning I streamed the KSL news story as well as the Today Show interview with Stephanie's family. I think KSL did a much better job with the interviews and talking about the impact the worldwide Blogging community is making with their prayers and support for them. I am amazed how far reaching this story has become because of a simple little blog.

I have noticed the cover of the July Ensign sitting on my table and know that Stephanie's blog is a perfect example of what the cover story states: "You have a great opportunity to be a powerful force for god in the Church and in the world. There is truth in the old adage that "the pen is mightier than the sword." In many cases it is with words that you will accomplish the great things that you set out to do." "Do not be afraid to share with others your experiences as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ."

I don't know exactly why I am so captivated by Stephanie's story. I know part of it stems from a great love and respect for Steve and Cindy Clark (Evan's neighbors from Provo). I know it is partly because of my gratitude for each and every day that my daughters return home safely. I know more than ever that I should never take my family for granted. I know that my testimony has grown over the last few weeks. I know that the resurrection will be a beautiful thing for Stephanie as well as for my own daughters as they will be able to stand tall and straight someday. I know that our Savior Jesus Christ and our loving Heavenly Father are aware of each of us individually and do not test us beyond what we can endure.

Perhaps it is helpful to remember that the Prophet Joseph Smith was told: "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment" (D&C 121:7).

What happened yesterday?

So – I missed a posting. Maybe this will help you understand why.

Woke up at 4:30 AM.

Snoozed until 4:50 AM.

Went to the gym. (A not-so-daily rutial.)

Called the girls from the gym (a daily ritual) to make sure they were awake.

Went to work.

Picked up Taylor from school.

Went home.

Took the girls to La Puente (a Monday ritual).

Waited for Kylee to get home from a mission call reading. (Will Campbell is going to New Hampshire – Manchester) … while Kylee was gone, I studied her biology text book.

Tried to help Kylee with her Biology. (Stress on the TRIED.) Way above my head. I can't get the girls to understand that I really am not as smart as they think I am.

Went to bed.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

What I've learned today

1. Sunday is a day of rest - unless it's the first day of practice for the primary program.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

What I've learned today

1. I miss having Evan around on Saturday. It's nice running errands with him.

Dodged the bullet

I managed to dodge the shopping bullet.

Kylee started her day early and went to the sorority breakfast up at the institute with her friend Kristen. She came home with her first "college boy" phone number. She and Kristen hooked up with him this evening. She passed on the football game - claiming that she did not want to fight with traffic and parking or ride trax alone (although she does when she goes to school). I think she ended up with a little regret and we will encourage her to try going to the next game.

Taylor met up with a new friend from school at the girls baseball came at the High School and spent the afternoon at her house.

I worked on Primary (a major theme every Saturday)

Surprisingly, Evan was able to catch the BYU Football game on his "business" trip. I monitor his moods by the scoreboard - needless to say - he will be in a good mood when he gets home tomorrow.

New York Times Article:

Stephanie Nielson's story made the NY Times:
Read it here

Friday, September 5, 2008

What I’ve learned today

1. Chester is very photogenic
2. Trying to think of something that you have learned during the course of a day is not always easy.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Kylee just walked into the house, and announced that she just joined a sorority. She is now a Gamma at the LDS Sorority and is very excited about the new social opportunities.

What I've learned today

1. It's fun watching your niece play soccer.
2. Chester likes cornbread.


I got to watch Rachel play soccer for the first time. (My first time, not hers.) The weather was perfect and her team won. I couldn't ask for a better evening and I had the best excuse ever for not eating Relief Society food.

Check out Rachel here:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


What else can I say, hump day is bringing us closer to the weekend. Evan will be gone, so I'm sure the girls will want to shop. Throw in stake baptisms and primary program practice and I will be ready to go back to work on Monday.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What I've learned today

1. Deciding to go on a diet is easy. Implementing it is not.

September and counting

I can't believe that it is September already. Kylee has mentioned several times that she enjoys this cooler weather. She used to be a fan of the heat, but since she is hoofing it on campus, she has re-evaluated. Taylor is continuing to have good experiences at Jordan. So far, choir is her favorite class. Her first choir concert is scheduled for October 14th - the day before her wisdom teeth surgery.
It's nice having our furniture back in place (temporarily), as we take a break from painting while Evan is away on some business trips.
Evan and I talk frequently about the Clark's and what a great example they are to us as they are enduring such a horrific trial with their family. It has been amazing for us to witness (via cyberspace) their great testimonies and amazing courage.
Christian is healing well. Steph's progress is slow. Her facial surgery went well. They worked on her hands and her face. They were able to preserve her ears and nose. There is some concern about skin and some other things (not specified).
I am more and more grateful for the knowledge that we have of the great plan of salvation, and the joy the resurrection will bring.

Monday, September 1, 2008

What I've learned today

1. Three day weekends make me tired.

Phase Two

We have completed phase two of the painting job. Not bad for a couple of hacks. We are hoping to limit ourselves to 2 coats with this color, but vaulted ceilings and short people don't mix. We have a few roller lines that are visible - maybe they will fade as it drys.