Sunday, August 30, 2009

What nearly killed Evan last night.

Got your attention, didn’t I !

Last night was our ward back to school picnic… and no picnic is complete without a ball game. The big boys played football and paid for it today.

It’s amazing what 20 minutes can do to an old mans body.


Ward Party

Saturday, August 29, 2009


I am closing in on this years Primary Program. Thank goodness for my awesome first counselor Jane. She is putting together a perfect program. Thank goodness also, to MaryAnn and Jenny for always willing to take on assignments. My job is so easy and I always feel that I am not doing my part, but I guess if we all share the load, then we are not supposed to feel overwhelmed.

Traditionally, my presidency has taken it easy for sharing time following the program. We have laid down blankets and let the kids watch church produced videos. This year is no exception, but with a different twist.

As the church has launched it’s YouTube site, we have been blessed as saints, with some amazing video productions to uplift, inspire and empower us. We though it would be a nice change to present these clips to the primary children. So my task is to 1) locate clips that will keep the attention of all the children ages 4-12 and 2) find a way to download them and save them for our presentation.

It did not take long, but I accomplished 1/2 of this task: locating and downloading. (I even included some of the great commercials that the church produces.) Next is organizing and burning.

One video clip that caught my attention is one that I am posting here. I hope is stirs something in you as it did me.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My favorite part of Taylor favorite part

Today was the last day of Taylor’s summer. She starts her Jr. Year of High School tomorrow.

Tonight, she asked her dad for her traditional Father’s blessing. While we were waiting for Evan, she confessed to me that this is her favorite part of going back to school.

I love that both my daughters have such great faith in the power of the Priesthood and I love that I have a great husband that honors his Priesthood and is always ready to bless our lives and the lives of others when called upon.

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Saturday, August 22, 2009


I have missed, and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my first born.

Ky has spent the last week in California with friends. The last hurrah of the summer. School starts Monday.

I am not missing my “mother’s taxi” days.

Tay has been spreading her wings this week as she has built up her confidence and drives herself here and there. Her best friend got home from vacation this week and they have been inseparable ever since. School starts Wednesday for her.

I am missing summer already.

A very short summer is officially over. We had fewer outings this year due to economics and work environment. But these were sacrifices that had to be made.

I am missing my childhood.

I think it is lousy that I have to be grown up and make grown up decisions such as canceling trips, avoiding unnecessary purchases, deciding what to fix for dinner, etc.   On the contrary, I love being grown up and having grown up children to spend time with and… that makes me happy to be where I am now.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lifelong learning….

"Lifelong learning is essential to the vitality of the human mind, body, and soul. It enhances self-worth and self-actuation. Lifelong learning is invigorating mentally and is a great defense against aging, depression, and self-doubt" ("The Journey of Lifelong Learning," in Brigham Young University 2008–2009 Speeches [2009], 2, 8–9).

What have you learned today?

Me? I have learned that I have a lot of learning to do. I am just starting my battle against aging.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What happened to summer?

With a cold wet start, a cooler then normal end, and so little in between I am asking myself – what happed to summer?

The girls start school next week, it is officially over.

Friday, August 14, 2009

When little brothers become awesome uncles.

When we were little, my brother and I fought like cats and dogs. Seriously; I am amazed one of us is not serving time.

But something happened.

  1. I went away to school (absence makes the heart grow fonder)
  2. I got married (someone else for me to pick on)
  3. He went on a mission (time and distance)
  4. We both grew up.

His last request before leaving on his mission was that I provide him with a niece by the time he gets home.

My daughter was exactly one month old on the day he returned from his mission. At the airport, he rushed past mom and dad and went straight for the stroller. There has been a strong bond between those two ever since.

Today they spent some quality time together jumping off of cliffs at Diamond Fork. Ky and a couple of her friends (including mom and grandpa) went rappelling for the first time. We had so much fun together and enjoyed the sport and the scenery.  Eric was so generous with his time (thanks Bro) and shared with us one of the things he enjoys.

I am so grateful for him and the relationship he has with both of my daughters. I am glad that we both grew up and fell in like with each other. (I have always loved him!)

0814 Rappelling

Monday, August 10, 2009


A couple of months ago I (somehow) injured my leg in a rare “leaning against the wall for a long time” incident. I pulled a muscle or tendon or something… but it has aggravated me ever since.

My (very) early morning ritual at the gym has been set aside to allow for proper healing.

While I still ache and suffer from stiffness in the morning and at night, I think that I am finally feeling a little bit better. (I have noticed in my declining years, that I do not “bounce back” as quickly as I used to.)

So, with the signs of healing on the horizon, I am ready to grit my teeth and get back to the gym. The 10 lbs I intended to loose before the summer started are still with me, and I hope to part with them by Thanksgiving. Taking it slow, so I can continue to heal, and (now for the hardest part) reevaluating my diet should make this a realistic goal.

Here’s to feeling better!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Call me crazy…

Click on this to find out why…

we eat this card1

Friday, August 7, 2009

Tonight's feature film...

was a screening of “The Sand Lot” in the backyard. It was cool enough this time that the fire was a welcomed addition.

The crew: Kylee and her multitudes.
The treat du jour: s’mores and roasted starbursts.

Alan, Denise and the kids spent the night – so the multitudes were multiplied. Denise is running a half marathon in Provo in the morning and I warned her of the events of the evening and indicated that they may party late. It is 12:30 now with a few lingerers, but I think she managed to fall asleep before her own kids did and I wish her well with the race.

I really enjoyed this evening!

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

4 wheel driving

07 23 09 Taylor

It is official… Taylor is a licensed driver.
(A warning?)

I did not waste any time putting her to work.
(She has always been a great helper!)

In the last 24 hours Taylor has:

  1. Run to the grocery store for a few items needed for dinner.
  2. Driven HERSELF to a friends house.
  3. Dropped Chester off at the groomer.
  4. Taken herself to the TRAX station for a trip north to Lagoon with friends.

I am looking forward to  freedom from “mom’s taxi”.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

46 years

Today was the 46th anniversary of my parents wedding day. They are two of my most favorite people and two of my dearest friends.

In honor of this great day I fixed a meal of Salmon, Steaks, Salad and Potatoes. We topped it all off with dad’s favorite: Banana Cream Pie.

I am so grateful for these two people. I am so grateful for their testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ and for the example they have set for me and my children. I am so lucky to have great parents that are also my friends. I look forward to seeing them for dinner every Sunday and for their interest and involvement in the lives of all of their grandchildren.

I am blessed.

46 years Dad and Mom