1. As a neighbor (and parent), you have fund-raiser purchases to make - this year Taylor will be heading to California with her choir group. Fund raising has started and we are hoping to keep our costs down as she also has a trip at the end of the school year with her private voice instructor. I am hoping to be able to tag along as a chaperon for choir and the whole family is planning on joining the voice group. Looks like 2010 will be filled with a few fun trips.
2. As a dad, you have school fees and club dues to pay – the checkbook has not closed since registration. Locker rental, book fees, year book, PTA, parking permit, choir dues, ACT… the list seems endless. Free education is expensive.
3. As a mom, you have homework again – but with a college student and an Honors/AP student – it won’t be long before the material is over my head and I become useless. I am also just realizing that is has been over 20 years since my brain was in the “study” mode. Fortunately, I have been able to google the help that we need so, as long as I can google it, I can still be helpful.
I am looking forward to watching the growth in my daughters this year and hope that they will have many positive experiences.