Sunday, January 31, 2010

Many hats

As Primary President, I have worn many hats.

  1. primary president hat (naturally)
  2. music leader hat
  3. bathroom escort hat
  4. parent finder hat
  5. nursery helper hat
  6. substitute teacher hat

Today I . . . wore my substitute teacher hat.

I did have a days notice, which is about 23 hrs 58 minutes more than my usual notice. I taught the 6 year olds for a sick teacher. The lesson was on how we can be happy when we choose the right. After engaging them in some positive discussions we ended with a game.

I took a small rock and hid it in one of my hands. Then each child had to choose which hand it was in. If they made the right choice, they got to take one step forward. I noticed during the game that the children would make a choice and then change their mind as they saw what the others were choosing.

At the end of the game when they made their last choice, the majority chose my right hand and were standing on that side of the room… only 2 chose my left. The boy on my left said “This is scary”. When I revealed the rock in my left hand only two children won… and I took this perfect moment for one last point to make:

Sometimes choosing the right CAN be scary, especially when you see so many of your friends and people you know making different choices. It is VERY important that we have the COURAGE to choose the right and to STAND BY our choices, to NOT GIVE IN and follow “the crowd”.

The best part… at the end of the day I got the thumbs up and a very enthusiastic “best teacher EVER!” from the children in the class. It was one of my favorite days in primary.

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Friday, January 29, 2010


Tonight, Evan and I went to our ward’s High Priest Group social… Big Band style music and a little dancing. I think there were more band members than people and plenty of sweet treats.

Since Ev can't dance, we just sat back and enjoyed the music and watched. Our home teacher and Evan’s home taught are featured in the following clip…

Evan has decided that it was time we took dance lessons together (again). We have tried it before and we made it through two of the eight lessons. Perhaps if we got a group together we would be more inclined to stick it out.

Anyone interested?
(Before you commit, please be advised: it may only be a phase.)

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mid-week news.

So far, not a bad week.

  • Many opportunities for little acts of kindness (Too little to mention.)
  • A temple announcement for Payson, Utah. (A mile from Neale and Emily’s home.)
  • My dads birthday (today)!
  • An invitation to witness the mission call opening for my friends son (also today).
  • Evan gets home from his business trip. (No BYU following this time.)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Not always a day of rest.

Today was my turn for sharing time. I carefully planned out my lesson and made all of the necessary preparations. By Saturday evening, I was ready. Then…

I received a call from my First Counselor. Her youngest is sick and she will not be there.

I will have the rest of my presidency there. No problem.

I arrive at church and received the spotlights that my 1st counselor sent with her healthy kids. All is well. Then…

I received a text from my Second Counselor. She is not feeling well and will not be able to make it.

I quickly glanced over the congregation and verified that my secretary was there. No problem.

Sacrament Meeting ended and I proceeded to the Primary room to greet the children as they arrived. My secretary told me that she was hurting and needed to go home (she just had surgery after the New Year).

The cheese stands alone. No problem.

Thank goodness for a daughter who is willing to sluff her classes to help her mom. (Thanks Tay!) 
Thank goodness for awesome teachers and ward members who are willing to offer help when they know I am in need. (Thanks Rachel!)
Thank goodness for GREAT primary kids who always so willing to go the extra mile when I beg! (Thanks to all 110+ kids!)

Today I . . .  didn’t swear. (But I had every right to!)

Friday, January 22, 2010

There is no such thing as too much prayer.

Today I . . . kept a prayer in my heart.

This time for friends who are expecting their first child today. Ironically, it is the brother and wife of the recipients of yesterdays heartfelt prayers.

Our dear friends, Gale and Joan will become grandparents for the first time at any moment. We love them dearly and love all of their children. We consider every member of this family a great friend and we are so excited for this new chapter in their lives.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Last night, Evan and I learned that the pregnant wife of a dear friend was in an automobile accident and taken to the hospital. The air bag deployed. There were concerns for the baby so she was admitted overnight for observation and additional tests. We promptly fell to our knees and prayed that the parents would be comforted and that all might be well for the baby.

Today I . . . kept a prayer in my heart all day.

Good news came later this afternoon. Mother was released and baby is fine. Test results look good.

Oh how I love the sweet power of prayer. (Inspiration HERE and HERE)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today I . . . expressed encouragements. To co-workers, to family, to myself. Nothing worth elaborating on. But, I do know how important encouragement is, especially in a family.

The Family: A Proclamation to the World reminds us that each family member is a son or daughter of God, endowed with divine destiny and purpose. Families that practice encouragement promote one another's growth and development, helping each family member reach his or her full potential. These families structure family life so that members can develop intellectually, physically, spiritually, and socially.

I am grateful for an encouraging family. We have been able to help each other grow, and by doing so, we have grown closer together. We also grow closer to our Savior as we try to emulate His example of how to treat others. Encouragement is a powerful tool that we should use more often in all of our relationships.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Earlier, I received a call from Taylor. She could not find the thermometer. I could not remember where it was but asked her if she was feeling sick. She told me that she was not feeling well and that she felt a little warm.

Today I . . . decided to make Chicken Soup for dinner. You can find my recipe HERE

Monday, January 18, 2010

An unexpected day off.

Last Friday as I left work, I said my goodbye’s and see you Monday. A few hours later, I receive a phone call telling me that the bosses decided to close for the Martin Luther King holiday. It was a nice surprise.

I did go into work for a couple of hours anyway to post payroll. The rest of the day was spent at home, piecing my quilt. Not a very eventful day. Makes it difficult to provide simple acts of kindness.

Today, I . . . find myself wondering if I have done any good.

While on the road today, I let another driver “in”. I know he appreciated it  - I got the “wave”.
I did not yell when Chester ate the rest of the cookies. He got a guilt fee treat.
I was an interactive map for Taylor as she looked for an address. She sent me a “Thank You” text.
I bought my family dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. I put a smile on Kylee’s face.

Not much, but perhaps I did a little good.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


As primary president, I am often searching the web for ideas. Lesson ideas, teacher appreciation ideas, activity ideas etc.

I stumbled across this blog and instantly fell in love with the blog description quoted below:

You and a two year old are placed in a small, bare, carpeted room for two hours. You do not really know this child. The child has NO idea who you are. Can you handle it? Sure. No worries, right? How about you and 2 two year olds? 3 two year olds ? 5? 7? 9? 12? Are you screaming for MERCY! yet? Welcome to Nursery. It takes a lot of ideas to make the 2 hours of church nursery run smoothly. I can use all the help I can get.

Why did this quote strike such a chord with me?

Today I . . . volunteered to help in the Nursery as they were terribly short handed and our new time slot for church puts us right at lunch and nap time for most children in this age group.

Play time is always the easiest.
Breaking up fights. Pulling children off tables and stacked chairs. Hunting for missing shoes. Encouraging sharing. Finding misplaced toys. Reading books in 13 second intervals. Keeping escape artists away from doors. Discouraging pinching, hitting or throwing. Applauding turn-taking.

Then there is snack time. Also easy.
Passing out wipes for hand washing. Reminding that wipes are for hands and not tables. Dishing up treats to eat. Reminding that they have their own treats and not to take what belongs to others. Filling sippy cups with water. Reminding that water belongs in cups on not on tables.

The last 30 minutes are the hardest. A short lesson to a swarm of children with the attention span of a baby gnat. Singing time or, better phased, a solo performance of a medley of childrens songs. Coloring a picture to show mom and dad what they tried to learn today.

Interestingly enough, it seems, the minute they become Sunbeams – it has all sunk in and they are ready for BIG primary. It truly is the Lords work structured and directed through His influence and guidance. And when applied by loving Nursery leader (whom I love dearly . . . THANKS Kathryn!!) it is a PERFECT program.


(A parody photo of my dad, taken when both he and my mom served in the nursery of their Ward.)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My husband…

He is a sports fan. (That is an understatement.)

I am not!

Today, I…
went to the Jazz game with my husband.
(OK, this good deed may have been a little self serving too.
I benefited from great seats in the suite with unlimited diet coke and food.)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Wakeup calls

I can’t remember how or when it all started, but for several years now, I have become a wake up call service to my daughters.

Every week night, I confirm their AM call time for the next morning. I then set my phone’s alarm clock for myself, Kylee and Taylor. At the appropriate time, I call each daughter and wake them up with a cheerful “Good Morning!” In the winter, I also give them a briefing on the weather so they will know how much extra drive-time they will need.

Evan once told me that they are old enough to wake themselves up. I told him “I know” but expressed to him how much I like these daily moments to talk to my girls.

These calls are more than just a wakeup call to me. My voice is the first thing they hear each morning, and even more important, I get to tell them how much I love them.

Today I…

APPRECIATED wake up calls. 

Thursday, January 14, 2010


As I have scoured through the photos of the devastation and anguish in Haiti, I find myself once again, grateful for so many blessings that I take for granted. Just to name a few…

  1. I live in a country with the technology available to build safer building and structures.
  2. Everyday, my family has come home, safe and sound.
  3. I have a strong testimony of the Plan of Salvation and know that my family can be together forever.


(Photos courtesy

Today I…

Made a donation for relief efforts. You can to! Go HERE.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Feeding "squirrel" to the neighbors

Ok, not really. It was chicken.

My family, however, calls this dish “squirrel”. It got that name a few years ago when we were feeding a friend of Kylee’s. She mentioned how good it was and wanted to know what it was. When I told her “squirrel… doesn’t it taste like chicken” – the name stuck.

Today I fixed dinner for my friend and neighbor. (You can find the recipe HERE) I also took her a puzzle. I know how much she likes them.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Spring RUSH

Today kicked off RUSH at Lambda Delta Sigma at the U. Kylee, as RUSH officer for GAMMA, has been busy ALL day and is not expected home until late tonight.

She called me a little while ago to see how my day was (a nice call to get). She was also getting hungry and was not sure how she would be able to find time to break away to eat. No one she felt comfortable asking would be coming up either. I told her to call me back later and we could figure something out. I was going to wait for traffic to head south and take her dinner. Then it occurred to me that Evan may still be downtown. I quickly called him and sure enough, he was. He said he would call her.

Today I arranged to get food to my starving child.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Over thinking.

I am struggling already with daily good deeds.

I think I am over thinking it.

Today I received an email asking me to bring in a meal to a neighbor in need. My first reaction was to ignore the email… I am too busy.I thought.

As the day passed, I realized that I was missing out on an opportunity to set into motion a couple of days of do-gooding.

  1. By accepting the request, I would be helping a neighbor fulfill her calling as she planned out a week of meal assistance for this family. (Good deed #1.)
  2. By putting that request into action I would be providing an opportunity for my neighbor to continue to relax and heal after undergoing surgery. (Good deed #2.)

So, I quickly repented, responded to the email and am currently planning a meal for a family of 8 with the assistance of another friend and neighbor.

I am realizing that some good deeds are the end result of other good deeds strung together over time.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010


I have so many of them. Everything I have is a blessing from a loving Heavenly Father. My home, my family, my friends, my job, all that I have.

I have received them when I have been set apart for callings or when I have been troubled or sick and I receive the blessings of the Atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ daily.

"The Atonement of Jesus Christ and the healing it offers do much more than provide the opportunity for repentance from sins. The Atonement also gives us the strength to endure 'pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind,' because our Savior also took upon Him 'the pains and the sicknesses of his people' (Alma 7:11). Brothers and sisters, if your faith and prayers and the power of the priesthood do not heal you from an affliction, the power of the Atonement will surely give you the strength to bear the burden."

Dallin H. Oaks

I have witnessed them. They have been given to my children and those I love at times of sickness or sorrow. My children receive them each year when they start school. Tonight is no exception. Kylee starts a new semester tomorrow.

I hope and I pray that I have been and will be an instrument in blessing the lives of others. I hope that as I continue to serve in the Primary, that I will be able to touch the lives of the wonderful children in our Ward. I hope that they can feel and always know of my love for them, and especially for the love I feel for our Savior.

Today I…

Sat in a class of 5 year olds to help a teacher without a team teacher. She has the most rambunctious group of kids and today there was 10 (it seems like 20)! She learned a lot last week and knew exactly who needed to be separated from whom. I sat in the class and snapped my fingers when necessary and acknowledged reverence whenever I could. I made several “potty” trips down the hall and raised my hand when I wanted to participate in the discussion. I was impressed with how much she was able to get done with this group of kids. It was a blessing for me to be able to spend some time with these great kids and see the love and patience that their teacher has for them.

I wouldn’t mind serving in the Primary for many more years. It is a great blessing.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Today I…

Took on a project I have never tried before… I am finally piecing together a quilt from old pairs of jeans that have been stacking up. Unfortunately for me, they are my (tiny) girls jeans and I will never have enough to complete it, so I am sure I will be heading to the DI soon. I picked out a complementing flannel fabric to alternate squares… I am looking forward to this and will certainly need advice and guidance.

While in line at the fabric store my good deed opportunity came up. The lady in front of me was annoyed by the long lines and admitted to me that she HATED waiting in lines. (Who doesn’t?) So, I stepped out of my comfort zone and we struck up a conversation. We talked about the new inexpensive gym in town, how sewing is no longer thrifty, how we are both always in a hurry.  Before we knew it, we spent the quickest 15 minutes of our day without  irritation or stress. Bonus, it helped me pass the time too.

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Same ol’ resolutions (?)

It never seems to change. My New Years resolution(s) that is. Loose weight, exercise more and so on. My resolutions have always been centered on ME. I was ready for something different. Something that I might be able to stick with.

As I searched for inspiration, I came across THIS article and decided to challenge myself to do the same. While I may have a late start, I am ready to take it on . . a good deed every day! I will also journal my experiences here on my blog.

My challenge to you… join me. How great will it be to say that we made a difference in 2010.

Today I …

Called a friend who just underwent surgery.

She is one of my best friends and I love her dearly.

It was a very brief call because I know how aggravating it can be to have so many phone calls and having to give the same details over and over. I made sure that she was OK and that she had everything that she needed from comfort food to puzzles and videos. I reminded her that if she needed anything to give me a call. I know she would. We have that kind of a relationship… It is nice to have someone to call even when you need the dumbest things.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What Chester ate today.

Recently Updated1

Not sure what it is (was)?

It is (was) Evan’s leather coat.

This is Chester’s 2nd coat.

He ate mine when he was a pup.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Interesting but not entirely true…

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Such a cdonition is arppoiately cllaed Typoglycemia. Amzanig huh? And yuo awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.

According to Wikipedia, "It is an urban legend/Internet meme that appears to have an element of truth to it ... No such research was carried out at Cambridge University"

I think the concept is still interesting.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

As part of our Christmas Eve tradition, we share a review of the current year. This is our 2009 slideshow.
(10 minutes if you have the time!)
(password is "hero" . . . be patient, it may take time to load!)