Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Weekend Part II

Slept in until 6
Made Strawberry Ice Cream
Made Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Cups
Made Potato Salad
Made Coleslaw
Made Fruit Salad
Had an early lunch
Seasoned and wrapped Baby Backs
Baked Baby Backs
Made BBQ Sauce
Watched Evan grill ‘em up
Enjoyed an early dinner with friends and family!!


Tonight I rest…

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Weekend Part I

in my backyard

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Memorial Weekend 1_0196_tonemapped

Later at the cemetery

05 30

Saturday, May 29, 2010

At a theater near you -

We are officially a legit movie theater.

Last night Taylor and her friends caught the 8:00 Blu-Ray showing of The Hulk. 
Warm chocolate chip cookies and pop corn provided by mom.

Kylee and her friends showed up for a 10:30 showing of Sherlock Holmes.
Snack counter was closed (mom was tired).

Having a place where your kids want to bring their friends – priceless.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Checking in

While I was at work, Evan called me to check in.

He informed me that he had mowed the lawn and pulled some weeds and was heading south to American Fork.
(He has a play-date.)
I teased him about earning his keep and wished him a good day.

I must admit, it was nice to come home to a freshly mowed lawn.

It was less than a year ago when I would come home to this…

lawn remove 1

Monday, May 24, 2010

All I want

is my feet to be warm.

Friday, May 21, 2010


As a mother of daughters, I have always feared that they would loose sight of their TRUE identity, their DIVINE nature.
I am grateful that they have not.

Because they have remained close to their Savior,
obeyed the commandments,
loved and cared for others,
they have been able to see through the lies of the worldly definition of beauty,
to see their true reflection
and realize who they truly are.

That is one of my greatest blessings.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Best concert of the year

Last night we attended the final choir concert of the year for JHS.
Very talented youth with a very talented  teacher/coach/conductor.
They have received high scores in their competitions and have never disappointed their audience.

Taylor will be in both the A Cappella and Madrigal  Choirs next year and I can’t wait for the next concert.

05 19

** Stay tuned… Taylor will be performing solo’s in the Awards Concert presented by her wonderful voice teacher, Lana.

Today’s giggle

Saturday, May 15, 2010

What a beautiful day

for a wedding…

Kylee’s friend Bre was married this morning, and I was Kylee’s date.
The wedding was at La Caille and I think Kylee and I took more pictures than the photographer.
(Although, our subject was not the beautiful bride…)

La Caille_0100_tonemapped La Caille_0106_4_5_fused La Caille_0113_1_fused  

La Caille_0140_tonemappedLa Caille_0129_tonemapped

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The power of “Thank You”

Early this morning I stopped off at the 7-Eleven to pick up my daily beverage.

It was still dark outside.

As I approached the door, a gentleman held the door open for me.

I thanked him.

He smiled.

It felt good, knowing that his simple act of kindness,
followed by my simple act of acknowledgement,
created the perfect start to another day.

In a troubling world…
the smallest things DO make a difference.


Sunday, May 9, 2010


I am blessed…

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Happy Mother’s Day!

As I reflect on the greatest role a woman has, I can’t help but be grateful for ALL of the righteous women around me. Those that have had an influence on me, and now, those that have an influence on my daughters. I tend to worry about the single/childless women around us. I worry that they feel like they are not counted among the “mother’s” this day. I pray that they may know that they are wrong.

"While we tend to equate motherhood solely with maternity, in the Lord’s language, the word mother has layers of meaning."
Sheri L. Dew, Ensign, Nov. 2001

I strongly believe that Mother’s day is not only a celebration of our Mother’s, Grandmothers, Mother’s-In-Law, but a celebration of the Motherly. I hope that women everywhere can celebrate their influence on others as they magnify their callings, visit teach & serve their neighbors and others in need.

In my own life, I know this:
When I was young, I was who I was, because of my mother.
When I married, I became who I am, because of my husband & children.
When my daughters marry, I will be who I will be, because of my grandchildren.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Desert Jewel

There is nothing like the St. George Temple. Nestled in the red rock with a desert sky backdrop.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

One of the most BEAUTIFUL women I know:

Wasting St. George

I am sitting here in a freezing cold ballroom in the St. George Convention Center wishing I was enjoying the warmth and blue skies outside. I am planning an early escape and hope to enjoy it soon. Wish me luck.