I want to tell you a story, it is a true story. It made me cry.
It is about a mother of two young daughters. I would say they are about 3 and 5. They were helping their husband/father get ready for a very special Youth Conference that was planned by their Stake. They all drove up into the mountains together, but they were delayed because of an accident on the freeway.
I am not clear on many of the details but I do know this…
The mother and her daughters were going to stay at the base camp while their husband/father spent time at the activity site with the youth. The delay on the freeway created a situation where the mother and her daughters ended up at the activity site. They decided to walk to base camp from there.
It was approaching the hottest part of the day, but there were many trees in the area so there were patches of shade along the way. As they started walking, they found a little relief in the shade, but quickly learned that it was an uphill climb all the way back. The girls were in flip flops and they did not have any water. This mother was determined that they would make it up to camp, even if it took them all day. She stopped often to let the girls rest in the shade.
It did not take long for a faithful child to suggest to her mother that they stop and pray for help. The mother quickly agreed and they prayed together.
In the meantime, another woman from a different Stake, was magnifying her calling at Girls Camp. This woman was responsible for a specific project and was the first to arrive on site and the last to leave. It is her nature to do so. But something happened. For no specific reason, she decided to leave early. She handed over the lock to a trusted friend and instructed her on what to do when they were done with their activity. As this woman traveled up the dusty road back to camp, she came upon a mother with two small children. Without hesitation, she pulled over and asked if they wanted a ride. They gratefully accepted.
On the drive up the hill, the mother explained their situation and stated that they had just finished having prayer together. The two women talked for the remaining two miles. As the mother and children were dropped off at their camp, they exchanged names, shook hands and said good bye.
We are often reminded that one of the ways that the Lord blesses us is through others, that answers to prayers may also come through others. I know that it is not always easy to recognize that the service extended by others are the blessings or answers that we are searching for. I also know that it is not always easy to recognize the moments when WE are the tools required in order for these blessings to come to pass. How important is it that we follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost and act upon them. Even when it is not our nature to alter our behavior.
This is something I will never forget.
I will also never forget the name of the woman who’s hand I shook.
It was a pleasure meeting you Robin Honey.