I needed to be prepared for what is to come.
(A tender mercy from a loving Heavenly Father.)
The topic: Gifts of the Spirit
And again, to some it is given to have faith to be healed;
And to others it is given to have faith to heal.
And again, to some is given the working of miracles;
D&C 46: 19-21
As a mother, I have relied on these gifts (and so many others) as my daughters have struggled with medical uncertainties.
My youngest has also endured (will endure) surgeries and faces a lifetime of pain and discomfort.
I am thankful for the gifts and talents of skilled Doctors.
For their love and concern for others as they do all that they can to help and heal.
I am thankful for Doctors that know their limits and are humble enough to send people to skilled individuals who can help.
I am thankful for the strength and courage of my daughters.
I am thankful for the promise that we will gain strength through our trials.
I am thankful that our Savior has endured ALL and knows our pains and trials intimately.
He knows US intimately.
I am thankful that we can rely on Him to get through the difficult moments in life.
I am thankful that
Happiness comes as a result of our obedience and our courage in always doing the will of God,I am thankful that I have obedient and faithful daughters that are full of happiness and bring me such great joy.
even in the most difficult circumstances
BenjamÃn De Hoyos