Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!



Taylor “extended” the 10 inch scar on her back. She was the proud recipient of a SECOND spinal fusion.
We are so grateful for Dr. Klatt and his great skills and even greater bedside manner.

The recovery from surgery is complicated by a nerve that is wide awake and delivering great pain.
Taylor endures it all so well. She is a great example of strength and courage.

Kylee celebrated her 21st birthday. She is quite a remarkable young woman with wonderful friends.
Her best friend Heather takes over the birthday party arrangements, while I tag along with Taylor
and the JHS Choirs as they tour Boston.

Taylor turned 18.
In an attempt to help Kylee find a worthy suitor... I wrote a letter to Daniel and delivered it.

Prom for Taylor.
Daniel and Kylee go out on a date.

Graduation from High School for Taylor.
Kylee receives some devastating news about her sorority… Gamma and others are being terminated.

The boat finally makes its debut.
A family trip to Disneyland. We made some new discoveries and enjoyed the park at a pace more acceptable to Evan.

Kylee starts anther semester… including this one, only 4 more to go!!

Taylor moves up north… BYU Idaho.
Trips with Kylee in the mountains to photograph the wonders of autumn in Utah.

Taylor makes a trip home for General Conference.
The last of Kylee’s friends come home from serving honorable missions.

Evan and I celebrated our 24th Anniversary.
Evan is called to serve in the Young Single Adult ward as 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric.

A Christmas Carol, outings to Temple Square, parties and Caroling.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sports related injuries...

The last surprise item that Santa delivered to the family this year was a Wii.

Since that time the family has been competing in Tennis, Bowling, Baseball, Golf and Boxing.

As a result, I have been experiencing muscle stiffness and fatigue.
I knew I was out of shape, but this is shameful!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Defining boundaries and responsibilities.

I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, co-worker, teacher, leader.
I am struggling with knowing where a certain boundary is under one of these roles.

For work, I spend A LOT of time on the internet for job related searches.
Some of those searches include Facebook.
Often, while conducting these searches… I will take a minute and check in with people I know
…just to see how they are doing and what they are up to.

Today, I noticed a young man (in his teens) that I know 
recently subscribed to a Facebook App that is centered around bikini clad women.

I immediately thought of two things.
1] his account was hijacked (if this was accidental)
2] danger looms ahead (if this was intentional)

On the surface, bikini clad women seems innocent enough.
BUT I am concerned, and this is why:
I was reminded of an article in the New Era, October 2006.
It offers a simple definition of pornography:

any entertainment that uses immodest or indecent images to stimulate sexual feelings. So even a mainstream television program or advertisement can be pornographic.

My thoughts continued to the subtleties of the adversary.
How often does addiction begin with curiosity.
But, when is curiosity satisfied?
Continuing down that path… curiosity can lead to interest, where addiction may follow.

So, here I am, trying to define the boundaries and responsibilities.
Do I stay out of it and let the parents parent?
Do I assume this is all innocent and there is no cause for worry?
Do I alert the mother of this young man and share my concerns?
Do I simply pray for this young man and his parents and hope that the Spirit can prompt them?

I suppose I should pray for these answers as well.

And behold I say unto you all that this was a snare of the adversary, which he has laid to catch this people, that he might bring you into subjection unto him, that he might encircle you about with his chains, that he might chain you down to everlasting destruction, according to the power of his captivity.
Alma 12:6

Saturday, December 17, 2011


A couple of days ago, Evan and I made a spontaneous decision.
We called Taylor to see what she thought… she LOVED the idea!
Her last item of school business was Friday evening… singing with the University Choir.
The though of sleeping one more night, and alone, in her apartment was more than she could stand.
So, it was settled.

I left work a little early on Friday and Evan and I drove up to Idaho.
We let ourselves into the (mostly) empty apartment and we packed, cleaned and loaded.
When Taylor was done on campus, everything was ready to go.
All that was left was turning in her key and grabbing a quick bite to eat.

Evan led the convoy home, alone with his talk radio.
Taylor and I jammed to tunes and busted moves as we followed.
Everyone was happy and home by midnight.
It was an extra treat to walk into the house and finding Kylee there too.

Everyone is home, where we love to be.
Surrounded by my three best friends. How lucky is that?


Monday, December 12, 2011

On the first day of Christmas...

This morning I woke up at my usual time, the middle of the night, as Evan affectionately calls it.

I bypassed the gym because it's cold, dark, and the holidays.

I stopped at the end of our street, look both ways, and proceeded to turn.

The individual, traveling at the speed of light, was not happy with the results.

This individual, in an attempt to break the world speed record, proceeded to jet past me.

They swerved back into my lane just in time to make a quick right hand turn at the next light.

In an attempt to express their appreciation, they rolled down the window and shared with me their version of a partridge in a pear tree.

Oh, the joys of the Christmas season.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Best part

The best part of my day yesterday…

  1. Waking up early and making birthday breakfast with my husband
  2. Sharing breakfast with Evan’s sister and a couple of her kids.
  3. My nephew Jacob, LOVING my homemade Blackberry Buttermilk Syrup.
  4. Getting to know Michaela Smolíková from the Czech Republic.
  5. A thoughtful, homemade gift from my oldest daughter.
  6. A phone call and birthday wishes from my youngest daughter.
  7. Being able to tell my youngest… you will be home in TWO WEEKS!
  8. Grocery shopping with the hubby.
  9. A birthday text from Tamra.
  10. A text message from new friends… an invitation to join them in their traditional candy dipping.
  11. A plateful of homemade chocolate dipped yumminess.
  12. Still being the #1 pick of my daughter, to escort her on her errand.
  13. A birthday text from Amy.
  14. Birthday dinner at The Spaghetti Factory… never a disappointment.
  15. Secretly video taping the “play by play” of the BYU game.

  16. Laughing with my husband as I share the “secret video”.
  17. Staying up late, discussing “life” with my husband.
  18. Spending my day with people I love, and knowing they love me.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Turning another year older, for me, is kind of like Christmas time for an adult.
More in the sense of…
Is it that time again, already?
Where did that year go?

I really don’t track my birthday’s.
While the birthday’s of my husband and children are so very important to me,
I could care less about mine It is just another day.
I think this attitude stems from my allergy to being the center of attention.
I am much happier blending into the background.

What I need to remember is this:
While my birthday is not a “big deal” to me,
it may be important to those around me.
I need to be better at letting them shine the spotlight on me…
but only for a day!

Friday, December 2, 2011


Sometimes, when your words seem to have gone unheard…
you have to put them in writing.

I’m sorry!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

You may call it science, I call it LOVE.

This morning, my feet shuffled as I worked my way down the hallway.
I met my sweetie halfway down and we shared a small kiss.
It was electric…24 years and there is still a spark between us.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What Chester Ate Today…

In an effort to clear out the leftover Halloween candy,
I bagged it up to take to Family Home Evening with the single adults last night.
Unfortunately, I forgot to set it out and brought every piece of it home.
I also forgot it when I pulled it out of the box and set it on a self in the spare room.

Anyone who knows Chester will most certainly know what happened next.

After the last person left the house, Chester went to work.
The first task was to retrieve the bag on the shelf.
It seems to have taken some effort, because a sack of office supplies that was next to the candy was shredded and the box of tissues behind the candy was dented.

After successful retrieval, the consumption began.
He enjoyed as much as he could, and then took his actions to a whole new level.
He proceeded to take the leftover candy bars, one by one,
and strategically stash them in various places in the two couches in the family room.

Evan noticed his efforts and proceeded to confiscate the buried treasure.
Thinking he found it all, Evan went back to work and Chester napped.
The story was shared with me when I got home from work
and I have since found, what we hope is the last piece.

If Chester disappears in the middle of the night,
it will be safe to assume he has one more hiding spot!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 21)

Today I am thankful for the week of Thanksgiving…

This will be my last Giving Thanks post this year.
Thanksgiving is this week.
So is my anniversary,
So is my nephew’s birthday. (Happy birthday Jacob!)
So is  my niece's birthday. (Happy birthday Ashlynn!)
On Sunday, it is my Sis-in-law’s birthday, (Happy birthday Denise!)

It will be December before we know it!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 20)

Today I am thankful for leftovers.

Normally, I am not a fan.
When I am lazy and do not want to cook, I dish them up for dinner.
When I have a lot of cooking in the near future (i.e.. Thanksgiving), I dish them up to save my energy.

This week, if I run out of leftovers, there will be cereal!
Then, on Thursday, I will stock back up.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 19)

Today I am thankful for lists.

I just finished my Thanksgiving lists.
Number of guests.
What to serve.
Who will contribute.
What to buy.
When to start preparing on Wednesday.

Today, I shop.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 18)

Today I am thankful for the Temple.

Because that is where I married my best friend… 24 years ago next week.
Because that is where my daughters want to marry.
Because that is where my daughter’s best friends marry… Congratulations Carson & Heather!!!
(November weddings RULE!!)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 17)

Today I am thankful for cookies.

Mostly, for their symbolism (according to me).
They bring a sparkle to a child's eyes.
They bring warmth on a cold day.
They bring comfort to the sick or lonely.
They provide an opportunity to extend a simple act of kindness.

They are round... an eternal circle.
Like a celestial marriage, sealed in Holy Temples.

Thank you Heather, for the opportunity to help you celebrate your special day...
We could have made more!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 16)

Today I am thankful for the extended weather forecast.

So far, clear and sunny for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Safe roads for Tay.
(She is coming home on Tuesday!)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 15)

Today I am thankful for extended family.

As Thanksgiving gets closer, I am counting heads for the big feast.
The house will be full, and I am so excited.
There are some who will not be here, and they will be missed.

I love the challenge of cooking for a big crowd and finding room for multiple tables.
No doubt, furniture will be moved to another room as in years past.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 14)

Today I am thankful for Young Single Adults (YSA).

Evan and I have been blessed to be able to serve these amazing group of people.
He was set apart yesterday, as the 1st Counselor the Bishopric for the YSA Ward in our region.
As part of his calling, I too, will be actively serving in that ward.
I will be visiting, teaching, friendshipping, gathering, socializing, encouraging.

As we were visiting with the YSA Stake President when the call was extended,
he likened this calling for us to a mission call. Evan’s eyes lit up. It was wonderful to see.
We will be busy fighting to retain the active youth and seeking out those who need an invitation to return.

We spent our first day of worship with the YSA and I can most certainly say
they were chosen for this time. They are strong. They are courageous.
They bring fear to the adversary… and this is why he seeks to lead them astray.
This new Bishopric is armed and ready for the battle.

Giving Thanks (day 13)

Today I am thankful for opportunities to grow.

Specifically, the spiritual opportunities.
Change seems to be the means for such growth.
Growth can only come if there is room for improvement.
In order to grow, you must be meek.

Growth comes with the opportunity to serve where and when you feel the most inadequate.
As I look back at each calling that I have received,
I clearly realize that each one has prepared me for the next opportunity.
I have been able to overcome fears and short comings.
I have been blessed just for simply doing my best.
I have been strengthened. My testimony has grown.

A new opportunity is forthcoming. Details will be released soon.
But, in the meantime, I thank the Lord for his confidence in me and my family.
I thank Him for the opportunity to grow.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 12)

Today I am thankful for gratitude.

I am thankful for so many things, I can’t ever mention them all.
Sitting here, each day, trying to single out ONE has been very eye-opening.
There really is…SO much.

I find myself being thankful for even the little things.

  • coming home from work to a clean kitchen
  • someone helping me clean up after dinner
  • talking to Taylor on the phone or texting/chatting…every day!
  • the extra loud, house quaking sound effects of the movie by husband and daughter are watching together
  • the unconditional love of a dog
  • the peace and love I feel from a loving Heavenly Father, especially after He sends a challenge my way
  • the reassurance from my Savior that he will carry me through

Friday, November 11, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 11)

Today I am thankful for compromise.

It is an important concept.
It is valuable for both personal and business relationships.

For example…many of our clients are open on some minor holidays AND
I have a boss that agrees that we should take more of these holiday’s off.

We decided that we can provide customer service and boost office morale by compromising.
We were opened for a half day today.
I propose we consider this option more often.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 10)

Today I am thankful for friendships.

The friendships at work.
The friendships at church.
The friendships at home.

The funny thing about friendships... they change.  People come and go.

I am sad and will always miss the friends that move.
I am happy when I am reunited with those from the past.
I am thrilled with opportunities to meet someone new.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 9)

Today I am thankful for Harmons, my local grocery store.

It seems silly, but I love it.
Not for the convenience and the products,
but for the people that work there.

Those that know me by name and use it when they tell me “hello”.
Those that do not know my name, but remember the details I share
as we chat while checking out.
Those that don’t laugh at me (only with me) as I return multiple times
on the same day to retrieve a forgotten item.

Everyone deserves a friendly market.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 8)

Today I am thankful for the strength to apologize.

I posted this quote recently, but it is worthy of a repost…

Monday, November 7, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 7)

Today I am thankful for family scripture study.
However, it is not the same with Taylor.

For some reason, this go at, seems to be better than ever.
(Except that Taylor is missing)

My guess is, that now that we are a family of adults,
our approach to study is much different.
There are questions and discussions.
There are insights and opinions.

I look forward to the time we spend together.
(I look forward to the visits when Tay can join us!)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 6)

Today I am thankful for small acts of kindness.

My 2010 New Years Resolution was centered around this ideal.
In fact, it may well be the ONLY resolution I have ever successfully carried out.
Every day, I was to extend a simple act of kindness, or a good deed.
It was so very easy to do. The opportunities were all around me.
When I was driving, when I was shopping,
at home, at work.

What I learned about myself:

  • Watching others do good inspires me.
  • I can extend a good deed. I have hard time receiving a good deed.

My conclusions… I need to let others feel good, by letting them do good.

What I learned about mankind:

  • People are kind and generous like THIS!!
  • Others are courageous like THIS!!

My conclusion… a good deed is a good deed… big or small, they all have value! I believe that without the small deeds, there are no big deeds. Inspirations need to come from somewhere.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 5)

Today I am thankful for talents.
Specifically, the talents of others.

I am sitting here in freezing cold Rexburg, Idaho, anticipating a choir concert that I am certain will not disappoint.

I am thankful for beautiful voices.
I am thankful for brilliant composers.
I am thankful for encouraging teachers.

Talents also fall into more basic categories too...
The talent of being patient.
The talent of being forgiving.
The talent of sharing a testimony.
The talent of reaching out to others.

What talents do you appreciate?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 4)

Today I am thankful for weekends.

I was planning on taking today off,
but scheduling conflicts prevailed.
I was hoping today would be better than the rest of the week…
it is Friday, after all.

No such luck!
My car decided to ignore the fact that my seatbelt was worn, and constantly chime its alert anyway.
I was on the phone THREE times today with the payroll company.
I had an after hours meeting to participate in.
My “homework” piled up higher than I had hoped.
My car continued to perform its seatbelt warning.

This weekend cannot start soon enough.
I hope to sleep in until 7AM.
I am heading North to Idaho for THIS.

Best part is… Evan is going with me &
Taylor is singing in the choir.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 3)

Today I am thankful for my daughters.

They are my other best friends.
They are smart.
They are beautiful.
They teach me.
They make be better.
They are strong, and unafraid to speak up.
They love their Savior.
They make me proud!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 2)

Today I am thankful for my husband.

He was foolish enough to marry me,
crazy enough to stay with me,
blind enough to put up with me.

We are a perfect fit.
I am better, stronger and wiser because of him.
I love sharing parenthood with him.

He is my best friend!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Giving Thanks (day 1)

Today I am thankful for my job

I love  and enjoy the people I work with.
I admire and respect the men I work for.
I have been very blessed to KNOW that I am appreciated.

I love that we are all part of a team and back each other up.
I love knowing that my office values family as much as I do.

I love going to work.
How lucky is that?

Saturday, October 29, 2011


It is not quite a tradition, YET.

For the 2nd year in a row, we have picked out pumpkins and carved them together as a family.
This year, however, we had a guest carver.
Kylee’s friend Luke joined us in the apples with dip, chili with cheese and humans with knives event.
Evan opted out of the carving…BYU was playing and he was stair climbing between parties.

To cap off the evening, Luke shared some mission pictures.
It was inspiring to see such an amazing response to the Gospel in Kenya.

Also a tradition… lighting up the pumpkins for photos.


As an interesting side note to the evening….
My daughter brought home a boy that I felt it was important for me to impress.
I found myself reverting back to my awkward adolescence.

I am sure I said stupid things. I know I said things that I shouldn’t have.
I think I should have done something different with my hair. (Yeah, right!)
There were times when I should have said something, but didn’t.
The house could have been cleaner.

I guess, we can always find something to be insecure about.
My hope is, that everyone else’s insecurities makes them blind to most of mine…
I usually don’t see theirs!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Savor... Each new season and what each one has to offer.

I savor-
Spring and its renewal & rebirth
Summer and its light & warmth.
Autumn and its crisp, vibrant colors.
Winter and its soft, white blankets.

How blessed I am to live in an area that provides such a variety. It seems that as just as one season has worn out it’s welcome, another one appears and rejuvenates my spirit.

Savor… Every moment with your family.

I savor-
The holidays and other events that cause the extended family to gather.
The memories of time well spent with my daughters as they were growing up.
The relationships that I have NOW, because of time well spent with my daughters as they were growing up.
The anticipation of the future with my eternal companion, and all that it holds

I love being surrounded by family. Recent events have caused me to reflect more on the great blessing that family is. I am so grateful that motherhood has been easy for me. It was a choice that I made. It has been one of my best choices. The rewards that followed, significantly out-weigh any sacrifices that were made. So much so, that they really weren’t sacrifices after all!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

When I can’t be there…

I am so grateful that my daughters trust in the power of prayer.
More so now, then ever before.

This is a time in their lives that require them to make decisions I cannot help them make.
This is a time in their lives when I am not always physically there for them.

I can encourage them, but I cannot guide them.
This is why prayer is so important.

“It is through earnest and heartfelt prayer that we can receive the needed blessings and the support required to make our way in this sometimes difficult and challenging journey we call mortality.” ~Thomas S. Monson

There is ONE person they can turn to.
Someone that knows them even better than I do.
Someone that knows what path they should take, in order to get where they need to go.
Someone who is ALWAYS with them. Even when I am not.
Someone who will listen to ANYTHING they have to say.

"Prayer becomes more meaningful as we counsel with the Lord in all our doings . . . We are promised that if we pray sincerely for that which is right and good and in accordance with God's will, we can be blessed, protected, and directed." ~ David A. Bednar

I will repeat again, some of the greatest advice I have given them.
Say a prayer.
Ask your Heavenly Father for help.
Ask Him to help you understand what it is you need to learn from your challenge.
Listen to His answer,
and do your part!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What I love...

I love... that my daughters still use me as their wake-up call.
I love... that I get a phone call when things (good or bad) happen in their lives.
I love... that those phone calls occur daily!
I love... that they still consider me a worthy companion for concerts, shopping and other activities.
I love... my daughters, and the man that made it all possible.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


This morning, Evan got up as he usually does on Sunday,
and went to his early morning meetings.

It was a slower day than usual, so he had time to come home for breakfast before Church.
He fixed pancakes, one of his favorites.

I spent the morning baking an Apple Pie.
Another favorite.

After church, He grilled up some steaks and asparagus.
Favorites, again.

evans bday dinner_2916grill collage

Must have been someone’s birthday!!
Happy Birthday sweetie!
I couldn’t have pulled it off without you.

evans bday dinner_2922-1

Friday, October 14, 2011

Dear Howard

I loved you in High School.
I even had a sweater that matched this one.

I would often pair it with khaki pants and red socks.
I even had a white belt.

Over 20 years ago, I sat in the Park West venue with the love of my life.
I was finally going to see you. I couldn’t believe it.

Then the storm came.
Lightning. Thunder, COLD rain.

First it was postponed. I waited.
It continued to rain. I waited still.
An hour later, no change. I gave up.

An exodus through the parking lot with so many other disappointed fans.
Later, a rumor that the show was to go on.
I was already 20 minutes down the canyon, soaking wet, cold and stubborn.
I did not return.

My love for you did not die.
Your greatest hits was among the first to be uploaded to my prized and newly acquired iPod.

Many attempts to reunite failed.
Events on the calendar and financial obligations took priority.
But, I promised myself we would make this happen.

Flash forward to 2011.
An event in Sandy seemed promising. FAIL.
Another event last night in St. George. FAIL.
More broken promises.

Dear, Dear Howard.
I guess it is not meant to be.
Unless, you want to come over for dinner.
That, I can do.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Home, then back

My dad was released from the hospital on Friday, only to end up back there 12 hours later.
This time, his heart rate is too rapid.

The cardiologist will not be in until Monday, so this weekend will be full of vitals taking and heart monitoring.

As you are spiritually fed this weekend here
…please be mindful of a family member, a neighbor, a friend, or anyone that you are aware of
that may be in need of additional prayers, a simple kindness, or an act of service.
Act upon your promptings. Reach out and help those in need.
Kiss your spouse, hug your children.
I know I will!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall Colors

1 daughter
1 dog
2 cameras
1 full tank of gas
1 beautiful road trip

fall colors collage

Thursday, September 29, 2011


The lessons we learn from patience will cultivate our character, lift our lives, and heighten our happiness. ~DIETER F. UCHTDORF

And patient we are trying to be!

Dad is still in the hospital. Going on the third night. The Doctor is keeping him for another night. Both the Cardiologist and the Neurologist have given him the thumbs up, so once they get a handle on his heart rate it should be go time.

The most difficult part for dad is the fact that he feels fine. Other than his “episode” he has felt strong and healthy. It is difficult to understand and determine what it is that his body it trying to tell him.

As I was visiting with mom and dad in the hospital today, he admitted that he is impatient. Perhaps there is some spiritual growth that will be gained in this experience… for all of us.

…patience is a purifying process that refines understanding, deepens happiness, focuses action, and offers hope for peace. ~DIETER F. UCHTDORF

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Oh, what a week (and it is only Wednesday)

Sunday: received a phone call from my mother-in-law at 7:30 am. Highly unusual, so I answered it right away.  She had fallen and hurt her shoulder. Evan was had already started his day at the church,  so I called him to arrange to pick up her house key. He ended up driving over with me.

After some untrained diagnosis, and a little inspiration, we drove her to the ER.

Broken shoulder.

Monday: took the day off to make sure she could manager her pain and take care of her basic needs.
Being as strong and independent as she is… she managed just fine and insisted on sleeping in her own bed.
(Can’t blame her!)

Tuesday: I was back at work. when the call from my mother came in. My father passed out at work and was being transported to the ER.  Back again, to the same place I was, just 48 hours earlier.  After some basic tests, it was determined that he needed to be admitted.

Wednesday: still at the hospital, still running tests and still hoping for answers.

What we do know:

  • it was NOT a seizure
  • is was NOT a stroke
  • his resting heart rate is too low and not improving
  • there is a hole in his heart (the kind that is common, and is most likely insignificant)
  • there is a “mass” in/on/near his brain that seems to be unrelated and not much to worry about

He feels fine and want’s to go home.
(Can’t blame him!)

Thursday: hoping that we get answers and a plan of action!

Then we can look forward to General Conference this weekend and loads of nourishment for our souls!

Monday, September 26, 2011

In case you were wondering…

If a dog finds a staple on the floor and tries to eat it,
there IS a chance that the dog will end up “stapling” the roof of his mouth.

What are the signs of this happening?
The dog will continually lick the roof of his mouth in the same fashion as a dog eating peanut butter.

Can you remove this staple yourself?
Yes, but it takes two.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Forget Not

As expected, President Uchdorf did not disappoint as he spoke at the General Relief Society broadcast.
I cannot wait to listen, read and watch him again. You may want to do the same.

He used the flower, forget me not, as a metaphor.
I took some artistic liberties…

pres uchdorf forget not-1

Read some of his words HERE

Friday, September 23, 2011


It has been an exhausting week, emotionally speaking.

  • BYU suffered a painful loss in football to the University of Utah. Sorrow (for Evan).
  • My lesson in church received many compliments. Surprise.
  • I have 4 more weeks until my next lesson. Relief.
  • I ONLY have 4 weeks until my next lesson. Panic.
  • Kylee received kudos from one of her teachers. Pride.
  • Taylor started to experience uncomfortable, nearly unbearable, back pain. Worry.
  • A call to her doctor produced a prescription for Physical Therapy. Hope.
  • Mass mailing for the bridal shower that Kylee is giving for her best friend. Anticipation.
  • Circumstances at work that created more (and seemingly unnecessary) projects. Stress.
  • Taylor announced that she and her roommates will be in town for Conference. Excitement.
  • Overheard Kylee turn down fun for homework. Impressed.
  • 3 times this week: up at 4:45 am , to the gym by 5 am. Fatigued.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011


“I believe that a lack of patience is a major cause of the difficulties and unhappiness in the world today. Too often, we are impatient with ourselves, with our family members and friends, and even with the Lord. We seem to demand what we want right now, regardless of whether we have earned it, whether it would be good for us, or whether it is right.”

~Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

“Patience is tied very closely to faith in our Heavenly Father. Actually, when we are unduly impatient, we are suggesting that we know what is best—better than does God. Or, at least, we are asserting that our timetable is better than his. Either way we are questioning the reality of God’s omniscience [knowledge].”

~Elder Neal A. Maxwell

On Tuesday, Evan and I volunteered to provide FHE at Atria, the retirement center near our home.
Let me rephrase, Evan volunteered us to provide FHE. It was a stressful week and I was not looking forward to it. I had too much to do. I didn’t have the time. I wanted to do what I wanted to do!

While sorting through lesson ideas, I stumbled upon a lesson on patience. It clicked. What hooked me was a statement at the end of the lesson. It really put the quality of patience in perspective.

Patience was required of Noah and his family. We talk about “forty days and forty nights” as though they had to live in the ark with all those animals for a month and a half. Well, forty days and forty nights was only a fraction of their endurance. For instance, do you remember that after they went into the ark and closed the door, they were inside the ark for seven days before the Flood began? Now, would that be a test of faith or what? Would you decide, about the fifth day, that it would be awfully nice to spend the weekend picking buttercups in the meadow rather than cleaning the elephants’ stalls and that maybe Noah had made a big mistake?

Then the rains began. It was not until the fortieth day of this torrential downpour and flooding that the water was deep enough to “lift [the ark] up above the earth.” And then “the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days.” We’re up to 197 days so far.

The scripture doesn’t tell us how many days it took for the waters to recede, but it says that the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat on the seventeenth day of the seventh month, and it took until the first day of the tenth month for the tops of the mountains to become visible. If we hypothesize a month of thirty days—then we need to add another seventy-three days.

Then they waited forty days to send out the raven and the dove, seven more days for the second flight of the dove, who returned with the olive branch, and a final seven days for the third flight. It sounds as if it then took another month plus twenty-seven days before they received the command of the Lord to go forth from the ark. This comes to a total of 401 days. That’s a long time to be cooped up in a floating zoo—a year, a month, and six days!

So the story of Noah teaches us that there will be adversity, that it will last a long time, and that it will require reserves of patience that seem superhuman.

After all was said and done, it ended up being a perfect evening. Somehow, the stress of service is what reduced my stress. I still had the time I needed to get everything done. I am, however, a little stressed about what the Lord has in store for me that will require superhuman patience.

(Original lesson HERE)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

the 40 something college student

First it was Kylee and her photography class at the U.
I loved it.
Learned a little.
Hung out with Ky a lot!

Flash forward to Monday… BYU-Idaho stated it’s Fall 2011.

Twice, already, I have been called to assist in some math homework.
I love it.
Remembering more than I expected.
Warned Taylor that it won’t take long to reach my limit.

I guess that means, I have been officially enrolled in Fundamental Math 108.

I’ll take it!! Any excuse to chat with my Tay.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I walked into church alone today.

Evan was busy with a Ward Conference.
Kylee is a member of a singles ward.
Taylor, has been gone (for three days now).

Our dear friend Gale F. spoke today.
As a result, his wife Joan, was in the congregation.
They are the parents of McKay and Drew…
the two men that are looking after Taylor while she is in Idaho.

I was overcome.

An overwhelming sense of gratitude fell upon me.
Gratitude for great friends, who are great parents.
Gratitude for their sons, who treat my daughters as sisters.

An overwhelming sense of peacefulness was with me.
Peaceful with the spiritual progress both of my daughters are making.
Peaceful with their decisions and where life is taking them.

On overwhelming sense of love overtook me.
Love for my eternal companion, and the new opportunities this stage of life brings us.
Love for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the opportunities for growth it brings me.

Friday, September 9, 2011

I just took my daughter over state lines and left her there.

I went to work early and was home by 10AM.
Taylor was a bundle of nerves and anxious to get going.

We packed the car full of boxes and started our journey northward.

First stop… my grandparents gravesite.
The grave marker for Uncle Richard was in place, it was not here the last time I was.

BEAR RIVER CEM 09 07 11 (3)

Next stop was the home of our hosts for the night.
When McKay & Carlee invited us to stay with them, we quickly accepted and canceled our hotel.
Taylor’s reaction was priceless!! She could not wait to go play with their sweet daughter.
I loved watching McKay and Carlee interact with their child. They are great parents! No doubt about it.
I also loved receiving the reassurance that Taylor has them nearby and that she will be loved and welcome in their home if she needs some TLC.

The next morning we were on the road again, heading to our final destination.
A quick line for keys, and then it was moving time.
A new list of “things we need” was created as we unpacked and organized.

Evan had a business lunch with a client and a colleague,
so Taylor and I teamed up with her roomie Kiri and her mom for our errands.
First stop – campus for ID cards and books.
Next was Walmart for some necessary shopping.
More unpacking and organizing followed.
Lunch and grocery shopping, then meeting Evan back at the apartment.

More roommates were arriving and it was nice to meet them and some of their parents.
I was busy trying to resolve issues at work and was not very gracious. (A regret.)
These parents, however, were reassured by Evan that Thanksgiving at our home
is an open invitation to their daughters.
This is a family tradition I am excited to carry on.

With all of the hustle and bustle of moving, and the many campus activities available for the students,
Evan and I decided it was time to leave our little girl behind.
Hugs, kisses and love you’s. All tearless. We were all brave and strong.
It was easier than I anticipated and I am so excited for her and this new adventure!

See you in 76 days. (Skype me!!)

byu i move

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The first last.

Today was all about Taylor.

Her last Sunday dinner before leaving for school later this week.

Her dinner of choice,

Surrounded by our usual Sunday crew,
she was loaded up with advise and well wishes.

Dinner was topped off with cake
and a very special message…

byu collage

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A way to display…

This week I found myself the proud owner of updated photos
of some of my nieces and nephews!
A new school year and updated photos seem to go hand in hand.

Too often, these photos remain in their protective envelope,
waiting for the day I climb on a stool, pull the frames off the wall,
take apart the frame, exchange photos, replace the back of the frame,
hang it all back on the wall.

Seems easy enough.

I finally had enough and decided to put a new plan in action.
What I needed was a better way to display!
Better, in the sense that it is quick and easy to get each updated photo up

After a quick Google search for some ideas,
and a little gratitude for creative minds that are not afraid to share,
this is what I ended up with…



(the jury is still out on which display I like more.)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Inevitable departure

We are down to days… 12 to be exact.

Each day, there is a gentle reminder that Taylor will be leaving soon.
Today was a not-so-gentle kind of day… she received her roommate list.

So far, this has been the biggest bite of reality we have had to swallow.

This, combined with Kylee’s yearnings to move out,
just might make us empty nesters FAR TOO SOON!!
I am not ready to swallow that.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Test results back in 2-3 weeks.
We are hoping for a positive diagnosis.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This month marks both the passing and the birthday of my late father-in-law. 
His birthday is this week, and this has been an unusually significant birthday. 
I attribute this to my upcoming lesson in Relief Society… Temple Work and Family History.
Up until his untimely death, he was diligent in his search for his ancestors.

As I have been making preparations for this lesson, I have been doing a little research.

I have spent more time than usual on,
the family history site for the Christ of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Because his family is a convert family, I decided to focus on searching for the same ancestors.

I have volunteered for world wide indexing so that I can gain experience
and understanding as I present this topic in the lesson.
(Ironically, indexing became the tool that has given me a lead on some of his missing family members.)

I must confess, this “research” has been more of a distraction than help.
I have located more family names that need temple work.
I have found some leads on a few “dead ends” on the family tree.
I have re-dedicated myself to attending the temple more often.
I have indexed over 500 names.
I have realized that you cannot take for granted that someone else has already done the work.
I have completely ignored the lesson book.

Here I am, days away from teaching, 
While I have not outlined a script for a lesson, my usual method of teaching (because it gives me security),
I have gained something much more valuable… loads of personal experiences to share with the sisters.
And, if I get a response to an email I sent to a stranger, possibly a miracle or two.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Just for fun...

An Australian travel website sent three men on a six-week journey around the world. This stop-motion video, titled "Move," chronicles their voyage in 60 seconds.

<a href='' target='_new' title='Stop-motion video circles the globe in 60 seconds' >Video: Stop-motion video circles the globe in 60 seconds</a>

Thursday, August 11, 2011


“Life is perfect for none of us.
Rather than being judgmental and critical of each other,
may we have the pure love of Christ
for our fellow travelers
in this journey through life.”

~Thomas S. Monson~

Friday, August 5, 2011

Listening & Seeing

As a mother, I want nothing more than good health and happiness for my daughters.
Over the years, we have been very blessed.
Our needs have been met, we have been able to pay our debts.
We have been able to satisfy many of our wants.

My children have not asked for much.
Another great blessing.

This year has been a little different.
We are still blessed with the ability to meet our needs and obligations,
but certain “want’s” have had to be set aside.

Not because we HAD to, but  because we have turned to our senses.
We been more diligent in LISTENING and SEEING.
Listening to our living prophets as they strongly encourage us
to get out of debt, build up our food storage, and return to “the basics” of the gospel.
Seeing that we have additional expenses on the horizon:
current tuition, future weddings, potential missions.

It has been difficult to disappoint my children.
I have been disappointed too!
But I do know this…

As we keep our ears and eyes open,
pay attention to counsel & promptings,
and faithfully comply & obey,
our blessings will be multiplied

Friday, July 29, 2011

Date night…

cleaning the boat

cleaning the boat
charging the battery
sipping diet coke
enjoying the music of the 80’s
declaring ourselves the best boat launchers EVER.
wondering why we don’t take this 20 minute trip south more often.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


the beach collage
the treats collage

the lines collage
the rides collage
the shows collage
the fun collage

(the photographer... me, & mostly Kylee!)

Monday, July 25, 2011

July’s travel log…

On Sunday, Evan left for Phoenix for a business trip.
He was gone only a few days, but we scheduled a slight detour.

Bright and early Wednesday morning, the girls and I packed up the car,
dropped Chester off at Grandpa & Grandmas
and started our road trip.


First destination, Las Vegas.
Only for dinner and a nights rest…
but not before picking up an extra passenger.
Evan joined us and was our chauffer to our final destination…


But first, a cold trip to the beach
where we laid around, took pictures (acquiring some scrapes in the process)
and shivered.


newport beach

it was relaxing, in spite of the chill.

We spent the next three days in the park.
After the first day, I came to accept two facts.
1] no matter what care and attention I pay to my feet, Disney always delivers blisters
2] prickly heat has become a permanent part of my early summer wardrobe

IMG_3567_2042  IMG_3585

I will share more later.
As for now, I am tired and I am so very much looking forwarding to sleeping in my own surroundings!!
It is not very Disney…. but it is fitting to say
There is no place like home!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thank You Harry

Dear Harry Potter:

Thank you for giving my girls something to love for so many years.
Thank you for the gift of reading… over and over again.
Thank you for their excitement before each new movie.
Thank you for inspiring them to get good grades so they could skip school after each midnight premier.

Thank you for inspiriting others and their great creativity.(see below)

You will be missed.

Crazy about Harry.

Monday, July 11, 2011


"Do not spoil what you have
by desiring what you have not;
but remember that what you now have
was once among the things you only hoped for."


Sunday, July 10, 2011


I read a quote posted on a friends blog.
I immediately looked for the source so I could read the rest of the text.
I am so thankful I did.

In May, President Monson spoke at Dixie College
as they celebrated 100 years.

He spoke of three bridges:

1] the bridge of attitude

"Attitude can make all the difference in our lives, and we control our attitude," he said. "It can make us miserable or happy, content or dissatisfied. To a great degree, it can make us strong or weak."

It was the philosopher William James who developed the "as if" principle: If you want a virtue, act as if you already have it. If you want to be brave, act as if your are brave. If you want to be happy, act happy.

"Change your attitude by trying the 'as if" principle — it can work for all of us."

2] the bridge of integrity

"Being true to oneself is anything but easy if the moral standards of one's associates conflict with his or her own," he said. "The herd instinct is strong in the human animal, and the phrase 'Everybody else is doing it' has an insidious attraction. ...

"Nothing takes more strength than swimming against the current. You, my friends, are strong and must at times decide to swim against that current."

3] the bridge of service

"During your life you may achieve wealth or fame or social standing," he said. "Real success, however, comes from helping others."

All will have opportunities to serve.

"The blind and the handicapped need friendship; the aged are hungry for companionship; the young need understanding guidance; the gifted are starved for encouragement. These benefits can't be conferred by reaching for your checkbook. Personal service is direct and human."

… one's personal service may not be dramatic, but it can bolster human spirits, clothe cold bodies, feed hungry people, comfort grieving hearts and lift precious souls to new heights.

"My young friends, your life will be fuller, richer and happier if you seek for and find opportunities to be of service."

I find myself, again, full of short comings.
It seems, that the simplest things, are the most difficult to live by.
I believe my attitude and integrity are in line with His teachings,
but I struggle with the simple acts of service.
I tend to “pick and choose”.
I know I need to just “go and do”!

I think I will start with Visiting Teaching

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July

City Festivals and Carnivals
Badminton and Horseshoes
new K-9 cousin
Burgers & Dogs (hot off the grill)
Backyard FULL of family

07 04

k9 cousins

More badminton
Fire & S’Mores
Backyard FULL of friends
Noisy fireworks past midnight!

I love summer holidays!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Perfect Balance…


Above, is a list I compiled for myself after today’s Relief Society lesson.
We talked about how we should

”take care of the essential things which will save and sanctify
us and the things which are necessary to make us personally
self-reliant and useful in the Lord’s kingdom.” Julie B. Beck

I believe, that as we focus on the essential’s, and prioritize that which is necessary,
those things that seem nice become less significant, less important.
I also believe in this irony: as we focus on the essential,
the necessary and nice fall into their appropriate place in our lives,
and we find ourselves, being able to manage (and enjoy) all of these things
in our crazy, busy lives.

I know that I have a lot of work to do!
As I review my list, I know that the least of my attention it on the essential.
I know that I must refocus my attention, and only then, will I find the
perfect balance.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Kicking off a 3 day weekend…

After a spontaneous decision, Kylee packed her bags
and took off to Portland with some friends.
Determined to have some fun of our own,
the rest of us kicked off the weekend with a bang.

We started our day with a movie…
Transformers at the new Cinemark down the street.
Followed by few errands that we had to get out of the way,
especially if we wanted to eat!

Later, we threw some chairs in the back of the truck,
packed a small cooler with some water,
grabbed the camera and the dog,
and headed west to Riverton for some fireworks!

Picnik collage

07 02


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

In spite of my neglect…


...from the rose bush by my front door.

Monday, June 27, 2011

How I like to fix dinner…

Plan on 4,
feed 8.
No leftovers.

Tonight, for example:

I selected a nice 4 pound fryer.
Seasoned it perfectly and baked for 2 hours.
Real mashed potatoes, cream gravy from the drippings &
fresh fruit to compliment it on the side.

Kylee and I were the first. We ate to our hearts content.
Then the phone call came.

Kylee’s friends were ready to meet up for Taylorsville Days.
After a quick survey of the remaining food,
and a quick call for Taylor to hurry home to eat,
the invitation was extended.

A few minutes later, there was a frenzy around my counter
… just the way I love it!

After cleaning it up (with 6 helpers)
and loading the dishwasher,
I was able to save a plate for Evan.


Sunday, June 26, 2011


It happened today.
One of my greatest fears came to pass.

My laptop crashed!

I was looking for a map online,
as soon as I hit a link my computer appeared to start a scan.
It was an unauthorized scan!

I quickly shut down.
As I started the computer back up,
(this is when my heart sank!)
it would not start.

5 seconds of something
followed by a flash
and then power off.

Each time I tried again, with the same result.
After about attempt 6,I decided all was lost and walked away,
and prepared to visit the DR tomorrow.

A few hours later, on a whim, I gave it one more try.
Whew! Here I am!
A “system restore” is underway, and hopefully…
that will be that.

Friday, June 24, 2011


We were supposed to be in Lake Powell.
We made a difficult, but responsible decision
… and canceled the trip.

We continued to work for the rest of the week.

The girls and I are going to play.
…and maybe get a sunburn!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I am so grateful for the many fathers in my life.

First, and foremost, my Heavenly Father.
Then, my own father. The man who raised me and taught me how to fix things.
Dearest to my heart, my husband. The father of my children.

I can take this a step further by including
My brother.
My late grandfathers and father in law.
My two brothers in law.

Even more,
good friends and neighbors.

To all of them,
I wish a Happy Father’s Day.

May you all realize the important roles you play in my life
and the magnitude of your righteous influences upon my children.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Loosing something you love…

Last night, my daughter suffered a great loss.
Greater than the loss of a camera or an IPod.
Almost as great as the loss of a loved one.

She received notification that her beloved sorority,
along with the brother fraternity,
is being dissolved.

It has been a very emotional 24 hours for both of us.
At times, I found that the only thing I could do is hug her and cry with her.
Other times, I mustered up what little encouragement I could.
Best of all, I reminded her to pray…

Pray for the ability to understand the why.
Pray for the courage to immerse herself in her Singles Ward.
Pray in gratitude for the few years that she had in Gamma. 
Pray for the opportunity to take what she received in Gamma
and use it to create something better in what lies ahead.

I pray that she will have the strength to get through this
and become a better person because of it.
I pray that she will understand that the reason is clear
to her Heavenly Father, there is a purpose for the change,
and she needs to have faith that it is for the best.

In the mean time, I have lots of hugs for her
as she continues to mourn her loss…

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Congrats to the Grad!!

graduationgraduation 2graduation 3graduation 4
Class of 2011…
The 100th graduating class of Jordan High School!

Monday, June 6, 2011

The difficult decision

Being a spouse, a parent, a grown up
brings great joys, and great responsibilities.

In our household, we have been very blessed.
Our needs have been met, and we indulge in a few extras. 
We have had a great time growing up together!!

Our desire to eliminate our own personal debt and honor recent medical expenses, 
combined with a few bumps in the road at work,
has led us to a handful of family counsels and discussions.

We have canceled a few family trips, evaluated needs vs. wants
cut back on our weekly FHE dinner out, and made other personal sacrifices.

The decisions themselves, have been easier to make.
than dealing with the frustration and disappointments
I hope that our daughters realize, we are disappointed too!

Ultimately, I hope someday our daughters will remember these times
not as “the time we canceled our trip” or the “time we couldn’t buy something”,
but as “the time my parents made the right decision”.
I hope that they can use this example when it is their turn
to make the difficult decision.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Unnecessary family loss…

It has been a great week.

Yesterday…  I hosted a brunch for the young women in the Ward
that are graduating from High School.
We ate well, and learned some things about each other.
We also learned how much we have in common.

Thursday… pork tacos for 30.
I lugged a pig over to the choir room at JHS for the end of year party for the Madrigals. 
It was a bitter-sweet ending to our last year of public school
as we thanked her Choir teacher for his influence in the life of our youngest daughter.

Monday… Memorial Day
A house full of family and friends.
Two ingredients for a perfect party… TONS of food, LOTS of noise.

Each of these events required much preparation, and even more cleaning up.
During of which, time was spent reflecting and thinking.

My thoughts were focused mostly on family relationship’s
and all of the growing experiences being a part of a family provides.
It must have been my trip to the SLC Cemetery to visit the gravesites of family members,
combined with the gathering of family over the holiday, that started this thought process.

What weighted most heavily, was the thoughts of lost relationships.
Not the relationships that were lost with the passing of a loved one,
but the relationships that were lost because of misunderstandings, stubbornness
and unwillingness to apologize or forgive.

A mother and a son, both went to their graves, after having not spoken to each other for years.
Neither was willing to go to the other and make things “right”. They both cleaved unto their pride.

The mother was the first to pass away. I don’t ever recall if the son was at the funeral.
What I do remember, however, was this pride and anger towards his mother
was deflected now, towards his uncle… the man who attempted for years, to reunite the two.
What a tragedy it was, when this man died 11 years later. Prematurely, and alone.

I know this is why, whenever there seems to be contention among family members,
I grow an enormous pit in my stomach. I worry that this family history will repeat itself.

One of my greatest desires is a close and happy family. It is not easy, but it is possible… with effort.
I encourage each member to heed to these words from Jeffrey R. Holland:

Is there someone in your life who perhaps needs forgiveness? Is there someone in your home, someone in your family, someone in your neighborhood who has done an unjust or an unkind or an unchristian thing? All of us are guilty of such transgressions, so there surely must be someone who yet needs your forgiveness.

And please don’t ask if it is fair that the injured should have to bear the burden of forgiveness for the offender. Don’t ask if “justice” doesn’t demand that it be the other way around. When it comes to our own sins, we don’t ask for justice. What we plead for is mercy—and that is what we must be willing to give.

Such perfect words, not only to apply in family relationships, but in ANY relationship!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

How to gain 10 lbs.

The cool and wet weather brought 22 people into my house for Memorial Day.
It was a great day and I LOVED having the house full of family.
Baby Back Ribs, Maple Salmon and amazing sides.
In spite of using paper plates, I ran the dishwasher for 2 more days.

On Tuesday, I bought a 16 pound pork roast 
preparatory to feeding Taylor’s choir class on Thursday.
Wednesday, it slow cooked in the oven while I worked,
then Evan and I spent the evening together shredding pig.
Two crock pots full of pork tacos.

The grand finale will be Saturday.
I am playing hostess to the graduation Laurels in our Ward.
The brunch menu will include Eggs and Hash-browns, Muffins,
Banana Bread Kabobs and Stuffed Strawberries.

I’m thinking cereal for Sunday dinner!
I will be all cooked-out.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The birds and the trees

I have many friends, but only a few I count among my best.
One best friend, in particular, I have thought about more recently.
She is a wife and a mother.
Like most marriages, they have had their struggles.
Like many of us, they work through them as they work together and rely on a loving Heavenly Father for strength and guidance.
They have endured and succeeded. There is no doubt that they love each other.

Last night, a had a dream about this friend.
He was a tree, she was a bird.

The tree needed this bird. She ate the bugs, nurtured it and kept it healthy.
The bird needed this tree. He provided her with safety and shelter.
Together, the met each others needs and kept each other happy.
They loved each other, deeply.

For whatever reason, this tree had deep seated roots.
For other reasons, this bird loved to take flight often.
Sometimes, the bird cannot understand why the tree could not follow her when she wanted to fly.
Other times, the tree cannot understand why the bird loved to go so much.

In spite of a storm or two, this bird and the tree have always remained strong and sure.
They have always come to realize their devotion to each other and more importantly
they have humbled themselves enough to realize each others differences and embraced them…
because these differences are a part of who they are.

These differences are what attracted them to each other.
These differences are what makes them stronger as a couple, 
They grow together and become better, as they draw from each others strengths.

What this dream taught me is this:

This tree must love this bird, simply because she is a bird.
This bird must love this tree, simply because he is a tree.
This, is the Pure Love of Christ.

"The pure love of Christ.... What does this phrase mean? We find part of the answer in Joshua: 'Take diligent heed... to love the Lord your God... and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.' Charity is our love for the Lord, shown through our acts of service, patience, compassion, and understanding for one another....
"Charity is also the Lord's love for us, shown through His acts of service, patience, compassion, and understanding.
"The 'pure love of Christ' refers not only to our love for the Savior but to His love for each of us....
"Do we judge one another? Do we criticize each other for individual choices, thinking we know better?"

Bonnie D. Parkin