Sunday, January 30, 2011


When, as a parent, is it NOT painful to watch your child suffer?
I don’t think it matters if it is physical or emotional suffering.

Many prayers are offered,
pleading with the Lord to help my child endure.

Many tears are spilt
wishing the pain was mine.

Yet find myself so very thankful
that my daughters are
Thankful, that they are not suffering spiritually
…and that, brings me peace!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This year we will experience
4 unusual dates....

NOW to make this even more interesting…
take the last 2 digits of the year you were born then
add the age you will be this year and it WILL EQUAL ....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Post Surgery

This last week was a better week.
Taylor finally agreed to be medicated for the nerve damage.
She is still encountering some discomfort,
but showing some improvement.

She went to all of her choir classes in school last week.
Her AWESOME big sister helped car pool her to school.
She competed her assignments just in time for the end of the quarter.
She still pulled off A’s and B’s.

She was able to take a REAL shower today.
She wore jeans.
She let me take a picture of her incision.
(healing VERY well!)

Taylors new scar_1726-2

She will attempt 2 classes a day starting next week.
She hopes to be back to school full time in 2-3 weeks.
She has a follow-up visit with her Dr. on February 1st.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Standing back...

As my youngest has been recovering from major surgery,
there has been a single, identifiable  element that has been the most difficult for me.

It is not her pain, I can treat that with prescriptions.
It is not her helplessness, I can bathe her, dress her and help her walk.
It is not her discomfort, I can stuff pillows behind her and tuck her in.

The single most difficult element is the emotional toll this event has on her.

She (understandably) has had a few emotional breakdowns,
and I am helpless. I try, but cannot comfort her.
I cannot not reassure her, I cannot not calm her.
I have to stand back and let it run it’s course.

And when it does, she is OK again, and so am I.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Praying for simple things.

Before, during and after Taylor’s surgery, we prayed.
We prayed for many things and we were blessed and comforted.

When she came home to finish her recovery,
aside from the pain…
there were a few more obstacles for her to overcome.
We offered small personal prayers,
asking our Heavenly Father to bless her.

Not even a day passed,
and she received relief.

It does not matter what we pray for.
We CAN receive our righteous desires.
We just need the faith,
and we simply need to

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


After 14 years of wearing an orthotic brace, daily,
a spinal fusion in 2007,
a second spinal fusion last week,
my youngest daughter is home, recovering.

I marvel at her strength.

She came home only 4 1/2 days after a 6 1/2 surgery.
She is determined to manage her pain with as little medication as possible.
She wants to return to school as soon as she is able so she can prepare to
participate with the choir at the festival competition next month.

I marvel at her faith.

She asks for blessings.
She requests prayers at her bedside.
She requested the Sacrament in her hospital room on the Sabbath.

I am proud.
Of her older sister and the love and concern she expresses
to her sister when she needs to hear it the most.

I am proud of her.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A list

I am grateful for

Dr Scott and his care for Taylor for the better part of 14 years.
Dr Klatt and his willingness to love and care for Taylor when Dr Scott could not.
The number 3... specifically the 3rd lumbar, where Taylor's fusion stopped.
The people I work with, because they are my family away from home.
Daughters, who are also sisters, and love each other & show it when in counts the most.
A husband who is my best friend and someone I still laugh with.
Extended family members, who love my daughters almost as much as I do.
My Savior, Jesus Christ, because he suffered
“temptations, and pain of body, hunger, thirst, and fatigue,
even more than man can suffer, except it be unto death...”
  (Mosiah 3:7)
Flowers that brighten up the bleakest of rooms and uplift the soul.

Flowers from the office for Tay_1710

A New Year that brings renewal.