- Shopping online and avoiding the lines. (Not so joyous, the 2 shipments that are yet to be received.)
- San Diego with the family. ( Evan wanted to go to the Poinsettia Bowl and bribed his girls with Disneyland if we tag along.
- Disneyland at Christmas time. (We avoided the lines at the mall, but found them here…. 10 fold!)
- Disney food, treats, holiday lights, music and snow. (Painful knees and hips to boot.)
- Home in time for Christmas Eve Dinner, Sister In-Law as the great hostess. (A family tradition we refused to miss. We all got up at 4:30 AM to make an early flight home.)
- Candlelight dinner. Remembering the Savior, highlighting the past year. (More traditions we look forward too!)
- Home to prepare for Christmas day. (Traditional breakfast, another must.)
- Sleeping until 9, waking up the family. (Lets get this party started!)
- Family prayer before opening our gifts. (Chester finds joy in shredding the discarded wrapping paper.)
- Christmas music in the background. (Hardly noticeable with the excitement of a few surprises.)
- Family arrivals for dinner. (We moved the location from my parents home to our home for the first time this year. I still let mom do most of the work, I just put out the paper dishes and set a table or two.)
- Gag gifts for nieces. (This time we threw Rachel and Becca in the mix with their Uncle Ev.)
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Christmas joys
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Gadgets are a girls best friend
I am not a big “bling” kinda gal.
Multipack earrings from Claire’s are right down my alley.
When asked, I can never think of a want.
It is easy to understand why my family names me as
the person most difficult to gift.
We all shout for joy when a new (affordable) gadget
catches my eye and peaks my interest.
This year, was such a year.
Thanks to Kylee’s great editing skills,
she put together the great video from a
recent outing to see the lights at the SLC Temple,
where we had the opportunity to put this
great gadget to the test.
HERE is a link to her great video.
(Thanks to Neale for letting us tag along!)
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
50-25-40 something
Evan turned 50 in October.
We gave thanks with family in November.
A couple of days later, we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary.
We could not imagine celebrating this milestone without our daughters.
Dinner at The Roof, overlooking the Temple where we were married.
Followed by lights on temple square until the extreme crowds
overpowered the Christmas spirit.
(Thank you Kylee for the photos!)
I celebrated my birthday with the same great crew, minus one.
Once again, dinner out... a small and quite affair.
(Miss you Tay!)
(Thanks again for the photo Ky.)
In a weeks time, we will all be together again,
preparing to celebrate a wonderful Christmas Season.
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family.
I cannot imagine life without them.
I love and cherish every celebration, event, MOMENT with them.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
I cannot remember a time when we had a small crowd for Thanksgiving dinner.
This year however, marked such a day.
No out of town guests.
Extended family scheduled visits in the other directions.
Our total number was 8 for the day.
As usual. I carefully planned what to prepare,
when to prepare it, and how to present it.
A month of planning, two days of cooking.
It was going to be as perfect as it could be
with 20 missing family members.
We ordered a turkey 10 pounds lighter
and scaled down the size of remaining entree's.
Then, the winds changed.
Two unexpected phone calls made me a very happy hostess.
1] My brother in law and his family had to cancel their travel plans &
2] My husbands cousin Sip, needed a party to crash.
My 8 quickly became 15!
Fortunately, I am an over-planner,
and a recipient of a tender mercy.
Our 15 pound pre-ordered turkey
was 20 pounds when the butcher handed it over.
Needless to say…
We had an abundance of food
and a house full of loved ones.
Just the way we like it!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
"Generally speaking, the most miserable people I know
are those who are obsessed with themselves;
the happiest people I know
are those who lose themselves in the service of others...
By and large,
I have come to see that if we complain about life,
it is because we are thinking only of ourselves."
— Gordon B. Hinckley
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Taking a chance
Taking a chance is so easy to think about.
The application of this, is something quite different.
So many situations put us in a position were we should apply this ideal.
Many times, for me, hiding behind my fears and insecurities is so much easier.
Missionary work, for example.
In my faith, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
we believe that every member is a missionary,
that we all have a responsibility to open our mouths and share what we believe.
Me, my worries of saying the wrong thing, stop me from sharing my thoughts and beliefs.
It is one of my greatest weaknesses, but this weakness has been made stronger
as I have taken a chance in other aspects of my life.
I wonder where I would be today
if I had not taken a chance and gone out with a young man
that seemed so much my opposite.
If I had not taken a chance and seen him again.
After all doesn’t everyone deserve a 2nd date?
Firsts seem to be so wrapped up in insecurities and first, and likely wrong, impressions
If I hadn’t taken a chance and married that man.
By taking that chance, 25 years later, I find that we are the best of friends and
we have so much more in common than I ever believed…we grew that way.
He has made me stronger and braver.
He secures me and anchors me.
I can’t even imagine how empty my life would be
if I had not taken a chance when we had our first child.
If I had not taken a chance and had another.
I have gained so much by taking those chances.
I have learned to love unconditionally, and most of all
I have learned that I am loved unconditionally by my Savior
as He has blessed me and sustained me as a mother.
My weaknesses have been tested and strengthened,
my talents have been nourished.
My life became full.
I have learned, that when we take a chance
and do what our Heavenly Father has asked us to do,
(sometimes that is the most difficult and seemingly wrong thing
to do, simply because it may not be what WE want to do)
we are blessed beyond our greatest dreams.
We simply must have FAITH…. and take the chance.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
10 Wishes
I wish
I was 10 pounds lighter.
I wish
I was fitter.
(More committed time at the gym should solve both!)
I wish
I had the awesome writing skills of my daughter, Kylee
I wish
I had the undeniable faith of my daughter, Taylor.
I wish
I had the social skills of my husband.
(25 years of wedded bliss!)
I wish
I had a cleaner, less cluttered house.
I wish
I had a complete and accurate pedigree chart.
I wish
I excelled at one of my hobbies (photography or cooking)
so much so that I could make a career out of it.
I wish
The dirty dishes would clean themselves.
I wish
It would never snow after Christmas.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Two days, two daughters
Day 1
I left straight from work.
Three and a half hours later I was in Rexburg,
replacing a broken crockpot and putting new plates on a car.
I could have done this via mail, but hand delivery was so much better
then anything the post office could have done.
I spent the night with my youngest daughter.
After a lazy morning, I hit the road and headed home.
I had another date.(Thanks Kylee for the photo!)
Kylee and I were the recipients of a pair of VIP tickets for the General Relief Society Broadcast.
Being in our seats by 5:.30, is the usual requirement, but being in our seats by 4:30 was richly rewarded.
As we were people watching – we caught a glimpse of some of our favorites.
Spying on President Uchtdorf as he interacted with the sisters,
especially his darling wife was the highlight of the night.
Other favorite TWOS…
TWO and a half decades of marriage to my best friend.
TWO quarter centuries old will soon be that man of mine.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Trusting Instincts
It has been almost 8 weeks since this happened…
It started out as excruciating pain, immense swelling, and severe bruising.
Many suggested a sprain.
My instinct… broken toe.
I elected to stay home from the doctor and treat it as a sprain.
I buddy wrapped it, grandma shoed it, elevated it, iced it, rested it.
The pain reduced, swelling shrank, bruising faded.
Still, something was not feeling right.
New York trip was just around the corner, so again,
I elected to self treat.
The last thing I wanted was a confirmation of my suspicion
and orders to stay off of it.
New York was wonderful each and every day
The foot was painful each and every night.
Finally, after still knowing that something was not quite right,
concerned about numbness and achiness that still remained,
I succumbed and made an appointment with a doctor.
Today, an xray confirms my instincts.
I have been walking on a broken toe for 8 weeks.
The doctor told me to expect at least another month before my feet returned to normal.
Next time, I will trust my instincts sooner.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
3 girls and a city
Taylor went back to school today.
But not before a girls trip to New York City.
We took the redeye Wednesday,
slept as much as we could on the plane,
took a wild taxi ride to the hotel,
was lucky enough to check into a room at 7:30AM,
took a nap for a couple of hours,
then hit the ground, running.
We DID NOT STOP for 4 whole days.
We toured, shopped, ate, theatered, subwayed, museumed, walked,
walked, walked, walked, walked and walked.
We learned a lot about the city and ourselves.
We decided how to best approach our next trip.
We discovered so many new loves.
Be sure to check Kylee’s blog for details and awesome photos!
Check back here too…. I may be able to muster up a post or two.
Friday, August 24, 2012
3 weeks ago… I suffered a foot injury. No diagnosis. Still swollen and in pain today.
1 week ago… Kylee returned from India. Need details? Go HERE.
12 days from now… Girls trip! I am excited to spend a few days with my daughters in NYC.
17 days from now… Taylor returns back to Rexburg for another semester.
53 days from now… Evan turns 50. He is as sexy as ever. Enough said.
92 days from now… Our 25th wedding anniversary!
By the way… only 123 shopping days until Christmas.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
What Chester ate today...
Tonight, Taylor and I left to run a few errands.
I forgot that I left a stick of butter out on the counter to soften.
Chester remembered...
He ate the whole stick!
He is still licking his greasy lips.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
I don’t want to share too much, as she will be certain to blog once she returns!
I do, however, feel that I need to share a little…
She has arrived to her final destination: Chamba.
Her duffle bag, and the bag belonging to one other girl, were the ONLY two bags
to get DRENCHED during their adventurous travels.
Her entire wardrobe is hanging out to dry…I hope the humidity does not impede the progress.
Finally… A photo of the orphanage.
Chamba, India is where she will be spending her days for the next week. Teaching and loving 20+ girls.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Aging. Not necessarily a state of mind.
"Aging is a state of mind."My mind agrees.
My body does not.
My mind does not limit what I can or cannot do
My body does.
My mind believes I will heal quickly.
My body does not.
I choose to follow my mind.
My body will pay the consequences.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
LOVING email!
Kylee finally has internet and we received her first email. She is tired and her thoughts are jumbled, but she is safe and enjoying her experience so far. Here are a few excerpts...
the traveling has been loooonnnggg, three days worth of it. i have no sense of time here and forget what day it is constantly. we head to chamba today (6 hour jeep ride)
we flew into qatar … and got there around 3AM (india time) and then we waited for about an hour for our bus to show up. we then traveled 12-14 hours on a bus. it was nice, had AC and we all had our own rows. i had taken dramamine and was doing well. there was a point later on the bus ride that i got sick, real sick. throwing up and everything. thank goodness for those airplane barf bags (saved me entirely). i didn't necessarily feel nauseous but i could not stop throwing up.
my first indian meal was sort of awful. i hated it. it was like this bread thing filled with potatoes and onions that was meant to be dipped in either those nasty curd stuff or some pickle spice thing. i seriously had to force myself to eat it and i definitely ate less than half. that first meal had me seriously worried about the food i would be eating for the next two weeks (but things have been better since, not my favorite but i do eat). the nam is the best - crisp bread (we always get garlic).
the weather & smells have been less shocking than i anticipated. not as hot and not as smelly. despite the poverty, india is GORGEOUS. the himalayas are unreal. i have taken over 300 pictures and we are only on what, day four? five? see i have no concept of time. i think going to chamba is where the shock will hit because the places we have stayed so far are so nice. our first hotel was good (minus the mouse we discovered in our room) but the one we are at now..... soooo nice. i definitely did not expect such nice places to stay while here.
i miss you guys. i especially missed mom when i was sick on the bus. sure am grateful for all you guys do… i have been near tears and cried to myself many times already. when we first arrived and were taking our early morning bus ride was when it first hit me. we are so blessed and i take so much of it for granted. the people here are so beautiful (inside & out). they find happiness in family, friends & work, not material things or money. i really feel so blessed to be here right now, to be experiencing these feelings (totally crying again as i write this).
All three of us at home were quite the site as we were reading her email. We were all in tears too.
I am so grateful, first of all for her safe arrival. Secondly, for this life changing experience. I am looking forward to meeting the changed person that will come home in a couple of weeks.
THANK YOU to everyone who has helped make this possible for Kylee. So many of you have donated time, money, laptops, and most importantly… encouragement, love and support. We are blessed to know so many wonderful people!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Music to my ears!
The YMAD blog was finally updated…
They made it!
Just wanted to let you know that as of this morning they were in Manali, India. Safe. They said the bus ride was long and uncomfortable…
They are working on Blogs tonight and we should hear more from them tomorrow!
Kylee and her group have been traveling since Friday at noon… a few more days on the road and they will be in Chamba, changing their lives!
Friday, July 27, 2012
As usual, we camped at the Super 8 in Page… Kylee and friends managed to find a friend. Without delay, I was summoned to remove him from the premises.

Setting aside unwanted guests, we hiked, relaxed, read, napped, swam, played, and laughed for three full days…
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
“You could ask yourself, 'How did God Bless me today?' If you do that long enough and with faith, you will find yourself remembering blessings. And sometimes you will have gifts brought to your mind which you failed to notice during the day, but which you will then know were a touch of God's hand in your life.” - President Henry B. Eyring
How did God bless me today?
- I woke up to a glorious beautiful day.
- I was kissed by a loving husband.
- I received my daily phone call from my youngest daughter.
- I tried (but failed) to meed up with my nieces and nephew at the park.
- I enjoyed a hike with my oldest daughter.
- I listened to a cascading waterfall.
I was blessed today with a reminder of how much I love my family. immediate and extended. I enjoy every moment I have to spend with them. I am so grateful for the moments that I walk away from household chores or work, and use that time for the more important things... time with those I love. I have been blessed with people to love.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Father’s day
Happy father’s day to
- the man that married me
- the man that stayed married to me in spite of my faults
- the man that made mother’s day possible
- the man that is adored by my daughters
- the man that makes my weaknesses stronger
- the man that is my perfect match
- the love of my life!
Monday, June 11, 2012
It has been one of those "I can't quite put a finger on it" things.
I have been in these funks before, and when I finally come to a realization, I will check my Biorhythms.
No wonder why I feel like crap.... I have been on a downward trend for over a week.
At least I have turned the corner and the arrows are pointing up.
I don't put a lot of stock into this this, but the trend is - when I feel like crap for more than a day or two, and I check my chart, my bio's are down. Maybe there is more to this than I realize.
Either way...
I am certain I owe everyone in the world an apology.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
I lead a dull and boring life. (Lucky me!)
Since my last post,
- I have gotten up in the morning
- I have worked, in all of it’s varieties
- I have taken care of my family
- I have gone to bed
What I love to do
- Wake up to a bright, new day
- Work to help provide for my family, work in my church callings, work while serving those around me
- Take care of my family
- Rest and prepare for another bright day
My life may seem dull and boring by the worlds standards…
but it is exactly the life I love!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
I just finished stuffing over 100 strawberries with a cheesecake filling (recipe HERE)
for the Pot Luck after church today.
I am now reflecting on the whirlwind of the past two weeks.
- We drove up to Idaho with Tay do drop her off for her 2nd Semester. She will be gone for a while this time. Two semesters, back to back, with only a month in between for summer break. It was so nice having her home (since Christmas) but I am happy that she is back at school and excited to be learning!
- Kylee has been busy preparing for finals, fund raising for her trip to India and applying for Graduation. She has only 2 more semesters left and I could not be any more proud. I LOVE it when my daughters excel and accomplish more than I did.
- Last week, my Sunday School lesson was on The Healing Power of Forgiveness from the Marriage and Family Relations manual. As always, Evan sits by my side and assists me in my lessons. I love that we teach Temple Prep/ Marriage Relations TOGETHER.
- Evan and I cleaned out the garage yesterday. A two hour project lasted ALL day. There is noting like two old people groaning from aches and pains after a full day of active work. The spring cleaning will continue as we purge the house of unwanted/unused items. We will be holding a garage sale later this spring to help Kylee raise more money.
I am looking forward to this day of rest.
HERE is the link to an article that inspired my lesson last week. I hope you find some inspiration too.
Monday, April 9, 2012
There is nothing more tender or wonderful as witnessing a distraught child snuggling with their pet for comfort.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
After a plethora of errands, I finally sat down to start putting the finishing touches on my lesson for Sunday School tomorrow. While studying supplemental material, I came across this quote from Richard G. Scott.
Sadness, disappointment, and severe challenge are events in life, not life itself. I do not minimize how hard some of these events are. They can extend over a long period of time, but they should not be allowed to become the confining center of everything you do. The Lord inspired Lehi to declare the fundamental truth, “Men are, that they might have joy.” ~Richard G. Scott
I appreciated the gentle reminder to seek for the joy in the simplest of things. Sunsets. Twinkling Stars. Changing Seasons. Music. Smiles. Fresh Baked Cookies. Service. Family.
Where do you find your joy?
Maybe you can find joy in his talk HERE
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Lucky me.
Yesterday, Saint Patrick’s Day, was my brother’s birthday.
In fact, he is my only sibling.
We were “normal” siblings… we DID NOT get along.
We fought constantly.
Our parents even staged a fake fight between them
in an attempt to illustrate how awful our fighting was.
Their point was well taken…
for a minute.
Things changed after I moved out.
Relationships that were taken for granted, we missed.
Reassurances that someone had my back when it matter most were absent.
The realization of how important my brother was to me was immense.
He is now, one of a few most important men in my life.
He is one of my best friends.
He has blessed me with a sister and a handful of nieces and nephews
and I love all of them beyond measure.
I cherish being a witness to the love he has for uncle-hood.
My daughters also have a deep love for him.
He truly is a great blessing to all of us.
My dear brother…
I hope you had a fabulous birthday.
I am so lucky to have you.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
I do not consider myself a deep thinker.
However, some recent experiences have created some gospel centered analogies.
After months of pain and discomfort, I broke down and paid a visit to a doctor.
Within minutes, there was a diagnosis and a plan of action was set into motion.
A steroid shot in the shoulder was first, followed by a prescription and a follow up appointment.
The doctor was adamant, and told me it would take time and to be patient.
(Here is were the deep thinking comes in…)
This process caused me to liken my physical pain and discomfort to the pain and sorrow of sin.
I suffered though it for a very long time, until I had enough.
I could no longer deal with the pain (sorrow); and the symptoms (temptations)
seemed to come at me in so many different ways.
No matter what I did, I could not find relief.
I needed professional help. (My Savior)
I made an appointment with a Specialist. (Bishop)
He asked me questions related to my pain and expressed his concern.
He showed me what I needed to do to find relief, and started me down that path. (Repentance)
He told me that it may not be an easy path,
At first, the “treatment” created more pain than the injury itself. (Confession, Restitution)
Then, in due time, the pain and discomfort began to gradually subside.
I am still suffering the consequences of months of medical neglect,
but I am on the path of full recovery and I am willing to take all necessary steps.
I took forward to being pain free.
Just as a doctor can heal us, so can the Atonement.
By simply reaching out to our Savior, and with with the guidance of a loving Bishop,
we can receive the necessary help and treatment to bring is back to full strength.
We can become spiritually healthy and all promised blessings can be restored.
Just take those first steps and ask for His help.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Caught on tape.
Today was a typical day.
Work and school for the household.
What was unique about the day
was a phone call from Taylor as I was leaving the office.
She asked me if I was on my way home yet.
She explained that she could not leave the upstairs
because Chester was getting onto the counter every time she left.
Holding my daughter hostage was the last straw!!
I set a plan in action.
The girls were downstairs and were instructed
NOT to come up, no matter what!
I placed some crackers on the counter
with a tiny piece of chocolate (Chester’s favorite) for scent.
I pretended to nibble and made yummy sounds so
Chester would see me put the food on the counter.
I unlocked the back door so I could make a quick re-entry.
I set the video camera to record and staged my fake exodus.
I closed the garage door for added effect. (Chester is that smart, you know!)
I tip toed around back to listen and watch.
This is what happened the SECOND I walked out the door…
We showed Chester the tape.
He still denies it!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Ten things I loved about today…
- It was Friday.
- I got to flirt with the bosses baby boy.
- The boss bought lunch. (This happens every Friday!!)
- It was a relatively quiet, uneventful day at work.
- Both girls baked today and I got to sample some treats.
- Both girls baked today and I came home to a clean kitchen.
- It was warm enough to open the windows for a few hours.
- I was thinking about someone today and sent them an email to tell them so.
- I didn’t have to cook dinner, leftover night!!
- My husband came home safe and sound from a business trip.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
This week has been a blah week.
Mixed in, with all of the mundane routine of work and home, was a series of lunatics on the phone.
As a side note, this (excessive lunacy) seems to coincide with the full moon.
One caller, in particular, was a top notch. He was full of colorful and vulgar insults.
The first insult toward my co-worker prompted me to immediately pull his documents
and return them in the mail.
As I was headed toward the postage meter,
I was informed that he was on his way into the office to pick them up.
In an attempt to avoid a personal confrontation, I placed the documents on the front counter.
I had hopes that he would see them and leave.
No such luck.
For protection, two of us went up.
He continued to yell and demand answers.
As we attempted to answer his questions,
he would interrupt and yell some more and then continue to demand answers (which he would not listen to).
I finally had enough and asked him to leave.
Of course, he was not listening and stayed and yelled.
After two more requests, I put my hand up, and STRONGLY insisted he leave.
By this time, all three of us were up front.
I walked towards him and escorted him out the door. but not with out getting the big F-U-B.
Emotionally, I do not deal well with confrontation.
Nausea, upset stomach, lack of appetite have been with me all week.
If it weren’t for the binging that follows, I may have discovered another weight loss program.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
…when your nieces and nephews are daring their father (your brother)
to eat a dog treat, you try to beat him to the punch.
The result, a doggy treat for two.
He wouldn't let his sister out-do him.
(Not that I ever could… he is pretty GREAT!)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Buried Treasure…
Today, I started a long over due project. Cleaning out an utility closet.
Boxes were hidden deep inside. Each one was pulled out and its contents carefully examined.
Many were tagged for the trash. A few for donations. Others for the shredder.
Only one remained. The treasure!
Inside this box were many files.
Historical family photos.
Keepsakes from Evan’s years in Elementary School.
Talks that were written for Evan’s mission farewell. One was his, the other, his fathers.
Letters from the mission field.
Letters from Dennis to his first grandchild.
The family gathered around and tears flowed as we felt Dennis’ presence surround us.
We felt sacred reassurances of the immense love he has for each and every one of us.
We all yearned for more.
Are there more of these valued treasures?
What are his thoughts and feelings that came along with his second grandchild.
Was he too sick to put those words on paper?
We searched the rest of the house but found nothing.
Perhaps other family members hold treasures of their own.
I hope so. If not,
We will have to hold on even tighter to those memories embedded in our souls.
For some of us, it is as simple as peaches!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
What a blizzard taught me
Last night, our daughter announced that she was going to Park City for the Sundance Film Festival and spend time at a friends cabin afterwards.
Immediately, Evan counseled her and warned her of the incoming storm system and the dangers it brings.
He was concerned for her safety, and only wanted what he knew was best for her. He wanted to keep her safe.
He advised her to change her plans, but reminded her that ultimately, it was here decision… she was an adult.
She continued with her plans and left, and we let her.
The text messages started at 3AM. It started with Evan suddenly waking up. He sent her a text to check in.
She and her friends just started on their way home.
It was snowing and very windy. There was concern.
We were relieved to know that prayers were offered and the most confident driver was at the wheel.
At the next check in, we decided it was important to get an idea as to where they were on the road.
This check point was to serve two purposes: 1] to know were they last were, just in case. 2] to know where they were so we could determine what they were heading into.
As soon as the first mile marker was seen and reported, we logged onto Commuter Link so that we could tap into the cameras that were posted as various points along the highway.
We were able to have a clear view as to what was ahead of them, and report back with calm reassurances.
We continued with our checkpoints until we all knew that they were fine and on a clear path home.
She arrived home safely, a little after 4 AM.
As I was returning back to sleep, what I realized was a testimony builder.
Just as Evan and I counseled our daughter, our loving Heavenly Father counsels us.
He provides us with His words from a living prophet.
He gives us commandments. To protect us, and to make us happy.
He is concerned for us and only wants what he knows is best for us.
He wants to keeps us safe from the dangers of mortal life’s storms.
He gives us our free agency and we are given the power to choose. And, if we choose wrong, he lets us.
It does not matter what choice we make, how deep in danger we are, we can communicate with our Father in Heaven, at ANY TIME. He will always listen, and he will always help… every step of the way. He is aware of what is on the path we are on and he will do all that He can to lead us back to safety. He wants us safely home.
Monday, January 16, 2012
What a tree reminded me.
This winter has been unseasonably warm. So warm, in fact, that our coats have stayed in the closet.
The other day, I noticed that our trees have started to bud already.
These poor trees have been deceived into thinking it is Spring.
They have been hasty and they prematurely sprouted new life.
The danger that lies ahead… it is still Winter. The chance of cold, heavy snow is great.
These young, immature buds will most likely die off.
The miracle of it all… the deep, strong roots of this tree will provide a way for these many branches
to try again.
When the appropriate amount of time has passed, this tree will once again bud and produce beautiful green leaves
Just like these trees, we are susceptible to deceit.
Every day, we face dangerous, subtle temptations.
If we are hasty, and make a poor choice, we may find ourselves trapped in sin or addiction.
The miracle for us… the Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Through repentance, faith, and His love for us... His atonement makes it possible for us to begin anew.
“We knew that our purpose was to gain a physical body, to overcome trials, and to prove that we would keep the commandments of God. Our Father knew that because of the nature of mortality, we would be tempted, would sin, and would fall short. So that we might have every chance of success, He provided a Savior, who would suffer and die for us.” ~Thomas S. Monson
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Have you ever found yourself excited by a great idea, only to forget about it as if the idea never existed?
Me, yes. Far too often!
I am sure you understand what my dilemma is.
I have been racking my brain for weeks now. Trying to figure out what I wanted to put into action in 2012.
I knew that it had something to do with one of my favorite hobbies… amateur photography.
Somehow, it all came back to me, and I have officially put my plan into action.
I have joined the 365project.
What this means… I have committed to uploading a photo a day for the next 365 days.
What you can expect… I will not post here every time, but you can find my page HERE.
What else can you expect… many “simple” and sometimes “mundane” photos. My life is NOT exciting.
What I hope… that I can keep this up for an entire year.
What else I hope… that I will find pleasure and joy in what seems to be simple and mundane things.
My first contribution…
3 birds on a wire as seen on my way to Church on a windy Sunday morning.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
Speaking too soon
This Sunday was no different than any other Sunday.
Church, rest and food.|
As always, the parentals joined us for dinner.
We enjoyed the usual after-dinner discussion at the table.
The question was posed: Has Chester ever gotten into the Crock Pot?
I proudly boasted …“NO”. I explained that I usually booby-trap the Crock Pot,
surrounding it with small appliances and doggy shockers.
Today, being a holiday, I was able to stay home and plan an extra nice dinner.
Sweet Pork Tacos!! Everyone was looking forward to them.
(Did you notice the word WAS?)
I carefully planned the timing. Marinade, slow cook, shred, dinner by 5:30.
The pork was progressing well and the Crock Pot trap was set as we prepared to meet Taylor for lunch.
(She is enrolled in a CNA class, today is her first day.)
When we returned home, it appeared as though the kitchen had been struck by a tornado.
Small appliances were strewn over the floor.
The Crock Pot was dangling off the side of the counter, still set on high, and empty. (Fire hazard?)
The cleaned out crock was on the floor, right next to the wet rug, spotted with meaty remnants.
Chester was panting on the couch, well deserving of a belly ache!
I proceeded with the hour long cleanup.
Scrubbing rugs, mopping floors, washing dishes, shampooing ears.
As I cursed and cleaned, I reminded myself of the last Chester episode.
I promptly searched the couch. Sure enough, a buried chop was discovered.
I tossed it and added the couch to my list of things to scrub.
Afraid of what spoiled meat might do to the air quality inside the house,
I decided to expand my search. Every nook and cranny was checked,
and another chop was discovered buried in the couch in the front room.
Lessons learned:
Chester seems to be undaunted by small shocks when meat is the objective.
The basement is now the preferred site for preparing Crock Pot meals.