Sunday, February 26, 2012


I do not consider myself a deep thinker.
However, some recent experiences have created some gospel centered analogies.

After months of pain and discomfort, I broke down and paid a visit to a doctor.
Within minutes, there was a diagnosis and a plan of action was set into motion.
A steroid shot in the shoulder was first, followed by a prescription and a follow up appointment.
The doctor was adamant, and told me it would take time and to be patient.

(Here is were the deep thinking comes in…)

This process caused me to liken my physical pain and discomfort to the pain and sorrow of sin.

I suffered though it for a very long time, until I had enough.
I could no longer deal with the pain (sorrow); and the symptoms (temptations)
seemed to come at me in so many different ways.
No matter what I did, I could not find relief.
I needed professional help. (My Savior)

I made an appointment with a Specialist. (Bishop)
He asked me questions related to my pain and expressed his concern.
He showed me what I needed to do to find relief, and started me down that path. (Repentance)
He told me that it may not be an easy path,

At first, the “treatment” created more pain than the injury itself. (Confession, Restitution)
Then, in due time, the pain and discomfort began to gradually subside.
I am still suffering the consequences of months of medical neglect,
but I am on the path of full recovery and I am willing to take all necessary steps.

I took forward to being pain free.

Just as a doctor can heal us, so can the Atonement.
By simply reaching out to our Savior, and with with the guidance of a loving Bishop,
we can receive the necessary help and treatment to bring is back to full strength.
We can become spiritually healthy and all promised blessings can be restored.
Just take those first steps and ask for His help.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Caught on tape.

Today was a typical day.
Work and school for the household.

What was unique about the day
was a phone call from Taylor as I was leaving the office.

She asked me if I was on my way home yet.
She explained that she could not leave the upstairs
because Chester was getting onto the counter every time she left.

Holding my daughter hostage was the last straw!!
I set a plan in action.
The girls were downstairs and were instructed
NOT to come up, no matter what!

I placed some crackers on the counter
with a tiny piece of chocolate (Chester’s favorite) for scent.
I pretended to nibble and made yummy sounds so
Chester would see me put the food on the counter.

I unlocked the back door so I could make a quick re-entry.
I set the video camera to record and staged my fake exodus.
I closed the garage door for added effect. (Chester is that smart, you know!)
I tip toed around back to listen and watch.

This is what happened the SECOND I walked out the door…

We showed Chester the tape.
He still denies it!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Ten things I loved about today…

  1. It was Friday.
  2. I got to flirt with the bosses baby boy.
  3. The boss bought lunch. (This happens every Friday!!)
  4. It was a relatively quiet, uneventful day at work.
  5. Both girls baked today and I got to sample some treats.
  6. Both girls baked today and I came home to a clean kitchen.
  7. It was warm enough to open the windows for a few hours.
  8. I was thinking about someone today and sent them an email to tell them so.
  9. I didn’t have to cook dinner, leftover night!!
  10. My husband came home safe and sound from a business trip.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


This week has been a blah week.

Mixed in, with all of the mundane routine of work and home, was a series of lunatics on the phone.
As a side note, this (excessive lunacy) seems to coincide with the full moon.

One caller, in particular, was a top notch. He was full of colorful and vulgar insults.
The first insult toward my co-worker prompted me to immediately pull his documents
and return them in the mail.
As I was headed toward the postage meter,
I was informed that he was on his way into the office to pick them up.
In an attempt to avoid a personal confrontation, I placed the documents on the front counter.
I had hopes that he would see them and leave.
No such luck.

For protection, two of us went up.
He continued to yell and demand answers.
As we attempted to answer his questions,
he would interrupt and yell some more and then continue to demand answers (which he would not listen to).
I finally had enough and asked him to leave.
Of course, he was not listening and stayed and yelled.
After two more requests, I put my hand up, and STRONGLY insisted he leave.
By this time, all three of us were up front.
I walked towards him and escorted him out the door. but not with out getting the big F-U-B.

Emotionally, I do not deal well with confrontation.
Nausea, upset stomach, lack of appetite have been with me all week.
If it weren’t for the binging that follows, I may have discovered another weight loss program.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012