Friday, August 24, 2012


3 weeks ago… I suffered a foot injury. No diagnosis. Still swollen and in pain today.

1 week ago… Kylee returned from India. Need details? Go HERE.

12 days from now… Girls trip! I am excited to spend a few days with my daughters in NYC.

17 days from now… Taylor returns back to Rexburg for another semester.

53 days from now… Evan turns 50. He is as sexy as ever. Enough said.

92 days from now… Our 25th wedding anniversary!

By the way… only 123 shopping days until Christmas.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What Chester ate today...

I know better, but sometimes I forget.
Tonight, Taylor and I left to run a few errands.
I forgot that I left a stick of butter out on the counter to soften.

Chester remembered...
He ate the whole stick!

He is still licking his greasy lips.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Kylee has sent me another brief email, with a promise of more details to follow.
I don’t want to share too much, as she will be certain to blog once she returns!

I do, however, feel that I need to share a little…
She has arrived to her final destination: Chamba.

Her duffle bag, and the bag belonging to one other girl, were the ONLY two bags
to get DRENCHED during their adventurous travels.
Her entire wardrobe is hanging out to dry…I hope the humidity does not impede the progress.

Finally… A photo of the orphanage.
chamba orphanage
Chamba, India is where she will be spending her days for the next week. Teaching and loving 20+ girls.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Aging. Not necessarily a state of mind.

I have often said
"Aging is a state of mind."
My mind agrees.
My body does not.

My mind does not limit what I can or cannot do
My body does.

My mind believes I will heal quickly.
My body does not.

I choose to follow my mind.
My body will pay the consequences.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

LOVING email!

Kylee finally has internet and we received her first email. She is tired and her thoughts are jumbled, but she is safe and enjoying her experience so far. Here are a few excerpts...

the traveling has been loooonnnggg, three days worth of it. i have no sense of time here and forget what day it is constantly. we head to chamba today (6 hour jeep ride)

we flew into qatar … and got there around 3AM (india time) and then we waited for about an hour for our bus to show up. we then traveled 12-14 hours on a bus. it was nice, had AC and we all had our own rows. i had taken dramamine and was doing well. there was a point later on the bus ride that i got sick, real sick. throwing up and everything. thank goodness for those airplane barf bags (saved me entirely). i didn't necessarily feel nauseous but i could not stop throwing up.

my first indian meal was sort of awful. i hated it. it was like this bread thing filled with potatoes and onions that was meant to be dipped in either those nasty curd stuff or some pickle spice thing. i seriously had to force myself to eat it and i definitely ate less than half. that first meal had me seriously worried about the food i would be eating for the next two weeks (but things have been better since, not my favorite but i do eat). the nam is the best - crisp bread (we always get garlic).

the weather & smells have been less shocking than i anticipated. not as hot and not as smelly. despite the poverty, india is GORGEOUS. the himalayas are unreal. i have taken over 300 pictures and we are only on what, day four? five? see i have no concept of time. i think going to chamba is where the shock will hit because the places we have stayed so far are so nice. our first hotel was good (minus the mouse we discovered in our room) but the one we are at now..... soooo nice. i definitely did not expect such nice places to stay while here.

i miss you guys. i especially missed mom when i was sick on the bus. sure am grateful for all you guys do… i have been near tears and cried to myself many times already. when we first arrived and were taking our early morning bus ride was when it first hit me. we are so blessed and i take so much of it for granted. the people here are so beautiful (inside & out). they find happiness in family, friends & work, not material things or money. i really feel so blessed to be here right now, to be experiencing these feelings (totally crying again as i write this).

All three of us at home were quite the site as we were reading her email. We were all in tears too.
I am so grateful, first of all for her safe arrival. Secondly, for this life changing experience. I am looking forward to meeting the changed person that will come home in a couple of weeks.

THANK YOU to everyone who has helped make this possible for Kylee. So many of you have donated time, money, laptops, and most importantly… encouragement, love and support. We are blessed to know so many wonderful people!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Music to my ears!

The YMAD blog was finally updated…

They made it!

Just wanted to let you know that as of this morning they were in Manali, India. Safe. They said the bus ride was long and uncomfortable…

They are working on Blogs tonight and we should hear more from them tomorrow!

Kylee and her group have been traveling since Friday at noon… a few more days on the road and they will be in Chamba, changing their lives!