Saturday, April 13, 2013

What Chester ate today…

A nearly full pan of brownies
leftover from last night,
dusted with glass shards
from the baking dish they were in.

Followed by cotton balls
dipped in cream
because Google told me
it will help “remove”
the glass.

By the way…
he seemed to enjoy the cotton.
Ate it up like candy!


Friday, April 12, 2013

What my ears heard, opened my eyes

Even though I am the mother of adult daughters,
and they don’t “need” me as much as they used to,
they are still a very important part of my life.
In fact, they are two of my best friends.

I never want to loose that.

as I was sitting on the couch,
winding down for the day
finishing up some work I brought home from the office,
Taylor said: “mom, you are always working.”
She continued: ”working your job, working to take care of us”

She was merely being observant.
I was immediately full of gratitude.

First and foremost, because I get to take care of my family.
I love being around them
I love spending time with them.
I love being at home, with them.
I love taking care of them.
It is my favorite job.

Second, I am blessed to work for individuals
who support “family”
They are a close family, and in a sense,
they are a part of my family.
They enable me to encourage others at work to
place their family over their job.
I get tell the employees “yes, it is OK”
to come in late for work to support their children and grandchildren
at school and other events.

I left the office, empty handed.
I am not going to work this weekend,
unless it is for my family!