Thursday, September 26, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
2’s and 3’s
Three times in two weeks = the number of times I have listened to my missionary speak in church.
Two of those three times was just this morning.
My two daughters have been home together this weekend as we
prepare to take Kylee to the MTC in three days.
In just two days, she will be set apart as a missionary through Priesthood Authority.
Soon, it will be just the two of us…Evan and I.
Well, three, if you count the dog!
My heart is full of gratitude for my two daughters.
Together, with my loving husband, I have the three best friends I will ever need.
Before we know it, the four of us will be in three different states
but in less than two years we will all be reunited.
I think the two of us can handle that!
Well, three, if you count the dog!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Emptying the nest
First, Taylor leaves for another semester at BYU-Idaho.
Then Kylee leaves for the MTC.
By the end of the month, Evan and I will be (temporarily) empty nesters.
I am not sure what that means for us.
I do know that it is bitter sweet.
I knew I loved Evan before we were married.
I loved him even more on our wedding day.
Each day after, even more.
We loved our time together, and we spent it well.
Then children came.
I loved him even more.
We raised our daughters together.
We were lucky with them.
They never gave us much trouble.
They were as patient with us as we were with them.
All four of us, built our strong family together.
We love spending time with each other.
We love being at home together.
We love laughing and playing together.
Now, one by one, our daughters are leaving us.
Evan and I get to practice being just the two of us again.
That is, until they come home.
And, we will always welcome that!