Friday, February 5, 2016

Being Ernest

Ernest is my fathers name, although, he goes by Terry.

Several years ago, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. His early decline was slow and subtle, but noticeable. As we have approached the late stage of Alzheimer's, changes are becoming more dramatic. I have been impressed to start documenting our journey with him. Sharing thoughts, insights, and memories.

Today, I had a good visit with him. He was alert. Interactive. Aware.

He found a newspaper on the counter next to the table where he was sitting upon my arrival. He took it and began to "read" it, eyeing the same page over and over again. He would straight it, fold it, open it and re-read it over and over again. I am reminded of how meticulous he was. His workshop was perfectly clean and organized.

There was some music playing in the background and the song change caught his attention. I couldn't help but tease him... his response was perfect and his smile causes me to smile every time I see it!

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