Monday, October 20, 2008

Dull women have immaculate homes.

Blue tape is coming down, small touch ups are being made, tools, ladders, and supplies are being put away.

I can finally reclaim my home and try to get some rooms back in order. We have a few new light fixtures to hang and then I can get rid of the large boxes in my living room. The guest room is half cleared out and I can soon prepare it for guests!. (Expecting company for Thanksgiving!! YEAH!) Wishing I had a larger laundry room so the ironing board could stand there permanently. It's current residence is the guest room. It previously occupied the master bedroom, but I got very tired of tripping over it and knocking the iron to the floor, nearly missing my foot (sometimes not). Putting it away is a concept we have not quite mastered. Come to think of it, putting anything away falls into that category.

The girls are still hanging on to some swelling, but are very close to being back to 100%. Here is a snap of Taylor about 12 hours after surgery.


1 comment:

  1. Taylor, hang in there, this to shall pass. I had all four taken out, and they were all impacted. I did mine much later than you. SO, just keep sipping the soup and sucking on the popsicles. Ok, here's my silly question for the day; does david archulata go to your school? I just remember the big homecoming they had for him, and couldn't remember what school or were it was held. ok talk to you soon. Love you deni
