The trick is making these moments positive learning experiences.
My daughters learn that if they try hard and always put forth their best efforts, they can accomlish anything and if they look hard enough, they can find something to wear. (Shoes are the hardest, and you can forget gloves!)
I learn that I have not failed as a mother. My girls reassure me often that I am a good mother and that they love me dearly. I know this because they tell me so, but I know this mostly by the choices they make and they way they behave. A bad mother would not have such awesome daughters!!!
It's always easier to see the bad things about ourselves, I struggle with this too. I look up to you in so many ways. You ARE an awesome mother and your daughters ARE the best. I love you guys so much. You have a lot to be proud of. There are a lot of women (including me)who could only wish they were a good mom like you :)