Spring has finally arrived and I am now thinking about the "improvements" I need to make. Of course, the fitting of the swim suit always seems to top the list, and today I forced myself out of bed at 4:45am to head to the gym. This week, I resolve to go at least twice more (and continue with a pattern next week and so forth and to push myself a little harder each time).
Somewhere in my list is expanding my garden and yard. My raspberries have struggled in years past and I gave up on strawberries some time ago. Since the family is a fan of fresh salsa...I'm thinking of adding tomatoes and jalapeno peppers. As for the rest of the yard - I'm not even sure where to start. I resolve to add more (or should I say "some") color.
Always on my list: more frequent temple attendance, increased scripture study, less scripted/more sincere prayers. You know: the LDS spiritual improvement basics. I resolve to grow closer to my Savior.
Also always on my list: improved relationships with my family. I sound like a broken record but I know I need to be a better wife and mother. Unfortunately for my loved ones, this is something I learn as I go along and, there will ALWAYS be room for improvement. I resolve to be a little better each day.
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