Today looked more promising. We were scheduled today for the dead lawn removal and soil prep; the first step in the replacement lawn. The good news ... they showed up on time. The sprinkling system was properly flagged and then
the sod cutter broke.
Off to the service department they went but not without the WIDE open window of maybe later today, possibly tomorrow. How is that for commitment. So here we sit under house arrest, missing family events (sorry Emily) waiting for that mysterious time to come.
This better be REALLY good sod.
Hey no apologies! I guess you didn't hear that it was changed to tomorrow so we could celebrate Neale too. There was some confusion and a little misunderstanding so I'm sorry neither of us gave you word. Anyway, tomorrow (Friday) at 5:30-6pm at my parents house we will be BBQ burgers and having cake. If you can come that would be great, if not, I know you still love us!