We were walking though one of the major casinos on the Las Vegas Strip, trying to find our way out into the dreary world, to search for more great and spacious buildings.
I took this moment and asked the girls if they noticed how hard it was to find our way out. I told them that the casinos do that on purpose. They want to keep us captive. I then likened this to sin and the adversary.
When we sin, the adversary wants us to feel trapped. He wants us to believe that there is NO WAY OUT, that we are captive to our sins and we might as well just give up and stay where we are. I then reminded the girls that no matter where we are, and no matter what we have done, if we call upon the atonement of our Savior and repent, we will be free from our sin and worthy to return home to our Father in Heaven.
I am so grateful for this wonderful gift from our Savior, Jesus Christ. I cannot imagine living in such darkness and despair.
I didn't know you were in Vegas? Hope you get home safe. BTW, I love likening real life situations to the principles of the gospel. If you look hard enough, teaching moments like that are everywhere!