Saturday, August 3, 2013

Best Plans

The original plan was to coordinate an event.
A hall reserving,
food catering
invitation sending
kind of event.
It was decided upon years in advance.

Through the course of these years
my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
His memory diminished quickly.
First it was events, then friends
and now, occasionally, family.

While an occasional “good” day occurred,
it was evident that such an event would
be a great source of frustration for him
as well as my mother.

An evening of reminding my father of who
he was visiting with and constantly explaining
to guests the current status of his condition
was not an evening anyone would look forward to.

So, the plans changed.
Instead of a grand party,
we celebrated my parents golden anniversary in,
what turned out to be, the perfect way.
A small intimate dinner for 8.

We booked reservations at The Roof,
a restaurant stilling on the top floor of
the Joseph Smith Memorial Building with
a perfect view the the Salt Lake Temple,
the place they were married 50 years ago.

The cherry on top…
a little unknown fact, later revealed
they had their wedding breakfast in that
very same building when it was the Hotel Utah.


(Thanks again to Kylee for documenting the event so well!)

1 comment:

  1. You could not have planned a better evening for us. It was a perfect evening - great food with people that we love. Thank you.
    We love our family.
