Saturday, July 18, 2015

a list

  1. walked 3 1/2 miles with the hubby
    (our Friday / Saturday morning tradition)
  2. ate Blueberry Pancakes
    (homemade by Evan)
  3. spray painted the back lawn
    (outlining the future fire pit that I am dreaming about)
  4. stepped in dog poop
    (not a tradition, or a dream)
  5. dug a trench for retaining wall
    (back fence line… meant to keep neighbors dogs from lurking under the fence)
  6. got bitten by angry ants
    (after destroying their farm while digging a trench)
  7. washed hands a million times
    (I don’t mind the dirt, just don’t like dirty hands)
  8. took a well deserved shower
    (you’re welcome)
  9. received an epiphany in the shower
    (we set the retaining wall blocks upside down)
  10. called mom
    (dad answered the phone too)
  11. talked to dad on the phone
    (asked a few questions, told him good bye, and listed to him try to hang up the phone)
  12. forgot to wish mom happy birthday
    (it’s OK. taking her and dad to dinner later)
  13. dug through the trash
    (to look for a missing receipt)
  14. washed my hands a gain
    (you know why)
  15. went to IKEA
    (bought another project to build)
  16. went grocery shopping
    (because Saturday is a special day )
  17. took mom and dad to dinner
    (Happy Birthday Mom! )
  18. went to Wal-Mart with the family
    (movie night prep)
  19. flipped a couple of retaining wall blocks
    (against my husband’s wishes. he said wait until Monday, but they are really bugging me!)
  20. put the finishing touches on my primary lesson
    (parable of the Sheep & Goats )
  21. thanked my Heavenly Father for another productive day
  22. when to bed

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