Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Grateful in Any Circumstances

All winter long I watched a man live under the freeway at the exit near my home. Living there alone, in the cold. I noticed that in spite of his circumstances,  he took great care in keeping his "home" clean and tidy. Litter was promptly removed. His meager belongings were rolled up and tucked away when he was not there.

I drove past him all winter long, noticing him, but ignoring him. I would sometimes wonder where he goes when he is not there. If he had enough food to eat. If he was able to clean up once in awhile. If he had a mother to call on Mother's Day.

Today, I left work early to make the day's deposits. I decided to hit a bank closer to home because I wanted to indulge myself with a Swigs drink. (One life's luxury that is often taken for granted.) I was prompted to exit the freeway early and to grab some money out of my wallet. I did...and there he was.

I rolled down my window and he ran over to accept my offering. I asked him his name and introduced myself as well. I then asked him if there was anything that he needed. His answer was unexpected. He looked around and told me with a smile: "I have everything I need!".

I gained a greater understanding of gratitude today! How often have I found myself wishing I had more; something different or new? How often to I look around and realize that I already have everything that I need? How much joy have I lost because I did not see?
Everyone’s situation is different, and the details of each life are unique. Nevertheless, I have learned that there is something that would take away the bitterness that may come into our lives. There is one thing we can do to make life sweeter, more joyful, even glorious.
We can be grateful!  
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Read the full General Conference address HERE)

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