Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bragging rights

It is one of the great rewards of motherhood.

Taylors medallion_0851 copyToday, in church, Taylor was recognized and received her Young Womanhood  Medallion.
This is not an easy task. 
She had to complete several experiences and a 10 hour project in each of the 8 values:
Divine Nature
Individual Worth
Choice & Accountability
Good Works
and Virtue

I am so proud of BOTH of my daughters.
I am in awe of their great faith in their Lord Jesus Christ. 
I marvel at their obedience to His commandments.
I am humbled each and every time they teach me and help me become a better person.
I am so incredibly blessed to be the mother of such beautiful daughters of God.

1 comment:

  1. good job Taylor!!! That is such an accomplishment! I'm proud too.
