Friday, August 26, 2011

Inevitable departure

We are down to days… 12 to be exact.

Each day, there is a gentle reminder that Taylor will be leaving soon.
Today was a not-so-gentle kind of day… she received her roommate list.

So far, this has been the biggest bite of reality we have had to swallow.

This, combined with Kylee’s yearnings to move out,
just might make us empty nesters FAR TOO SOON!!
I am not ready to swallow that.


  1. We just drove through Rexburg, ID and spent some time at the Rexburg Temple. It's so pretty. I told all the kids that is where Taylor will be going to college. Maybe you could follow her to her first day of class and take her picture! LOL!!

  2. My parents finally had to be empty nesters after 6 kids... my mom doesn't know what to do with herself! haha :) you poor mothers, you rock!
