Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sharing Christmas
My favorite part of Christmas Day is the gathering of families and my parents home and sharing the excitement of the morning and eating good food. I have been so blessed to have both sides of my extended family around me on these occasions. Our newest niece Graycie was the hit of the day.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
It happened again…
Evan had another “business” trip in Vegas.
(A coincidence? BYU had a business trip too.)
Without fail, Evan leaves and it snows. I was instructed today NOT to shovel the driveway, but after the truck slid down the driveway (unoccupied) I knew that it was only a matter of time before it was me sliding down the slope. So, I disobeyed my husband and Chester and I spent an hour playing in the snow.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Photography, Photoshop, Powerpoint, Sideshows.
My hobbies are less expensive than Evan’s, but can be just as time consuming… BUT they are much more rewarding and can be shared.
I have been putting together our annual 2009 in review show for Christmas Eve and took a break to put together a very little show of our visit to meet our new niece Graycie. Most of the photos here are a repeat from a previous post, but a little more entertaining…
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Winding down… and realizing.
After a whirlwind of performances… December is finally winding down.
Taylor had her Christmas Concert at the High School last night and her last field trip performance today. Her recital on Saturday has been canceled.
I can’t believe Christmas is next week.
It has been different this year. Can’t quite put my finger on it, but I think it has a lot to do with the struggles of so many around us. Unemployment, divorce, addiction, depression… we are aware of some who are suffering, and unaware of (many) others. Knowing that those we know and love are struggling is what I think has changed my perspective.
We are blessed with good jobs.
We are blessed with a bright outlook for the New Year.
We are blessed with obedient and faithful children.
We are blessed to be able to help those in need.
We are blessed with 4 temples within 20 minutes of our home.
We are blessed with a home full of love for the Savior.
We are blessed by His atoning sacrifice.
May your Christmas celebration this year be different too. May there be less focus on the “getting” and more focus on the “giving”. May you realize the depth of your own blessings.
May there be more of the Savior in your CHRISTmas day!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Amazing Graycie
Today (finally) Evan and I were able to go meet our new niece. We picked up Connie this morning and headed down to Utah county.
She is a perfect little baby and she did not make a sound the whole time we were there. She got up only once last night for a feeding, which is a great blessing for Emily as she is recovering from a C-Section.
She is the perfect addition to a beautiful family!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The weather outside is frightful
Today I had the opportunity to ditch work and help chaperone about 100 JHS Choir kids downtown. We left at 9:30 AM, jumped on Trax and ate lunch at Gateway. They later sang at The Church Office Building and then at the Joseph Smith Memorial.
One of Taylor’s friends recently had ACL Surgery on her knee and was hurting as she tried to hobble around on a crutch in the snow. I was worried about her slipping and impeding her recovery. A quick call to Evan to see if he was downtown returned bad news. I then resorted to an associate from work, as we always have someone downtown during most of the day. This call produced door to door service for us. Jason picked us up at the food court and delivered us in front of the lobby at our first destination.
Two great performances by three awesome choirs, a quick train ride home and gratitude for light rail on such a cold, snowy day.
Monday, December 7, 2009
So far… the BEST event of the Christmas Season
Tonight, supporting our talented daughter, Evan and I attended the Christmas Oranges Benefit Concert at Olympus High – benefiting the Utah Food Bank.
The Christmas Oranges children's story was narrated along with musical performances by Marshall McDonald, Steve Nelson, Young Artist Chamber Players and Jordan High School Chamber choir.
I am in awe of the wonderful talent in our community and am so thankful for their willingness to share those talents with us.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Traditional Trujillo Tamales
I had the honor today of being included in the Trujillo family tradition of tamale making. Once a year, members of the family get together with a pot luck lunch and spend the day making tamales.
Bobby and Michelle Trujillo, Evan’s cousin and his wife, opened their home and shared their tradition with me. After Bobby retired from his job in California, they retired here in Utah to be closer to family. I have not met them before today, but fell in love with them immediately, just as I have with the rest of the Trujillo clan.
Thank You to Sip (another cousin of Evan’s) for hooking me up with great food and greater company today. It was nice seeing Sip again and seeing the reflections of his late father in his face. He reminds me so much of Uncle Eddie.
As I ponder family traditions and their significance in our lives, I find myself worrying that I have not kept up on some of our own. I have to remind myself that traditions don’t necessarily get lost, but instead, evolve with the changes that occur naturally within the family. I also have to remember traditions don’t have to be grand and major events, that even the small things that we do on a routine basis are in fact, traditions.
- The day after Thanksgiving is dedicated to putting up the Christmas decorations in our home.
- As a family, we to out to dinner and see “The Christmas Carol” at the Hale Centre Theater.
- We have a traditional Christmas breakfast with Breakfast Casserole and Pull Aparts.
- We have special dinners on Conference Sundays, usually Fondue in the Spring and Prime Rib in the Fall.
- At the start of every school year, my children receive a Father’s Blessing.
- We kick off the summer with a trip to Lake Powell. my list can go on...
So really, a tradition is something we look forward to doing or seeing – over and over again.
I can’t wait to see the evolution of these traditions as my daughters get older and start families of their own.
Friday, December 4, 2009
I can’t help myself
I took this afternoon off work since I worked overtime on my birthday due to a hearing I participated in. I told myself I would not do anything related to work for the rest of today.
I worked on my sharing time presentation for sunday, and this…
My apologies in advance.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
In the Mormon Church, 12 is a significant age for young men and young women. They get to advance from Primary and into Mutual. They are also old enough to start serving in the Temple by doing Baptisms for the Dead. My brother’s daughter turned 12 earlier this year, and more recently our nephew on Evan’s side turned 12, which also makes him eligible to receive the Priesthood.
Evan, his mother and I made a “quick” day trip to Afton and back today. Our nephew, Jacob, was ordained a Deacon. It was an honor to be there and witness the amazing blessing he received from his father.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Rivalries and Moods
Here I sit, 4th Quarter, 30 seconds to go and the game is just tied… Evan’s good mood is diminishing and Kylee
is feeling better. Either way… I win.
Being neutral has it’s benefits.
Too bad I still have to deal the the aftermath.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Family Ties
I love it when I get surprise phone calls or emails from extended family members.
That is . . . the ones that don’t accompany bad news.
Today, I received one of those “GOOD” emails. Evan’s cousin, Sip, sent me quick note. (I assume he is a stalker of my blog, because he mentioned that he should have dropped by yesterday since it looked like I had plenty of room.) He attached a photograph that was taken of some family members at his fathers funeral.
Uncle Eddie passed away last April.
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How to feed 26.
- Remove the furniture from the family room.
- Start cooking the day before.
- Make assignments to other guests (Thanks everyone for your help. It was an easy day!)
- Finish cooking and calculate your timing carefully (especially if you only have one oven).
- Eat and clean up!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Round ONE
Home from work @ 3:30 and I dove right in…
Moved some of the furniture and started preparing food.
Homemade cranberry sauce – DONE
Stuffing – DONE
4 pumpkin pies – IN THE OVEN and it’s only 7:30.
Pies out before 9pm and I get to go to bed at a decent hour, provided my mind does not keep me up as it runs up and down the list of the things I have left to do.
Luckily my guest are fabulous cooks and are making significant contributions!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
22 years ago today, I married the love of my life.
10 years later, our first nephew was born.
Happy Birthday Jacob.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
It’s been a while.
No thanks to the Mtn., my football hostessing projects have been few and far in between. In fact, I don’t think we hosted a game at all last year.
I finally got my chance today. There were a couple of hiccups, but I was able to feed a few of Evan’s friends an abundant buffet complete with 7 layer dip, Piglets in Blankets, Deviled Eggs, Triple Tear Brownies and Peanut Butter Chex . . . good practice for Thanksgiving. (My count is 32)
Hiccup #1– the spare alarm clock was still on daylight savings time. This was something I did not know.
In a groggy state, after sleeping in until “7” am, I got out of bed and started baking. When I pulled the brownies out of the oven, I noticed the clock on the stove said “6:30”. The up-side: I had enough time to take care of some unexpected business… (see hiccup #2)
Hiccup #2– the server at work crashed last night. I got the call around 6 pm and immediately went back.
After a series of some very “unfortunate fortunate” events, a corrupted file was discovered. I found it interesting that finding some minor errors and problems caused me to react in a way that lead to the discovery of a more serious matter. I am convinced that I was led to those initial discoveries and then prompted to react they way that I did. I called it quits after two hours, but not without the assignment to recover and rebuild the file on my own. With some instructions, I returned to work this morning and after a quick prayer, fulfilled my task successfully. We were back in business two hours later.
Now, after an exhaustingly busy day, I am ready to crawl into bed and prepare myself for a relaxing quite Sunday.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tonight for Young Women In Excellence, it was retro night. The YW and their parents were invited to flash back and wear something from the past.
Taylor called my mother and they dug up her Granite High Pep Club uniform from 1960. She looked adorable.
I opted out – nothing kept. Besides, if I did keep anything, I would have to loose 20 lbs in 15 minutes to make it work. I did, however, share a photo for the display board.
I have spent some time over the last week or so, looking over the new Family Search web page. What an awesome tool for the members of the church. As I dig deeper, it will be interesting to see how many names still need to be submitted for temple work. It seems like an overwhelming job . . . and a slow process because accuracy is so important. I really don’t know where to start, but what is important is just starting . . . that is what I need to work on for now. I hope other members of the family will also contribute and speed the process along. It will be fun to see the family tree grow.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Ever since Saturday’s snow fall, I have been cold and cannot get warm.
This is why I HATE winter.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s more like a Love/Hate kind of thing.
I love the white blanket of a snowy morning.
I hate the “dirty” snow after traffic splashes it around.
I love wrapping up in a warm blanket and sipping hot chocolate.
I hate that my feet are always cold.
I love the peace and beauty of a quite snow storm.
I hate blinding blizzards.
I love the extra hour of sleep in October.
I hate the dark evenings.
I love the winter holidays. I love having friends and family around.
I love my space heater.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
You know you’re a…
You know you’re a Mormon living in SLC when you dine at a local restaurant and the man at the table next to you is the Prophet. It was fun to see President Monson tonight taking the time away from his evening meal to visit briefly with the children who so excited to see him.
You know you’re a gadget junky when you attend a “Symphony Orchestra, Collegiate Singers, Men’s Choir, and Women’s Choir” performance at the Tabernacle and you are most intrigued by the camera boom. I found myself thinking how much fun it would be to have one to hang over the back of the boat.
You know you’re an UTA Trax driver when you take pride in publicly humiliating people who get stuck like a sardine in a train car and the doors won’t open to let them out before the train leaves for the next stop . . . which creates the possibility of loosing the rest of their party who barely managed to make it out of an open door. (I was not the sardine, but a member of our group was.)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I stand all amazed…
at the true spiritual giants I gave birth to.
I never would have guessed as a new mom almost 20 years ago,
that I was holding in my arms one of my greatest examples.
And again, three years later.
My first born is attending institute at U and loving it.
She is there on her own free will.
She is excited to learn more about the gospel of our Savior.
My second, is attending the temple weekly.
Yesterday, she went alone.
She loves serving the Lord and is not afraid
to do so when no one else can.
I often wonder what I have done
to deserve such righteous daughters.
They are far ahead of me in spiritual matters,
and I am grateful.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Kylee was sick ALL week. No school, no work.
Consequence – a LOT of makeup work.
Evan had a quick business trip to St. George.
Consequence (?) – a LOT of golf.
Taylor was called as the Laurel Class Secretary.
Consequence – a LOT of blessings.
I had a stressful week at work.
Consequence – a LOT of knots in my back.
We all beefed up on the hand washing and sprayed Lysol every time Kylee left the room.
Consequence – the rest of us stayed healthy (so far).
Kylee announced tonight that she is feeling better.
Consequence - She will make it to the “So You Think You Can Dance” tour tomorrow night.
I am looking forward to the girls night out!
Consequence - a happy mom.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
In order to please my daughters, I dress up for Halloween. I don’t go anywhere. I just answer the door and pass out candy. But, I dress up. The most requested… SLC Punk.
(I sometime wonder how much it reflects my inner-self.)
As with every other year, I forgot to put gloves on my hands when applying the pink. So, I scrubbed with Clorox scouring powder with bleach, followed by gobs of lotion to soothe the skin.
I ended the evening with a double hair washing and still ended up with a touch of pink. I washed again this morning, still pink. So off to church I go, presenting sharing time with remnants of pink in my hair. I hope the kids take me seriously.
More importantly, I hope the extra hour of sleep was sufficient enough for the sugar to run its course.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Ever since yesterdays chocolate episode with Chester, everyone’s hearing has been on high alert.
Today, Kylee heard some rustling sounds coming from the storage room. She immediately ran down the hall to stop the scavenger in his tracks. Fortunately, it was only Evan digging out some oatmeal for breakfast on this cold snowy morning.
Chester did survive his latest ordeal, but not without a sleepless night for me. He was up every two hours.
Monday, October 26, 2009
What Chester ate today...
Busy at work, I received a phone call from Kylee.
While everyone was at school and at work, Chester (once again) managed to find his way into the food storage room downstairs.
It has been determined that he ate this:
followed by this:
(unfortunately, one of the most lethal forms of chocolate)
The chips… all gone.
The cocoa… undetermined.
So I left work to assess the situation and to induce vomiting. I immediately administered diluted hydrogen peroxide and while I waited for the results, I vacuumed and scrubbed the rug then dumped and weighed the remaining cocoa.
The weigh in estimates that he ate less than an ounce (which is good news). But, still afraid to leave him alone, here I sit… working from home and watching for signs of nausea from the peroxide or lack of co-ordination, muscle twitching, hyperactivity, increased heart rate and raised blood pressure from the cocoa.
No vomiting yet… but seemingly fine.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Comfort Zone
Yesterday, Taylor did a very brave thing.
She sang a solo in front of family, friends and strangers. Something I most certainly could never do!
A couple of times, nerves got the best of her, but, she kept her composure and carried on. Her voice never waivered and she always sounded beautiful.
She looked beautiful too.
I have never been more proud of her!!!!!
As she self evaluates, and receives constructive encouragement (I despise the word criticism) from her teacher, she will prepare herself for another solo at the Christmas concert in December.
I can’t wait!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Alone with my thoughts.
- Evan is gone on another business trip. I miss him.
- Taylor is at the temple. I am so proud of her.
- Kylee is at Gamma. I am glad she found her niche.
- I am baking Banana Bread. It smells so good.
- Daylight savings time is almost over. I wish it was always light until 9.
- Taylor sings this Saturday. I am looking forward to her solo and trio.
- Kylee has another photography assignment due soon. I enjoy helping her.
- Tamra cooks Sunday dinner this week. I love having a Sunday off!!
- Wondering what to prepare for Taylor’s Halloween party. I want it to be perfect.
- It is only 7:15 and I am considering getting ready for bead. 4:30 comes quickly.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Family History
Being a photo buff – I wish there were more of these priceless gems:
Let me rephrase… I wish there were more of these priceless gems that included a description.
Informal picture of families descended from Lorentz and Ellen Swenson Pearson. Taken at the William J. Leak residence by Ruby Leak Smith. West Jordan, Utah. August 20, 1942.
(Back row L to R: Irene Leak Schmidt, Signe Nilsson Pearson, H. Kay Schmidt being held by his hiding grandma Esther Pearson Leak, Esther (Essie) Peterson McMillan, Clara Pearson Adolphson (looking sideways), Rosalind Glover Pearson. Next row down L to R: Barbara Pearson --, Ramona Leak Rasmussen, Marie Peterson Pearson (partially hidden), Not sure, possibly Virginia Peterson (lady looking down), Evaline Peterson Butterfield. Next (third) row down L to R: Allan P. Pearson, Howard J. Pearson, Eugene W. Pearson, Clinton P. Smith (partially hidden), Rhea Smith holding son David Smith. Three people between rows 3 and 4 - L to R: Clara Pearson Smith (partially hidden), Milo Pearson (peeking through), and Imogene Pearson Bytheway.
Next row down (a long row) L to R: Ethan L. Pearson (boy looking sideways), Clarence N. Pearson holding one of his grandchildren, Lennart E. Pearson, Louise Nelson Pearson, Goldie (Gulli) Peterson Pearson, Dorothy Pearson --, Ramona Pearson Gold, Ingeborg (Inga) Pearson Johnson, William J. Leak (looking sideways), Clarence John (C. J.) Peterson, holding Merlin Peterson (partially hidden), Welden A. Rasmussen (partially hidden). Front row L to R: Jimmy Butterfield (looking backward) with his father Arnold J. Butterfield, probably -- Draper (son of Aunt Edla Peterson Draper), Lon Pearson (Milo Lorenz [Lon]), Kenneth W. Rasmussen, Craig W. Rasmussen (looking sideways and hidden behind his brother), Lane D. Rasmussen, Stella Pearson Peterson.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Singing Princess
Last night was Taylor’s first concert with the JHS Chamber Choir. And as always, the concert was a treat!!
Taylor looked beautiful in the custom made dress.
Her next concert is the Fall Vocal Concert presented by her voice teacher on Saturday, October 24th @ 5PM. It will be held at the Salt Lake Recital Hall located at 308 E. 200 South (parking and entrance on the east side of the building).
“Vocal students will be performing from the "art song" genre of their repertoire. You will hear beautiful music sung in both Italian and English.”
In December, the Chamber Choir will be participating in this:
along with a performance at the Joseph Smith Memorial, the JHS Winter Concert and a Christmas concert with her voice teacher.
I can’t wait for these events and the many more to follow…
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Change is a constant
I am reminded of this on a regular basis. Changes in work, school, family, and more recently (and quite often), church.
Primary to be specific.
No, I have not been released. For that, I am grateful.
Each year brings changes in callings. I am used to that. I loose people all the time. I just roll with it. Now, I am faced with new changes. Recently, I attended a (MUCH too long) meeting, I was informed of some of those changes.
- Classes will no longer prepare and present a sharing time. That means one more sharing time for a presidency member to conduct each month. What is good about this?… ALL sharing time presentations will now be under the direction, oversight and, even more important, CONTROL of the Presidency. I do, however, plan on involving a class to help with certain aspects of my presentations throughout the year. We can still keep them involved.
- The names of the classes are changing slightly. The names will now reflect the age of the child on January 1st. This change creates a CTR 4 class (formerly CTR 5) and eliminate Valiant 12 (now known as Valiant 11). What is good about this? … no more math skills required to figure out where each child belongs.
- Sharing time ideas for leaders will no longer be included in the Friend magazine. What is good about this?… There is an awesome new format for the Sharing Time outline. These ideas and suggestions are now included here.
I am excited for the new year in Primary and I getting ready to take on these new challenges. I am certain that there will be more changes as time continues. After all, change is a constant.
Gave me something to think about.
(No, I was not an idiot today, maybe once or twice in the past... nothing specific.)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Beauty beyond skin deep
Stephanie Nielson, the daughter of dear family friends, Steve and Cindy Clark, has endured so much over the last year after surviving a fatal plane crash.
Today, she made an appearance on Oprah.
What an amazing woman, so much like her mother. So faithful, so strong, so beautiful. Although her life has taken a devastating turn, she has taken it on with grace and dignity. Never forgetting that she is a daughter of God. Never letting go of her faith, and sharing her testimony constantly.
Mothers around the world have been touched by her strength and her deep desire to love and nurture her family, for her commitment to the sacred calling of motherhood. I have been touched too.
"There is no one perfect way to be a good mother. Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children. The choice is different and unique for each mother and each family. Many are able to be 'full-time moms,' at least during the most formative years of their children's lives, and many others would like to be. Some may have to work part- or full-time; some may work at home; some may divide their lives into periods of home and family and work. What matters is that a mother loves her children deeply and, in keeping with the devotion she has for God and her husband, prioritizes them above all else."
M. Russell Ballard
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tuesday Companion
Tuesday is a good day. It means that we survived Monday and we are one day closer to the weekend.
Tuesday evening is my alone time. Evan is at the Stake Center, Kylee is at her institute class, and Taylor is at Young Womens.
So here I sit, catching up on laundry, bills and work, while Chester sits at my side and keeps me company. (OK, not so much on the laundry, but I thought about it...)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Every October bring many significant events in our lives.
Autumn is upon us. The changing of the seasons is more apparent than other. The brisk cool weather reminds us that winter is just around the corner but are given a season to enjoy the beauty around us.
Evan has a birthday. His hair, more salt now than pepper, yet more distinguished with every passing year.
General Conference. So many uplifting messages that rejuvenate our spirit and mind. A great time to recommit our lives to our Savior as we prepare to celebrate his birth and his life trough the upcoming months.
A sad reminder of a loss. Our dear friend, George Woolfolk, died in a work related accident just 4 years ago this month. He was a wonderful friend that brought joy and happiness into our home every time he walked through the doors. I especially miss feeding him over the holidays.
Summer glory diminishes as the snow starts to top the mountains. The last of the blossoms are holding on with might in a battle with nature that soon will be lost. May this tiny blossom from my planter box be a reminder to follow Ann Monson Dibb's counsel and
Hold On…
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Nature finds a way
Avoiding state street construction, I took a detour around the South Towne Mall today.
I forget that there is a wetlands park there.
Driving near the freeway, I came upon two beautiful geese not at all bothered by onslaught of 6:00 traffic.
In the midst of all sights and sounds of the world around them, they stood there, comfortable in their surroundings, taking time out to find peace, in spite of the chaos. I should take their advise…
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
What Chester ate today…
In the midst of dinner chaos: deciding what to fix while trying to please everyone (a formula for failure), Chester decided he couldn’t hold it in any longer and had to show us what he got into today.
After a quick inventory of the pantry, and judging by the color of the deposit at the back door, it has been official determined that Chester ate approximately 15 or so corn tortillas.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
My favorite time of year
I love the crisp mornings.
I love the warm afternoons.
I love the layered wardrobe.
I love the colorful mountains.
Today, while the rest of the family went to football games and parties, Chester and I went for a drive…
Friday, September 25, 2009
National Anthem (updated)
National Anthem
I missed their performance at last weeks assembly so I am looking forward to seeing them perform for the first time this year!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Day Trip
Evan left this morning for a quick day trip to Las Vegas. A lunch meeting and another meeting after that, both with potential clients. (Yes, there are a few companies out there that are still in business.)
You have heard the saying “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”? It so true on so many levels. I just received a call from Evan. He is stuck. Many of the flights that are due in today have been delayed significantly.
So for now, Evan stays in Vegas.
We do expect him home sometime tonight. He says it will be late. He gets to enjoy the lovely Vegas Airport for several hours in the meantime.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
This Sunday…
was the first Sunday since my calling as Primary President, that I was able to keep key board members through the program. My first year, I lost my first counselor, my pianist and my music leader with less than two weeks until the program. Last year, I lost another music leader with only a week or two.
This year was fully staffed and what a difference it made. My stress level was almost non existent. I am not sure if the same is true for Jane. (My current first counselor.) She did an amazing job. My only worry was for her well-being.
As always, the primary children did a great job. As nerve wracking as the practices were, one would think we were doomed. But without fail, they pull it off when it counted. I am so proud of them. I hope I am around long enough to be a part of next years program. Call me crazy, but I have it in me to stick around…. My great counselors and secretary make this job so easy! I hope they have it in them too.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
This week was the Primary election. A dear family friend, Steve Clark, gained enough votes to advanced to the General Election for Provo Mayor. We wish him well in November!!
Today, we held our final practice for the Primary Program which will be held in our ward this Sunday. The numbers were down (thanks to soccer) but the practice was the best one yet! I am looking forward to tomorrow for 2 reasons.
- It is the best program of the year and
- The program will be DONE!
This is the first year that I have not lost key members of my Primary Board just weeks before the program. That alone, has made a tremendous difference!
Monday, September 14, 2009
I cannot express is words how proud I am of my husband and children. They are such great examples to me. They are not afraid of humility. They are quick to forgive.
They have strong testimonies of our Savior and my testimony grows everyday because of them.
They love me in spite of my faults. They make me feel important and needed.
I have been blessed.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The only Grandparents I knew
were my mothers parents. My fathers parents both passed away before I was born.
One of my favorite pictures of my Grandpa and Grandma Smith is this one taken on a visit to Denver when they traveled to see their oldest son, my Uncle David and his wife Kathy and their family (Tavian, Jared & Braniff). I am not sure on the year this was taken and would appreciate comments with additional details.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
You know school is back in session when…
1. As a neighbor (and parent), you have fund-raiser purchases to make - this year Taylor will be heading to California with her choir group. Fund raising has started and we are hoping to keep our costs down as she also has a trip at the end of the school year with her private voice instructor. I am hoping to be able to tag along as a chaperon for choir and the whole family is planning on joining the voice group. Looks like 2010 will be filled with a few fun trips.
2. As a dad, you have school fees and club dues to pay – the checkbook has not closed since registration. Locker rental, book fees, year book, PTA, parking permit, choir dues, ACT… the list seems endless. Free education is expensive.
3. As a mom, you have homework again – but with a college student and an Honors/AP student – it won’t be long before the material is over my head and I become useless. I am also just realizing that is has been over 20 years since my brain was in the “study” mode. Fortunately, I have been able to google the help that we need so, as long as I can google it, I can still be helpful.
I am looking forward to watching the growth in my daughters this year and hope that they will have many positive experiences.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Three days in Disneyland with my two girls, even more priceless.
Talking them into staying in tonight in exchange for WiFi, best ten bucks I ever spent!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I misspoke
My previous post indicated that I was not going anywhere exciting or exotic. I was wrong…
After an uneventful plane ride with a layover in Las Vegas, we landed safely at LAX. We proceeded to baggage claim and waited for our luggage while I was on the phone with my office – solving a minor issue. We claimed our bags and waited for the shuttle for the car rental. I am certain that Thrifty has only 1 van for every 15 of their competitors. We finally made it to the checkout counter and listened to the attempts to sell up. After declining it all, we selected our car, double checked our route on the map and started our adventure. (Or has it already started?)
I had been looking forward to shopping at the Fashion District in downtown L.A. all week. But when we finally arrived, after a brave battle with California rush hour traffic (exciting), most of the shops were closed for the day and what remained opened reminded us of shopping in Mexico (exotic). We promptly retraced our steps and headed back to the battle ground on the freeway and headed south to Anaheim – our final destination. A quick google for an address to a Cheesecake Factory and we were all happy again.
A good mood to be in for the happiest place on earth.
Role Reversal
For the first time in nearly 22 years of marriage, EVAN (not I) gets to stay home while I (not Evan) get to take a GIRLS (not boys) trip. My companions… best girlfriends: Kylee and Taylor.
Our destination is not as exciting and exotic as those visited by other world traveling family members (winks to Jen and Brodie), but we will be at the happiest place on earth.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
What nearly killed Evan last night.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I am closing in on this years Primary Program. Thank goodness for my awesome first counselor Jane. She is putting together a perfect program. Thank goodness also, to MaryAnn and Jenny for always willing to take on assignments. My job is so easy and I always feel that I am not doing my part, but I guess if we all share the load, then we are not supposed to feel overwhelmed.
Traditionally, my presidency has taken it easy for sharing time following the program. We have laid down blankets and let the kids watch church produced videos. This year is no exception, but with a different twist.
As the church has launched it’s YouTube site, we have been blessed as saints, with some amazing video productions to uplift, inspire and empower us. We though it would be a nice change to present these clips to the primary children. So my task is to 1) locate clips that will keep the attention of all the children ages 4-12 and 2) find a way to download them and save them for our presentation.
It did not take long, but I accomplished 1/2 of this task: locating and downloading. (I even included some of the great commercials that the church produces.) Next is organizing and burning.
One video clip that caught my attention is one that I am posting here. I hope is stirs something in you as it did me.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
My favorite part of Taylor favorite part
Today was the last day of Taylor’s summer. She starts her Jr. Year of High School tomorrow.
Tonight, she asked her dad for her traditional Father’s blessing. While we were waiting for Evan, she confessed to me that this is her favorite part of going back to school.
I love that both my daughters have such great faith in the power of the Priesthood and I love that I have a great husband that honors his Priesthood and is always ready to bless our lives and the lives of others when called upon.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I have missed, and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my first born.
Ky has spent the last week in California with friends. The last hurrah of the summer. School starts Monday.
I am not missing my “mother’s taxi” days.
Tay has been spreading her wings this week as she has built up her confidence and drives herself here and there. Her best friend got home from vacation this week and they have been inseparable ever since. School starts Wednesday for her.
I am missing summer already.
A very short summer is officially over. We had fewer outings this year due to economics and work environment. But these were sacrifices that had to be made.
I am missing my childhood.
I think it is lousy that I have to be grown up and make grown up decisions such as canceling trips, avoiding unnecessary purchases, deciding what to fix for dinner, etc. On the contrary, I love being grown up and having grown up children to spend time with and… that makes me happy to be where I am now.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Lifelong learning….
"Lifelong learning is essential to the vitality of the human mind, body, and soul. It enhances self-worth and self-actuation. Lifelong learning is invigorating mentally and is a great defense against aging, depression, and self-doubt" ("The Journey of Lifelong Learning," in Brigham Young University 2008–2009 Speeches [2009], 2, 8–9).
What have you learned today?
Me? I have learned that I have a lot of learning to do. I am just starting my battle against aging.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What happened to summer?
With a cold wet start, a cooler then normal end, and so little in between I am asking myself – what happed to summer?
The girls start school next week, it is officially over.
Friday, August 14, 2009
When little brothers become awesome uncles.
When we were little, my brother and I fought like cats and dogs. Seriously; I am amazed one of us is not serving time.
But something happened.
- I went away to school (absence makes the heart grow fonder)
- I got married (someone else for me to pick on)
- He went on a mission (time and distance)
- We both grew up.
His last request before leaving on his mission was that I provide him with a niece by the time he gets home.
My daughter was exactly one month old on the day he returned from his mission. At the airport, he rushed past mom and dad and went straight for the stroller. There has been a strong bond between those two ever since.
Today they spent some quality time together jumping off of cliffs at Diamond Fork. Ky and a couple of her friends (including mom and grandpa) went rappelling for the first time. We had so much fun together and enjoyed the sport and the scenery. Eric was so generous with his time (thanks Bro) and shared with us one of the things he enjoys.
I am so grateful for him and the relationship he has with both of my daughters. I am glad that we both grew up and fell in like with each other. (I have always loved him!)
Monday, August 10, 2009
A couple of months ago I (somehow) injured my leg in a rare “leaning against the wall for a long time” incident. I pulled a muscle or tendon or something… but it has aggravated me ever since.
My (very) early morning ritual at the gym has been set aside to allow for proper healing.
While I still ache and suffer from stiffness in the morning and at night, I think that I am finally feeling a little bit better. (I have noticed in my declining years, that I do not “bounce back” as quickly as I used to.)
So, with the signs of healing on the horizon, I am ready to grit my teeth and get back to the gym. The 10 lbs I intended to loose before the summer started are still with me, and I hope to part with them by Thanksgiving. Taking it slow, so I can continue to heal, and (now for the hardest part) reevaluating my diet should make this a realistic goal.
Here’s to feeling better!