Sunday, October 18, 2009

Family History

Being a photo buff – I wish there were more of these priceless gems:

pearson family get together at leak residence - august 20, 1942 - west jordan, utah-02.bmp

Let me rephrase… I wish there were more of these priceless gems that included a description.

Informal picture of families descended from Lorentz and Ellen Swenson Pearson. Taken at the William J. Leak residence by Ruby Leak Smith. West Jordan, Utah. August 20, 1942.

(Back row L to R: Irene Leak Schmidt, Signe Nilsson Pearson, H. Kay Schmidt being held by his hiding grandma Esther Pearson Leak, Esther (Essie) Peterson McMillan, Clara Pearson Adolphson (looking sideways), Rosalind Glover Pearson. Next row down L to R: Barbara Pearson --, Ramona Leak Rasmussen, Marie Peterson Pearson (partially hidden), Not sure, possibly Virginia Peterson (lady looking down), Evaline Peterson Butterfield. Next (third) row down L to R: Allan P. Pearson, Howard J. Pearson, Eugene W. Pearson, Clinton P. Smith (partially hidden), Rhea Smith holding son David Smith. Three people between rows 3 and 4 - L to R: Clara Pearson Smith (partially hidden), Milo Pearson (peeking through), and Imogene Pearson Bytheway.
Next row down (a long row) L to R: Ethan L. Pearson (boy looking sideways), Clarence N. Pearson holding one of his grandchildren, Lennart E. Pearson, Louise Nelson Pearson, Goldie (Gulli) Peterson Pearson, Dorothy Pearson --, Ramona Pearson Gold, Ingeborg (Inga) Pearson Johnson, William J. Leak (looking sideways), Clarence John (C. J.) Peterson, holding Merlin Peterson (partially hidden), Welden A. Rasmussen (partially hidden). Front row L to R: Jimmy Butterfield (looking backward) with his father Arnold J. Butterfield, probably -- Draper (son of Aunt Edla Peterson Draper), Lon Pearson (Milo Lorenz [Lon]), Kenneth W. Rasmussen, Craig W. Rasmussen (looking sideways and hidden behind his brother), Lane D. Rasmussen, Stella Pearson Peterson.

1 comment:

  1. Are these people from your side of the family or Evan's? I know a lot of my own family history but not so much of Neale's. Maybe sometime you could fill me in.
