Every October bring many significant events in our lives.
Autumn is upon us. The changing of the seasons is more apparent than other. The brisk cool weather reminds us that winter is just around the corner but are given a season to enjoy the beauty around us.
Evan has a birthday. His hair, more salt now than pepper, yet more distinguished with every passing year.
General Conference. So many uplifting messages that rejuvenate our spirit and mind. A great time to recommit our lives to our Savior as we prepare to celebrate his birth and his life trough the upcoming months.
A sad reminder of a loss. Our dear friend, George Woolfolk, died in a work related accident just 4 years ago this month. He was a wonderful friend that brought joy and happiness into our home every time he walked through the doors. I especially miss feeding him over the holidays.
Summer glory diminishes as the snow starts to top the mountains. The last of the blossoms are holding on with might in a battle with nature that soon will be lost. May this tiny blossom from my planter box be a reminder to follow Ann Monson Dibb's counsel and
Hold On…
I love your pictures. Have you ever thought to do a nature calendar of all the beautiful pictures you have taken? You should. I would love a copy too.