She and three of her friends left today to spend time at a borrowed condo in St George. and topping the stay off with a shopping trip to Vegas.
This is a first for all of us... Kylee (our first adult daughter) on her own with friends, and Evan & I encouraging the trip. (We are ok with letting go... but only for this very short trip for now.)
I find myself hoping and praying that I did a good job raising both of my daughters. I know they make good choices... I can tell by the friends they have. I love these friends dearly and trust them with my most prized possessions. I just hope that, no matter where they are or how grown up they get, they will always need their mom.
Your girls are great and I know Kylee is extra special. She is a very strong and determined woman who I know would always stand up for what she believes in. You are a good mother for allowing yourself to trust in your daughters. That in turn gives them more responsibility and more reason to want to be TRUSTWORTHY! Hope Kylee has fun. This is a once in a lifetime birthday because she will be 19 on the 19th in 2009! Same for Maddy, she turned 9 on the 9th in 2009! Weird huh?