I was immediately impressed to create a complaint form. I quickly googled and found a template. In a few minutes, I located and manipulated a form that would meet our needs.
What seemed like seconds later, this individual arrived at our office. He spent the next 20 minutes filling out the form. After he left, curiosity got the better of us and we glanced over the details. Interestingly enough - the scenario that led up to his complaint started with a situation where he was requested to "come back" and take care of a matter later. One thing led to another, an exchange of words took place, and this individual was eventually arrested (after a series of alleged events). A judge had him booked for contempt. He felt that the exchange as well as the arrest was unjustified. I assured him that my boss would look into the matter and then be in contact with him.
I can't help but wonder what might have happened if we had to ask him to "come back" and address his concerns later.
you are so "in-tune" with the spirit and I love that about you. Another "heather quality" that I admire!