Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Ever since yesterdays chocolate episode with Chester, everyone’s hearing has been on high alert.

Today, Kylee heard some rustling sounds coming from the storage room. She immediately ran down the hall to stop the scavenger in his tracks. Fortunately, it was only Evan digging out some oatmeal for breakfast on this cold snowy morning.

Chester did survive his latest ordeal, but not without a sleepless night for me. He was up every two hours.

sick chester_0128

Monday, October 26, 2009

What Chester ate today...

Busy at work, I received a phone call from Kylee.

While everyone was at school and at work, Chester (once again) managed to find his way into the food storage room downstairs.

It has been determined that he ate this:

followed by this:

(unfortunately, one of the most lethal forms of chocolate)

The chips… all gone.

The cocoa… undetermined.

So I left work to assess the situation and to induce vomiting. I immediately administered diluted hydrogen peroxide and while I waited for the results, I vacuumed and scrubbed the rug then dumped and weighed the remaining cocoa.

The weigh in estimates that he ate less than an ounce (which is good news). But, still afraid to leave him alone, here I sit… working from home and watching for signs of nausea from the peroxide or lack of co-ordination, muscle twitching, hyperactivity, increased heart rate and raised blood pressure from the cocoa.

No vomiting yet… but seemingly fine.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Comfort Zone

Yesterday, Taylor did a very brave thing.

She sang a solo in front of family, friends and strangers. Something I most certainly could never do!

A couple of times, nerves got the best of her, but, she kept her composure and carried on. Her voice never waivered and she always sounded beautiful.

She looked beautiful too.


I have never been more proud of her!!!!!

As she self evaluates, and receives constructive encouragement (I despise the word criticism) from her teacher, she will prepare herself for another solo at the Christmas concert in December.

I can’t wait!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Alone with my thoughts.

  1. Evan is gone on another business trip. I miss him.
  2. Taylor is at the temple. I am so proud of her.
  3. Kylee is at Gamma. I am glad she found her niche.
  4. I am baking Banana Bread. It smells so good.
  5. Daylight savings time is almost over. I wish it was always light until 9.
  6. Taylor sings this Saturday. I am looking forward to her solo and trio.
  7. Kylee has another photography assignment due soon. I enjoy helping her.
  8. Tamra cooks Sunday dinner this week. I love having a Sunday off!!
  9. Wondering what to prepare for Taylor’s Halloween party. I want it to be perfect.
  10. It is only 7:15 and I am considering getting ready for bead. 4:30 comes quickly.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Family History

Being a photo buff – I wish there were more of these priceless gems:

pearson family get together at leak residence - august 20, 1942 - west jordan, utah-02.bmp

Let me rephrase… I wish there were more of these priceless gems that included a description.

Informal picture of families descended from Lorentz and Ellen Swenson Pearson. Taken at the William J. Leak residence by Ruby Leak Smith. West Jordan, Utah. August 20, 1942.

(Back row L to R: Irene Leak Schmidt, Signe Nilsson Pearson, H. Kay Schmidt being held by his hiding grandma Esther Pearson Leak, Esther (Essie) Peterson McMillan, Clara Pearson Adolphson (looking sideways), Rosalind Glover Pearson. Next row down L to R: Barbara Pearson --, Ramona Leak Rasmussen, Marie Peterson Pearson (partially hidden), Not sure, possibly Virginia Peterson (lady looking down), Evaline Peterson Butterfield. Next (third) row down L to R: Allan P. Pearson, Howard J. Pearson, Eugene W. Pearson, Clinton P. Smith (partially hidden), Rhea Smith holding son David Smith. Three people between rows 3 and 4 - L to R: Clara Pearson Smith (partially hidden), Milo Pearson (peeking through), and Imogene Pearson Bytheway.
Next row down (a long row) L to R: Ethan L. Pearson (boy looking sideways), Clarence N. Pearson holding one of his grandchildren, Lennart E. Pearson, Louise Nelson Pearson, Goldie (Gulli) Peterson Pearson, Dorothy Pearson --, Ramona Pearson Gold, Ingeborg (Inga) Pearson Johnson, William J. Leak (looking sideways), Clarence John (C. J.) Peterson, holding Merlin Peterson (partially hidden), Welden A. Rasmussen (partially hidden). Front row L to R: Jimmy Butterfield (looking backward) with his father Arnold J. Butterfield, probably -- Draper (son of Aunt Edla Peterson Draper), Lon Pearson (Milo Lorenz [Lon]), Kenneth W. Rasmussen, Craig W. Rasmussen (looking sideways and hidden behind his brother), Lane D. Rasmussen, Stella Pearson Peterson.

Friday, October 16, 2009


I have the cutest nieces and nephews…
wish I could capture them all!!


Thursday, October 15, 2009


Happy Birthday to the love of my life.

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Singing Princess

Last night was Taylor’s first concert with the JHS Chamber Choir. And as always, the concert was a treat!!

Taylor looked beautiful in the custom made dress.

JHS Chamber Choir Fall Concert_0094

JHS Chamber Choir Fall Concert_0093








Her next concert is the Fall Vocal Concert presented by her voice teacher on Saturday, October 24th @ 5PM.  It will be held at the Salt Lake Recital Hall located at 308 E. 200 South (parking and entrance on the east side of the building).

“Vocal students will be performing from the "art song" genre of their repertoire. You will hear beautiful music sung in both Italian and English.”

In December, the Chamber Choir will be participating in this:

along with a performance at the Joseph Smith Memorial, the JHS Winter Concert and a Christmas concert with her voice teacher.

I can’t wait for these events and the many more to follow…

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ev CAN dance...

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Change is a constant

I am reminded of this on a regular basis. Changes in work, school, family, and more recently (and quite often), church.

Primary to be specific.

No, I have not been released. For that, I am grateful.

Each year brings changes in callings. I am used to that. I loose people all the time. I just roll with it. Now, I am faced with new changes. Recently, I attended a (MUCH too long) meeting, I was informed of some of those changes.

  1. Classes will no longer prepare and present a sharing time. That means one more sharing time for a presidency member to conduct each month. What is good about this?…  ALL sharing time presentations will now be under the direction, oversight and, even more important, CONTROL of the Presidency. I do, however, plan on involving a class to help with certain aspects of my presentations throughout the year. We can still keep them involved.
  2. The names of the classes are changing slightly. The names will now reflect the age of the child on January 1st. This change creates a CTR 4 class (formerly CTR 5) and eliminate Valiant 12 (now known as Valiant 11). What is good about this? … no more math skills required to figure out where each child belongs.
  3. Sharing time ideas for leaders will no longer be included in the Friend magazine. What is good about this?… There is an awesome new format for the Sharing Time outline. These ideas and suggestions are now included here.

I am excited for the new year in Primary and I getting ready to take on these new challenges. I am certain that there will be more changes as time continues. After all, change is a constant.

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Gave me something to think about.
(No, I was not an idiot today, maybe once or twice in the past... nothing specific.)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beauty beyond skin deep

Stephanie Nielson, the daughter of dear family friends, Steve and Cindy Clark, has endured so much over the last year after surviving a fatal plane crash.

Today, she made an appearance on Oprah.

What an amazing woman, so much like her mother. So faithful, so strong, so beautiful. Although her life has taken a devastating turn, she has taken it on with grace and dignity. Never forgetting that she is a daughter of God. Never letting go of her faith, and sharing her testimony constantly.

Mothers around the world have been touched by her strength and her deep desire to love and nurture her family, for her commitment to the sacred calling of motherhood. I have been touched too.

"There is no one perfect way to be a good mother. Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children. The choice is different and unique for each mother and each family. Many are able to be 'full-time moms,' at least during the most formative years of their children's lives, and many others would like to be. Some may have to work part- or full-time; some may work at home; some may divide their lives into periods of home and family and work. What matters is that a mother loves her children deeply and, in keeping with the devotion she has for God and her husband, prioritizes them above all else."

M. Russell Ballard

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday Companion

Tuesday is a good day. It means that we survived Monday and we are one day closer to the weekend.

Tuesday evening is my alone time. Evan is at the Stake Center, Kylee is at her institute class, and Taylor is at Young Womens.

So here I sit, catching up on laundry, bills and work, while Chester sits at my side and keeps me company. (OK, not so much on the laundry, but I thought about it...)


Sunday, October 4, 2009


Every October bring many significant events in our lives.

Autumn is upon us. The changing of the seasons is more apparent than other. The brisk cool weather reminds us that winter is just around the corner but are given a season to enjoy the beauty around us.

Evan has a birthday. His hair, more salt now than pepper, yet more distinguished with every passing year.

General Conference. So many uplifting messages that rejuvenate our spirit and mind. A great time to recommit our lives to our Savior as we prepare to celebrate his birth and his life trough the upcoming months.

A sad reminder of a loss. Our dear friend, George Woolfolk, died in a work related accident just 4 years ago this month. He was a wonderful friend that brought joy and happiness into our home every time he walked through the doors. I especially miss feeding him over the holidays.

Summer glory diminishes as the snow starts to top the mountains. The last of the blossoms are holding on with might in a battle with nature that soon will be lost.  May this tiny blossom from my planter box be a reminder to follow Ann Monson Dibb's counsel and

Hold On…


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nature finds a way

Avoiding state street construction, I took a detour around the South Towne Mall today.

I forget that there is a wetlands park there.

Driving near the freeway, I came upon two beautiful geese not at all bothered by onslaught of 6:00 traffic.


In the midst of all sights and sounds of the world around them, they stood there, comfortable in their surroundings, taking time out to find peace, in spite of the chaos. I should take their advise…