Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ode to Chocolate

When a pound and a half of chocolate is good:

When a pound and a half chocolate is NOT good:

Perhaps a better title for this post is: When a Vet induces vomiting, it is not cost effective. (**The Vet told me that it was the biggest mass of chocolate that he has ever seen.)

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  1. Ohhhh, poor Chester! That is too bad, but in a way it's kind of funny, I mean he is always eating the wierdest things!

  2. Ya. pretty scary for a minute. He ate 3x the lethal toxic level of semi-sweet chocolate.

  3. Chester never ceases to amaze me. I hate to laugh when he looks so miserable, but I am laughing. I am glad that you caught it early enough that he survived. It could have been very sad.
