Friday, October 14, 2011

Dear Howard

I loved you in High School.
I even had a sweater that matched this one.

I would often pair it with khaki pants and red socks.
I even had a white belt.

Over 20 years ago, I sat in the Park West venue with the love of my life.
I was finally going to see you. I couldn’t believe it.

Then the storm came.
Lightning. Thunder, COLD rain.

First it was postponed. I waited.
It continued to rain. I waited still.
An hour later, no change. I gave up.

An exodus through the parking lot with so many other disappointed fans.
Later, a rumor that the show was to go on.
I was already 20 minutes down the canyon, soaking wet, cold and stubborn.
I did not return.

My love for you did not die.
Your greatest hits was among the first to be uploaded to my prized and newly acquired iPod.

Many attempts to reunite failed.
Events on the calendar and financial obligations took priority.
But, I promised myself we would make this happen.

Flash forward to 2011.
An event in Sandy seemed promising. FAIL.
Another event last night in St. George. FAIL.
More broken promises.

Dear, Dear Howard.
I guess it is not meant to be.
Unless, you want to come over for dinner.
That, I can do.

1 comment:

  1. I never had the sweater, but I've always been a big fan as well!
