Friday, March 12, 2010

It’s still Christmas here…

Before Christmas last year, I secretly bought tickets to Brian Regan. They arrived with plenty of time to spare and I tucked them in a drawer until I found a moment to wrap them up.

As luck would have it, we were skipping through the cannels on TV and I noticed Bryan Regan on Comedy Central. I stopped so we could watch for a while. I was also hoping for some positive reassurances. Those assurances did not come, in fact, the response was mostly negative. My heart sank. Reluctantly, I wrapped the tickets but added a note of apology.

Tonight was the show. Evan is gone for his “business trip” in Vegas, so our friend Heather used his ticket. The evening started off with dinner, Rowley Style (not always a good thing). We topped it off with a great show and of tears of laughter.

On the way home, we caught the score for the BYU game. I wonder if Evan wished he did not give up his ticket.

Brian Regan


  1. Jackson and Spencer are going to see Brian tonight. The tickets were a birthday gift to Jackson.

    I was hoping that he'd take me along...

  2. What a great tribute to you anyway... brothers that are friends.

  3. Jackson's favorite bit from Brian:

    "Here's one I'm trying out about a chicken on steroids. Here is is... Why did the chicken cross the road? I don't know, but you'd better laugh or I'll crush your head like a walnut!"

    I wish I had bought a third ticket for myself....
