Saturday, September 20, 2014


We have been in our home for eighteen years now.
It’s hard to imagine that that much time has passed.
We are very fond of our home, and especially fond of our neighbors.

Eighteen years ago, when we were putting our yard in,
we laid perfectly green sod and selected the right trees and bushes.
We found the perfect spot to plant each of them.
We watered and cared for it and it flourished.

Over the years, through our own neglect, and even the neglect of others,
an entire lawn was killed off, wild trees and plants took root,
the wrong, evasive plant was placed into the ground,
and weeds crept in from every direction.
Our yard now lacked the beauty that we once imagined.

Ignorance and neglect caused so much damage. The yard was out of control.
It seemed that every time we pulled or plucked, two more invaders returned.

The same can be true for temptation and sin.

If we neglect the commandments, if we ignore our Heavenly Father and forget to pray and study,
we will not be equipped with the tools and the power that we will need
to stand strong and fight against the unwanted invasions (temptations) of the adversary.
Temptation is a weed that will creep in
We must nurture our minds and bodies with the power of Christ
so that we will be deeply rooted in our testimony of His gospel.

Your weakest point will be the point at which Satan tries to tempt you, and will try to win you, and if you have made it weak yourself before you have undertaken to serve the Lord, he will add to that  weakness. Resist him and you will gain in strength. He will tempt you in another point. Resist him and he becomes weaker and you become stronger, until you can say, no matter what your surroundings may be, ‘Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve’ (Luke 4:8)”   ~David O McKay

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